Olive Oil: Does anyone know if it is... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Olive Oil

Nannyamerica profile image
59 Replies

Does anyone know if it is safe to take Olive Oil daily with anticoagulants?

I can't get a straight answer on google.

Thank you.

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Nannyamerica profile image
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59 Replies
BobD profile image

Jolly well hope so! All out cooking is done in extra virgin . If you are worried ask your pharmacist.

Nannyamerica profile image
Nannyamerica in reply to BobD

Thank you that is a good idea. 👍

Finvola profile image

I hope so too - use it for cooking and making dressings. It never crossed my mind that there might be an incompatibility!

Nannyamerica profile image
Nannyamerica in reply to Finvola

Thank you

Camille777 profile image

I rarely fry anything, but I use olive oil for anything you would use butter or cooking oil. I also use it on salad. It has no sodium in it. Actually, there is a theory that it lowers the risk of AF.

Nannyamerica profile image
Nannyamerica in reply to Camille777

Thank you

JaneFinn profile image

I think it’s absolutely fine :)

I asked my GP about high strength fish oil supplements while on anticoagulants, and she said there was a ‘moderate warning’ on fish oil supplements because of also having ‘blood thinning qualities’ (but that if she were me she would still take them, as the benefits outweigh the risks).

Re Olive oil she did not find any warnings even. She recommended to have a diet rich in olive oil as it’s a good thing for heart health :)

Always a good idea to double check with the pharmacist though- they are the experts at these things. (Do let us know if you hear any unexpected negatives!) Jx

Nannyamerica profile image
Nannyamerica in reply to JaneFinn

Oh wow! Thanks so much for the info...

CDreamer profile image

As I buy by the 5L can & both OH & I on A/Cs - hope so too.

Proper Virgin Olive Oil has been used for millennia for medicinal purposes. Just beware that many supermarkets cut their’s with cheap vegetable oils so you would lose the benefit.

Nannyamerica profile image
Nannyamerica in reply to CDreamer

Thank you

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to CDreamer

CD I thought olive oil shouldn't be used at a high temperature. Have I got that wrong?

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to jeanjeannie50

It’s the best oil for higher temperatures as it tolerates but no oil is good over certain temperatures but as I don’t normally fry things it doesn’t worry me. I tend to use butter or coconut oil more for sweating down onions but I add a little olive oil so butter doesn’t burn. I mostly use for dressings and bread dipping instead of butter with Balsamic and salt - delicious.

Nannysue1 profile image
Nannysue1 in reply to CDreamer

Yum and add, dukkah for dipping to the bread, oil and balsamic vinegar, delicious and nutritious too.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Nannysue1

Not tried that but got me salivating…..

Nannysue1 profile image
Nannysue1 in reply to CDreamer

You can buy but really easy to make. Just loads of seeds, nuts and spices. Dip bread in oil and balsamic and then into dukkha, you wont regret it.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to CDreamer

Walnut and hazelnut oil also work quite well to stop butter burning. I use them when sweating down leeks or mushrooms for a risotto. They are more expensive than even virgin olive oil but give a different (I think better) taste . I always use olive for sweating onions for casseroles but sometines use duck or goose fat as well. I live close to the duck and walnut producing areas of Perigord. I remember when we did classes in Brum to revive our rusty school French our teacher used longevity statistics to teach a large numbers lesson. The centre /centre west of France definitely was the winner then ( not surprisingly the olive oil swilling south). His sister lived in our dept and he said that the denizens fried their chips in duck fat! You can't beat a dressing of virgin olive oil , balsalmic vinegar , sea salt and black pepper for salads.

Nannysue1 profile image
Nannysue1 in reply to Auriculaire

We have a second home in The Charente, also glut of duck and walnut region. Lucky arent we.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to CDreamer

I'm wondering what oil do you cook roast potatoes in?

