I had an ablation five weeks ago which , so far, has been successful. However I had the most spectacular bruising from the catheter on my right leg. My leg was black and blue all the way down and my foot is still discoloured and bruised. Has anyone else experienced this. Dr said it would not cause any lasting problems but it was very painful.
Bad bruising: I had an ablation five... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Bad bruising

My leg looked like a Jackson Pollock painting for ages so don't worry it will fade eventually. I found it a good guide to my recovery in that once the bruise faded away then I knew that my heart was starting to heal.
Similar experience here to, just make sure there is no inflammation at the entry point in your groin.

Thank you, no inflammation. Entry point healed well
I've heard of bruising down to the knee, but to the foot! No, have never been aware of any members saying that's happened to them. I expect there'll be lots of posts now saying it was like that for them and hopefully that will re-assure you.
After one of my ablations I had a hard lump in my groin and was convinced that something must have been left behind, but it was a haematoma (blood clot). We live and learn don't we!
How are you feeling now?
Hidden and BobD did your bruising go down to the foot, as PennyMary's did or to the knee? Have never heard anyone on here say theirs went down to their foot, but may have missed you saying it did.
Strangely enough, I have just come out of the shower (too much information I hear you say) and whilst there that thought crossed my mind, especially after 5 weeks. I suggest PennyMary contacts the hospital rather than going back to her GP. Hopefully it is just part of the healing process but should be checked nevertheless. Thanks Jean for raising the point.
Oh yes, I’m 4 weeks out and my legs are still painful. The bruise, not so bad as yours! I did get the doctor to check after a week as it was killing me. She said it all looked fine ....
In actual fact, the more I do, the less the pain.
Hi. Yes happenned to me after an ablation. Also extremely painful down my leg which apparantly was my system getting rid of waste products following the ablation. I've got a lovely photo but don't know how to attach it here !
Are you on aspirin by any chance? I ask as I was put on daily 75mg aspirin for some reason 7 years ago. I had a 0.5mph fall off my push bike which should have merited a small bruise near my hip but which spread to my ankle. I had a second issue which was a bit more serious but again the bruising was really massive, so I stopped taking the aspirin, and I stopped getting that massive overbruising.
This article suggests that this is normal and is partly the result of anticoagulants used during the procedure. It might be worth contacting the hospital for reassurance. a-fib.com/faqs-a-fib-ablati...

Thank you. I have read the article and it does mention blood thinners contributing to bruising which is just as paramedic I spoke to said. I do feel reassured and it is gradually fading.
I think that you should contact the hospital, not GP. I had a similar problem in my arm following an angiogram through my wrist. The bruising was right up past my elbow. It seemed to start fading Then would go bright purple again.
Thank you everyone for your replies. I am seeing cardiologist about medications very soon and will ask his opinion to. It helps to know others have suffered the same problems
Yes I had an ablation in March and read that there may be bruising and sure enough it was spectacular but not so painful. The blood thinners do there no clotting thing so a huge purple stain all down the leg was the order of the day. However it faded fairly quickly a little bit at a time until it was gone
I've had 2 ablations. My first had lots and lots of bruising, even the back side of my knees. It didn't hurt, just looked scary. My second ablation had almost no bruising. Just a thumb size brush at entry point.
Take care
Yes, just keep an eye on it to check that it is not becoming hot to the touch or red and swollen. I had to have a haematoma drained after my first ablation.