Hi, I started with PAF back in 2014, started out on Warfarin but as a veggie wanted to be able to eat lots of green stuff so was moved to Apixaban. Then after seeing a private Cardiologist (who did more cardiac tests than any other Doc I've seen before!) he moved me to Edoxaban and within days it caused major rashes on elbows and elsewhere on the old bod that are still there to this day and will not disappear. but at least I can eat the green stuff in abundance. I still maintain any episode of afib is digestive related because of it only occurring during the night and if I eat anything after 5pm, but that's another topic all of its own!
But my question is, since being on Edoxaban I have experienced severe joint and muscle pain, I'm told it's arthritis which is probably true given my advanced age (77) and I've also been told about something called CBD which can be taken to relieve the pain, has anybody any more info on this, have they tried it and has it worked with other meds such as blood thinners? Thanks in advance....xx