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to jeanjeannie50

Not cooked roast potatoes for about 10 years………used to be Goose Fat

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to jeanjeannie50

Duck or goose fat make great roast spuds.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Auriculaire

Thank you. I'm avoiding animal fat at the moment in case it triggers a gallbladder attack. Waiting to have it removed, but by cutting out most fatty foods I've been about a year without any pain. I spoke to my consultant recently to see if it really needed removing and he said one of my stones is particularly large, also I would regret not having it done now, if it kicked off again a few years time.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to jeanjeannie50

My sister had her gall bladder removed a few years ago. It was in such a bad state it was very infected and on the point of rupturing. She was really lucky as they were going to discharge her after she had had iv antibiotics for a couple of days but there was a big panic due to a massive RTA in Huddersfield that night and nobody about to do the paperwork. When the consultant did his rounds the next day he was surprised to find her still there but said as he had a gap in his schedule he could fit her op in that afternoon. If she had been sent home as planned she would have ruptured as the antibiotics had not reduced the infection.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Auriculaire

Oh my goodness, thankfully she was lucky to get hers done so quickly then!

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to jeanjeannie50

She had been ill with it for some time with episodes of severe pain and vomiting in the night. Finally going to the doctors in agony she was sent to A&E where they gave her oral antibiotics - which did not work hence the iv antibiotics in hospital. But she would have been sent home and had to wait for the op if it hadn't been for the RTA.

colo60 profile image
colo60 in reply to CDreamer

I believe , from research that Rapeseed is the best at high temperature along with olive oil, the 2 standouts, only what I researched on cooking oil..

Shcldavies profile image
Shcldavies in reply to jeanjeannie50

Yes, so did I, it was based on US tests which omitted to tell us that it used poor quality olive oil (mixed with other oils), however tests using good quality olive oil demonstrate that while olive oil has a low smoke temperature it does retain much of its good qualities and considered to be one of the best (healthiest) of oils for frying in normal temperature. Money talks and there is a view that the US tests were little more than scams to keep profits up in the US cooking oil industry where olive oil is not prominent. Another snit-bit I picked up is that the greener the olive oil the better as this demonstrates the olives were not quite ripe and contained more of the good stuff, the taste is also better with a stronger peppery taste.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Shcldavies

One way to test if it’s good quality is to put in the fridge. If it doesn’t solidify then it’s not Pure Olive Oil. Greek or Italian Olive Oil is considered better quality in Europe.

Shcldavies profile image
Shcldavies in reply to CDreamer

Thank you, thats worth knowing if there is any doubt about the quality, does the oil solidifying affect its taste?

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Shcldavies

Not at all. As soon as it comes back to room temperature it’s fine. I buy my oil in cans directly from a Greek family which sell direct, I share an order with friends to reduce costs. It’s delicious.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to CDreamer

Hi CD, that greek connection sounds good. We buy our oil direct through New Dawn Traders as a sustainable way to buy overseas goods openfoodnetwork.org.uk/new-...

Fran22 profile image
Fran22 in reply to Shcldavies

As a rule of thumb (I understand) the lighter the oil is in colour the better it is for frying. I would only use extra virgin olive oil for salads or dipping as a high heat would change its structure.

Cha275rL profile image
Cha275rL in reply to jeanjeannie50

My son says that too, Jean, and he’s really into things like that.

RobertELee profile image
RobertELee in reply to jeanjeannie50

No, you are right. It’s very much a low temperature oil.

lovetogarden profile image
lovetogarden in reply to jeanjeannie50

I don’t use it for roasting anything on high heat in the oven, it smokes too much and sets my smoke alarm off!😱 But I use it at lower oven temps and for everything else on stove.

paolina profile image
paolina in reply to CDreamer

Here the cheap olive oil is mixed with olive oil from other European countries (particularly places from east Europe) which I think is what they do in the UK if it's labelled as being olive oil it has to be from olives or are they allowed to mix it with other oils now despite being labelled as Olive Oil? I thought I saw something about the colour but can't find it now, the colour has nothing to do with the quality in fact I always find the dark green ones a bit bitter!

