Well it’s day 4, don’t know if this is normal, I can’t stop feeling cold and shivery, I feel cold anyway because of blood thinners but my body is sensitive and I feel so cold. Had a slight irregular HB this morning so trying hard not to be disappointed yet. Does colchicine make you cold by any chance.
Shivering 4 days post ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...
Shivering 4 days post ablation

No, it’s not normal to feel cold and shivery after ablation.
Regarding colchicine - don’t know but you could look it up.
What can make you cold is:- reaction to the procedure and drugs - GA or Sedation? Poor circulation - especially if you are inactive? Your body struggling to keep body temperature regulated - usually an ANS regulation problem and something that as you age becomes worse, in my experience.
How does your wound look?
Have you actually taken your temperature or do you just feel cold all the time? Is your core temperature within normal range?
How are your O2 sats?
If you feel ill and cold and clammy then you should consult doctor asap but otherwise I would see how you are and remember that it’s cold outside, well where I live it is and I’m cold, no matter what the temperature inside is but if you are shivery all the time then it may be worth a call to the Arrythmia nurse.
Definitely follow CDreamers advice. Cold is one thing, shivery is another. It's Sunday. If you start to feel worse or get worried call 111. Explain you're post op and they'll probably out you through to a duty GP.
A low body temperature of 35 and feeling cold could be signs that your thyroid needs checking. Please explain these symptoms to your GP and ask for this to be done.
Hi , I’ve done two covid tests this morning and both are positive then went to a test centre and did another one , should get results in 24/48 hours . Now I’m scared because I don’t know how bad I’m going to get and especially after a heart op.
Bless you, I cant think that your ablation would make your symptoms any worse. I would guess no more than a burn on the finger would. You may have had Covid for a few days as you've not felt right for a while. Lets hope you have and in a few days it will be gone.
I wonder if you caught it in hospital? Keep in touch and let us know how you get on please, will be thinking of you.
Wishing you well.
Jean x
Thank you, the hospital did covid test on the way in to hospital and it was negative, I started to feel I’ll yesterday so I’m really hoping it’s going to be mild.It always think of all the scary stories on the news where people have been bad .
I heard a doctor saying a few days ago that vitamin C helps if you have Covid. Wrap yourself up warm, put another jumper, fleece or cardigan on and gloves on your hands if you feel you need them. Honestly, I do all of those things when I'm cold, then top it with a shawl (proper old granny). I don't care!
Feel free to private message me if you need support.
Jean x
I have had 1 ablation, and I had no symptoms after dr wards, not even pain. I assume that you do not have a fever.
I think I would phone my dr right away to see what he thinks.
hi, I think Jeannie's right on all counts. I hope you can take care of yourself or someone else can help? All the best, hoping you will feel much better soon x
That's very unfortunate timing with covid, if that proves to be the case. Jean's advice sounds good. And follow up with gp or cardiology team if in doubt or things worsen? I was super cold when I developed underactive thyroid (from amiodarone) but I'm no medic and I'm sure there could be other reasons. 2 jabs should mean a milder response re covid but I'd say you're right to be cautious and take especially good care of yourself post procedure. Wishing you well 🌸
I didn't get that after my ablation, but I get anxiety attacks occasionally and that's the main symptom, then it feeds on itself. Maybe you're overly anxious about it and that's causing the shivers?
How are you doing now? Did you check your temperature? There's a difference between feeling cold and the shivery feeling that comes with fever. Try not to worry if your temperature is normal and you just feel cold. Yesterday was a very cold day and your body's taking time to adjust. You had a general anaesthetic- your body needs time.
If you start to feel much worse, please contact your doctor. You are vulnerable after just having had a procedure, and may need anti-virals which have proved very effective if taken in the first few days. They are Malnupiravir, Sotrovimab and Ronapreve to name a few. Your GP will know about them and prescribe them. Just don't leave if you start to feel worse. I hope it doesn't come to that, good wishes for a speedy recovery.
Hello Electricblue. My son & daughter in law have recently had it. It was mild for them. A low temperature is a sign of illness as much as a high one.. Given you've just had an ablation I would contact your GP & also the Consultants Secretary. Unless the hospital gave you a tel number to contact them on afterwards. I think its important they follow you through. As Irene says there are antivirals they can give you and in your case they may decide to do this to reduce the effects of covid whilst your heart recovers from the procedure. Hope you feel better soon.
I'm so sorry you picked up the dreaded. I agree you'll be more vulnerable. The advice above is good.
So sorry you got that. I’m sure it’s even scarier after the ablation. Prayers for you to feel better quick!
Hello Electricblue, Having AFIB for over 30 years and living in and out of the ER it seems like, the best solution I have found to help me through these trials is to TRUST in "GOD." I realized that the doctors can only do what our Savior allows them to do. I can tell you with AUTHORITY that I have been close to death on more than one occasion and I just gave it to "GOD" every time and HE has always brought me through it and I am always AMAZED! I will pray that the LORD will comfort your thoughts and emotions and that HE will bring you HEALING and PEACE that he alone can give to us. Just TRUST in HIM and watch what happens, you will be just as AMAZED as I was. I Hope and Pray your situation improve's for the better. "GOD BLESS".
Hello Electriblue1,
Just a comment on colchicine. It is very effective at helping the tissue heal from the ablation and reducing the chance of Pericarditis. Studies have suggested the longer you are on it the better the chance afib will not return in the future. The studies are on pubmeds and nih.gov.
Now the bad news, in many studies it was discontinued because it caused diarrhea in some, but not all people. It is a useful med, just be aware of diarrhea as a potential side effect.
You have enough going on without that.
Be well,
Oh dear COVIDDont forget HAT as well as dressing Gown, sox and gloves.
I take McCoys dark grape juice no add sugar or preservatives. Drink straight one a day or add some water as well. You will crack this viral Covid.
I pray as well to keep you safe. If you have a cuddly dog he/she will keep you warm! Or cat.
Thinking of you.
Get well soon.
Thank you, this is day 5 , still feel drained , getting breathless now , I’ve had strange blood clots in my mouth since yesterday, I’m hoping they are from my nose plus I’ve not had periods for years as post menopausal but yesterday had blood so really concerned about that.
Hi. Do see the DR or ring emergency as at Day 5. PLEASE. Do you take PRADAXA? Blood clots in mouth that is strange.
You need lots of R & R.
Cheri JOY