I have had lots of breakthroughs of afib recently on Flecainide and even on quite high doses is not calming things - my cardiologist ahs suggested we try a change to dronedarone - has anyone else done this and if so what's the experience been like ?
Flecainide v Dronedarone : I have had... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Flecainide v Dronedarone

Dronadarone (Multaq) was the great white hope some years ago when it first came out (2008 from memory) but fell out of favour after some class actions in USA due to poor selection of candidates and some liver problems I believe. It is a derivative of amiodarone without the iodine which causes so many problems.
From time to time some doctors try it again so you could try using the search box top right and see the responses. Although I was involved around the time of the initial release I have never taken it myself so can't comment on efficacy.
Thanks John that's encouraging to hear as you say failure of drugs is what really gets you considering ablation.

Glad is works for you John.
Yes dmac same for me, I was on Flecainide and went back into persistent AF January last year so they did a cardioversion and put me on 200mg x 2 a day of Dronedarone. So far so good 🤞 but this is a very toxic drug and you will need your bloods monitored regularly also your QT interval checked. You need to take it with food as it’s quite hard on the stomach. I wish you all the best.
After two ablations the only drug which managed to control my AF was Amiodarone but after 8 months my eyes were being affected by it , my liver was OK, I had previously been on flecainide. I went in for a third ablation having been off the Amiodarone for 2 weeks and was all ready but my consultant changed his mind at the last moment and said was I happy to be sent home as he didn't wish to disturb my heart as it looked fine on the ECG and put on Dronedarone. I had monthly checks and now 3 monthly and have to say for 10 months it has been doing me proud.
hi dmac i have been taking dronederone coming up to 2 years now if i remember right, i still have approx 24 hour bouts of afib every7 to 10 days, but its somewhat calmer with dronederone and bisoprolol,but its still an unwanted experience