Hi - I am on Xarelto (Rivaroxaban). This week i flew from Marshall Islands to Honolulu - i was there for 14 hours and spent a good deal of it walking, and lay on my bed for less than an hour, then flew to New York (9.5 hours) and walked around New York for the better part of 10 hours, maybe more (45 000 steps) and then 14 hours flight to Johannesburg and then 2 hours later flew another 2 hours to Cape Town - I landed at Midnight on Wednesday. On Thursday my ankles and feet were ridiculously swollen, and sore from the walking. Today (Friday) they are little better - but not normal.
Is this just age and the walking (I am only 48 - so that doesn't make sense as the walking should have helped circulation and prevented the swelling) or is it the anti-coags?
or something else?
As i said, its slowly going back to normal and the swelling is around the feet and ankles only - my GP sister in law says she would be concerned if my calve muscles were swollen, which they aren't.