My ablation damaged my ANode, went into Bradycardia, and needed a pacemaker. Anyone else had this happen?
Pacemaker after ablation: My ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pacemaker after ablation

Really sorry to hear this. And that ablation caused it.
Are you sure it's the ANode as I have never heard of this.
If it's the AV Node then it is the area between the Atrials and Ventricles where the signal from the sinus node briefly stops at before firing the ventricles.
If this node is damaged then no pulse signal will get through and the emergency pacemaker will take over to fire them.
This emergency signal only fires about every 2 seconds giving a pulse of 30 bpm.
This is unsustainable bradycardia and will need a pacemaker.
Sorry to hear this. But I thought they had to deliberately target the AV Node in order for it to be damaged?

Hard to understand this to be honest as the AV node is in the right atrium and ablation for AF is done in the left atrium. Yes the catheter enters the heart from the right and is then passed through the septum into the left but should be nowhere near the AV node.
Not all hearts are built to the correct blueprint mind so maybe yours was one of those and the AV node was not where expected.
Perhaps the OP never had Afib but a re-entry AFlutter that starts in the AV node. AVNRT is the second most common arrhythmia after AFIB.
I had an ablation for SVT in February. They had to stop as the area they needed to ablate was so close to my AV node. They weren't sure if they had managed to ablate enough to stop the SVT.
And how is your SVT now?
The only thing I've had is a fast run of bears that lasted 20 or so seconds which they tell me is normal. Saying that the last few days I've had a lot of ectopic beats which I'm not sure why have just started
I had an ablation 3 years ago for AF and AFl.
No complications but on occasion I get the odd 10 - 20 second run of SVT.
I also get lots of palpations from time to time, this is usually when I am stressed (having a teenage autistic daughter can do that !) but they are worse when I am fighting a virus , I often get bi-geminy or tri-geminy at these times. I'm used to it now though. Unfortunately a lot of us AF-ers just feel every flipping bump and shudder of our hearts.

It has been a stressful time so that may count for them. Thanks for your reply
This was my 4th ablation. The EP said he successfully blocked one flutter and prevented another potential flutter, but unfortunately damaged the AV node due to all the previous scarring. This resulted in a too-low HR and the need for the Medtronic Azure pacemaker four days ago now. Still sore, but seem to be in rhythm and steady HR 60’s and 70’s.
I am being told I need a pacemaker due to bradycardia. I have had pvc's for years and have had 2 instances of Afib in the last 2 years lasting about 9 hours and 3 hours before self correcting. Do you notice the pacemaker working and has it made you feel any different. I am super sensitive to my heartbeats and feel every little thing so am deathly afraid of the pacemaker and being able to feel it working.
Thank you for your reply. Did you notice any difference in the way you feel in terms of energy, etc? Don't know if you suffered from PCV's but if so did it make any difference with those?