I am quite new to the forum and I can see you are a really helpful lovely lot and I’ve already made a few supportive friends in the short time I’ve replied to some of your posts. I hope you can help.
I’m paroxysmal AF. Undiagnosed infrequent attacks for about 10 years, until last Summer, they were every 3 weeks, longer duration and higher HR each time. My last attack in medicated lasted 12 hours and HR st highest 184 bpm (i have an applewatch) . I went to A&E in September when I hit another attack & they diagnosed AF and prescribed bisoprolol 2.5 mg.
I’ve only ever seen a cardiologist once, last October. I was trying to taper off bisop then & was down to 1.25 mg when I saw him. He suggested as I was aiming to get off the bisop, that I had a pill in pocket, told me take fleconaide ( 300 mg in two doses over an hour) and gave me a prescription for propanolol, to take initially at the attack once I was off the bisoprolol.
When I came off Bisop in the November, I went straight into AF just after midnight. I took the PIP, reverted to SR within a couple of hours, but was scared. I went back on the bisoprolol within the week after trying atenolol, which I had a reaction to it.
I’ve been back on bisop ever since and now tapered down to 1.6 mg approx. This is due to side effects as I struggle with it.
I don’t take an AOC as I’m CHADS 0 and apparently I don’t need to yet. At some point in the near future, I do want to try and come off the bisop again as I’ve been trying out many different things with my diet and taking magnesium and vitamin D especially (I’m insufficient in Vitamin D after recent blood test) but it struck me I don’t know what to take if I have a break through attack. The regime the cardiologist gave me was as if I was no longer on bisoprolol, but I’m not, I’m still on it.
I was promised a follow up with the cardiologist in January, but never got an appointment. I was supposed to be discussing the possibility of ablation too. I’ve chased three times and I know emails have been sent to him by his secretary, but there’s been no response 😳
I have tried asking the Arythmia nurses what I need to do, but they said I should really be discussing it with him or my GP. My GP doesn’t know about pills in pocket or what to take and tells me to speak to cardiology. 🤷🏼♀️
So I’m in a quandary. If I get an attack at night would there still be sufficient bisop in my blood to just take flec considering I’d taken the initial pill in the morning? Or should I take another 1.25 bisop and wait a while before the flec? I don’t want to have too much bisop in my blood stream or go ‘out of synch’ as I hate bisop and how it makes me feel at higher doses.
Added to this, I was originally told to take 300 mg of fleconaide as a PIP by cardiology. They never weighed me. I’ve since been told ( by others in forums) it’s too much for my weight as I’m 11st ( 5 foot 8) I did Google it too snd it seems to be true. I didn’t feel great after taking that amount in Nov in one hit, I must admit. It was my first time taking it and scared enough as it was, so next time I will try 200 mg. I also had a few chest pains for a few days afterwards, but not sure if it was that.
I don’t have anything structurally wrong with my heart after the echocardiogram last year.
I am hoping to get an ablation and am waiting for a call to now see an EP privately in next couple of weeks as I’d be waiting forever with my hospital. As I can’t live like this with all the uncertainty and lack of advice and support from professionals who just seem to be waiting for my condition to worsen before I get taken seriously 😒 ( that’s how it feels) I’d really appreciate any help or advice anyone can offer who is in similar boat to me?
Thankyou in advance a sorry for long post!