My afib started about 2 months ago and started meds They helped some but still having some afib events at night. I give blood a lot so checked my ferritin levels. Which I learned is different from checking iron. This is checking iron stores (ferritin) . This is your iron storage to replenish iron in blood. It took a week to get results. Mine was very low. Started iron supplements and has stopped my nighttime afib!!! No more giving blood. I’ve read there is an association. Of low iron/ferritin and afib. But most dr don’t know.
Low iron / ferritin : My afib started... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Low iron / ferritin

I'm absolutely with you here.
When I consulted a locum GP a few years back with A/ tachycardia and flutter she drew my attention to blood test results some months previously which showed low ferritin level which had not been acted on.
Fast forward few years and I make sure I have regular ferritin tests. I usually know when levels are low as I have undue tiredness and palpitations.
A course of Ferrous Fumarate in my case makes a big difference.
Hi Yatsura, Low ferritin levels seems to also be a factor in restless leg syndrome. I have both; developed afib in 2011 and rls in 2017. It would be interesting to know how many people with afib later developed restless leg syndrome. It's looking like there may be a strong connection between the two conditions. Would like to hear how anyone who has raised their ferritin levels have improved their AF episodes and rls pain or not. I was at my Pulmonologist today who manages my sleep apnea and my rls. Though kind and interested he didn't seem to have much info re possible connection. irina1975 If I had a choice I'd rather deal with my afib which is well-managed rather than the rls pain.

Yes irina, I have both rls and AF, but it is more likley due to sress than the ferritn (in my case)

I have restless leg - my folate is very low but ferritin is over 100, B12 normal.
I am pretty sure my RL is more e to do with Myasthenia ans nearly all Myasthenics get the twitches and cramps at night.
Do you think B12 and folate might help me. What doses do you take? Thanks irina1975
Yes I realised I had RLS last April when my ferritin levels were 9. I could not relax either sitting reading or trying to sleep at night. Continual need to move legs was driving me mad ! This stopped once my ferritin levels were in a decent range again.
I'm ok at the moment as I'm midway through iron therapy
Hi Sandra. Thanks for your response. I really believe iron infusions are the way to get ferritin levels up quickly and thus stop some of the rls pain. I saw my sleep doctor today and my plan was to go to bat for myself re infusions. I like him but he shot down the infusions saying let's try oral iron. He also said my ferritin needs to be above 50 (mine is currently 48) and he said you're almost at therapeutic level. Which I don't believe. I think it has to be 100 or over. Anyway, he also had his PA (physician's assistant-male) in the room and together they overtalked me re my wanting infusions. I left frustrated and angry with myself for being "schmoozed over" I just don't think he is that into what the pain is like. When my cpap chip record was printed out you could see where I never sleep more than 3 hours at a time. I don't know what my next move will be but meantime I'm thinking about doing everything I can to get the levelup. Food (my dreaded liver up to 2x weekly, 2 iron supplements.) I'm so frustrated. Then he said iron infusions have side effects. What side effects are as bad as rls pain?, He did let slip that if he ordered them I would have to have them done by a hematologist. So I'm going to check with some of my other docs re a referral. I see my EP in March and he is my best chance of being listened to. The sleepdoctor (pulmonologist) did suggest a DA drug. But I said NO! to those before he even finished the sentence. Sorry for this rambling post but I am so frustrated right now and still mad at myself for allowing him to shoot down my suggestions. Angry! Angry! Angry! I also felt like I had 2 male authority figures treating me like a little girl who needs things patiently explained to her. (I'm 5'3 and was sitting in a chair looking small with 2 tall men towering over me. (I'm 73 and hate being made to feel like this.) I'm more mad at myself-I'm usually so good at standing up for myself. Grrrrrrrrr! This evening I also tripped across some info re how levothyroxine-which I take- can contribute to rls probs. I think I really need to find some (very good) B vitamins because I think rx meds draining the body of B vitamins adds to the problem. Does anyone have info re Good brands of B vitamins? Thanks. I think the company vitamins come from is very important. I'm not very trusting. Marketing is not always truthful and often in supplements I wonder if I'm really getting the ingredients I need! irina1975 Edit; Ot's 6:30 AM. Am going to bed again and try to sleep a few hours. Always easier to sleep when it starts getting light outside.
Oh I do understand how you are feeling....particularly being angry with yourself by allowing the medics to talk down to you!
Having been on the rls forum for a short while I have some appreciation of what people go through. Mine was very mild
Incidentally I also take levothyroxine . I don't think my ferritin levels have gone over 35 which my GP is happy with. However , speaking to my Gastroenterologist recently he said that ideally it should be 100.( I have a very slow seepage of blood from the vessel s in my stomach....assisted by warfarin)
Thank you for making us aware of this. I would say this is something everyone who has AF needs to be aware of.
That is interesting to hear. I was a blood donor for years and had low iron when I went to donate in May 2016. I was given paperwork by the donor clinic to take to GP but he said it was not a problem just not to donate for a year. I was diagnosed with A F in September 2016 following a stroke. No one connected the low iron to the AF
The only credible evidence I could find relating iron and AF was an excess of iron causing heart problems. Your diabetes and rhythm control meds are variables which might suggest it is too soon to make a definite link in your case. Do you know your current ferritin level? Are you sure your low ferritin was due to blood donation?
Self medicating with iron supplements may delay diagnosis, or risk iron overload. Suggest you have a talk with your GP about this.
I agree that one should not self diagnose iron deficiency. However I have certainly found a connection between low ferritin and tachycardia in my case.

My ferritin was 10. My sleep dr ordered to check it. I have rls. There is very little written about iron and afib but did find some confirmed studies
Thanks for posting Marion, will check it out. Enjoy your day!
This is an interesting website. Is iron deficiency a matter of greater interest in the USA than in the U.K.?
The comments after the video are worth a look as is the rest of the site.