I'm 67 years old take Rivaroxaban for paroxysmal AF and was today in the entrance to a supermarket, standing talking to friends when a young shop assistant accidentally pushed a tower of supermarket baskets over causing them to fall against my calf. This literally knocked me off my feet and, apart from the shock of finding myself on the floor so suddenly, I worried about the rapidly occurring bruise. I've tried to contact NHS 111 but can't get through and the online option doesn't recognise the injury as serious by the look of it. I wonder if anyone else has experienced something similar? I suppose my worry is internal bleeding.
Bruising: I'm 67 years old take... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Hi, you need to apply cold packs to minimise bruising and swelling for 10-20 minutes. This should be done three times a day for 48 hours. If you’re worried, keep trying 111 online or by phone. Hope that helps. Xxx
The only option to be sure is a visit to a doctor, GP or A&E. My friend fell and he's on warfarin - lots of bruising but of no concern. I doubt there will be any problem in your case, similarly. Bruising is always a frightening thing to see happening.
I am on Edoxaban and have fallen so many times with really nasty bruising. I was told that unless there are other signs like swelling, redness and heat then only to go yo A and E if you have banged your head.
Your reply was very reassuring to read and I'm very grateful to you for replying to me. Thank you.
Hope the bruising will go quickly. I only have to bang myself against a door or similar to have a lovely purple bruise. Best wishes.
You may wish to read the comparison study done on Rivaroxaban vs Eliquis that was recently published on Steve Ryan's website a-fib.com and switch to Eliquis as the lower dosage 2x daily is safer and keeps you in target rate better. More bleeding with Xarelto
I tripped and fell forward on my knees. I was so stunned. Surprisingly I didn't even bruise. I came down hard. I do bruise in the soft tissues. Just watch yourself. You'll realize if all is not well.