KentAndrew profile image

I have a low carb / medium fat diet and use extra Virgin olive oil, butter, ghee and coconut oil for all my cooking. They are far better for us than the ultra refined vegetable oils.

Roto profile image

Rapeseed oil is just as good if not better for cooking

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Roto

That's what I use it's organic too.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Roto

Doesn't taste as good.

Roto profile image
Roto in reply to Auriculaire

Agree with that..👍

Ppiman profile image

If you search for "DOAC food interactions" you'll find what you need without any wobbliness in the answers! ;-)

For example: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...


Nannyamerica profile image
Nannyamerica in reply to Ppiman

Thank you for the info.

Tryfan profile image

I hope so too. Gave up butter and other fats in favour of Olive Oil 3 years ago. Take Apixaban with no perceived side effects.

Skertchly profile image

A teaspoon a day is fine if you feel you need it.

Nannyamerica profile image
Nannyamerica in reply to Skertchly

That's what I was going to do...but after reading dinamariea message below I'm even more confused as to what to do .

dinamariea profile image

This reply is not a direct response to you question but it has to do with the oil part. Please read the book by Dr. Esselstyn called Prevent and Reverse Heart disease and he will inform you that no amount of oil of any kind, even olive oil is good for you. it damages the inside of the arteries, the endothelial lining. All the plant based doctors agree. It is not a health food. Plus oil is very high in calories, I believe the most caloric dense food out there. It is also not a whole food, it is processed. Read books by Dr. Furhman, Dr. Ornish, Dr. McDougall, Dr. Gregor, Dr. Barnard and Dr. T. Colin Campbell, all highly regarded doctors in the plant based world, having been doctors for decades now, and they will all tell you to say no to oil of any kind, including fish oil.

Nannyamerica profile image
Nannyamerica in reply to dinamariea

Oh wow! Thank you...I had heard a teaspoon of extra virgin oil a day was really good for you...I think I've' changed my mind after reading your message.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Nannyamerica

I think most of Europe will stick with Olive Oil - as a food - as it is a part of the Mediterranean Diet. As someone said it’s probably not generally as easily available in US. Opinion will always be divided and I believe that different diets suit different people. I stay with high fat, low carb, low protein as much as possible but with lots of green veg and brassicas so that at least 50% of my plate will be green veg, including breakfast.

andyk0001 profile image

We use olive oil for cooking. No problem with Apixaban for nearly a year now.

Nannyamerica profile image
Nannyamerica in reply to andyk0001

Thank you.

BlueINR profile image

I've been taking warfarin for 12 years and regularly use olive oil on vegetables and salad.

Nannyamerica profile image
Nannyamerica in reply to BlueINR

Thank you.

RoyMacDonald profile image

I've been taking both for the last two years. I'm 78 now. I take a table spoon of olive oil with a small amount of lemon juice every morning on an empty stomach. I'm virtually free of my SVT episodes now. On Apixaban twice a day.

All the best.


Nannyamerica profile image
Nannyamerica in reply to RoyMacDonald

That's interesting thank you ...

Rubyray profile image
Rubyray in reply to RoyMacDonald

I started taking that yesterday to relieve constipation caused from taking Flecainide. no real results yet.

Storyjo1 profile image
Storyjo1 in reply to Rubyray

Coconut oil works for me.

Ginny_Ickle profile image

Yes, we usually use olive oil and rice bran oil, sometimes a little avocado or nut oil.

Storyjo1 profile image

Coconut oil in my coffee in the morning works for me.

doodle68 profile image

I love olive oil and it is part of a Mediterranean diet which is recommended as being good for the heart by many doctors...


At the moment I am eating Belazu Verdemanda olive oil from Waitrose, waitrose.com/ecom/products/...

it is peppery and nutty. I have a little bowl every day often with a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar and into that I dip a small home made wholemeal bread roll.

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