THE IKEA TEST?: The following... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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RaySyl profile image
13 Replies

The following conversation took place about 17 years ago between myself and a Orthopaedic Guy ( I have never met an Orthopaedic Gal, have you?) about my first TKR - Total Knee Replacement.

Consultant: "You do realise that the knee op I am recommending is an analgesic procedure, which should relieve most of the pain you are in now. It won't be as good as your knee used to be. What are your expectations?"

Me: "I understand that there will be limitations but it would be nice to pass 'THE IKEA TEST. Will I be able to walk right around our local IKEA store without stopping because of the excruciating pain?"

Consultant: "Almost certainly, although I cannot guarantee the you will not experience pain in your wallet ."

I walked around the same IKEA store today , the first time in two years because of Covid, and found the experience very painful but in a completely different way. My Afib. left me feeling exhausted. Early next month I am listed for the insertion of a Bi-ventricular Pacemaker and follow up Av node Ablation. As I shuffled round I thought back to the conversation I'd had with the Orthopaedic Guy all those years ago. What are my present expectations for the Pace and Ablate procedure I am about to undergo? It would, I think, be really nice to pass a new THE IKEA TEST and walk around the bloody place without feeling like the Old Man I appear to have become.

Do you have a cardiological IKEA TEST? If so what is it?

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RaySyl profile image
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13 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

Mine is mowing my back lawn. On a good day I can do it in one go, but on a bad one I have to take breaks and perhaps need 2 separate ones of about 30 minutes. It's so annoying!!


Desanthony profile image

Love it! Yes cutting the lawn is the test. Absolutely poleaxed me.

CDreamer profile image

GOOD question!

10 years ago it would have been to be able to sail the oceans and dive again. Yesterday it was to wake up in the morning without being so fatigued and stiff after playing Bowls yesterday, that getting into the shower would be like climbing Everest!

Hey ho - I’m heading for the shower and think I’ll make it - Physio is coming at 8.30 !

Of how our goals have changed!

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to CDreamer

10 years ago I gave my last dance performance. I could work 4 hours in the garden and then go teach my dance class. Now if I can clean my bedroom in 2 goes rather than 3 or work more than 2 hours in the garden it is a triumph !

Singwell profile image

Love this post! Walk up Hergest Ridge. It's 15 min steep incline. Don't care how slow, don't care how many stops, just want that view, me, sky, husband, larks.

Adalaide2020 profile image

Yes I do but it's to walk my dog in our woods. On bad days he is taken to the beach where there are seats every few yards so I can rest. But I long to be able to walk him whenever I want and as far as I want. My IKEA is amongst trees that IKEA have not got their hands on yet😆. I do wish you well with your pace and ablate. 🌻

LindaDaisy profile image

Every Saturday I visit the hairdressers. I then walk up a hill to the library and the main shopping street. I gauge my heart health on how far I get without having to stop enroute.

Offcut profile image

I have other conditions to go with my IAF but my lawn cutting is great benchmark. It is a small one too! I cannot do it in one day and some days the wife takes over. Then the weather if it drops below 3 degree C then I am struggling to walk down my path.

I was down for a Pace and Ablate but after a look around in the heart and flat lining me! (Now that was a strange thing to watch on the monitor) it was decided not to do it? I have never found out why?

Be Well

bassets profile image

I would love to go riding again but it won't happen. I'm grateful I can walk my dog and enjoy life.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to bassets

It's odd you should talk about riding, because this week I wondered if I'd ever ride a horse again. I sent a text to my old friend who I used to ride with 40 years ago and suggested we meet half way, find a stable and do exactly that. She said she didn't think she could lift her leg high enough to get on a horse now, but would practice on her gate. Last time we rode together was on Dartmoor and I had one of the local hunts horses "Concord" - need I say more! It was lucky that I managed to stay on the back of that horse and get off alive

I'm ashamed of how inactive I've become over the years. Would love a long walk today, but it's too hot (always have an excuse why I can't do something).

Why do you feel you cant ride now? There are a lot of good old plod along horses.


bassets profile image
bassets in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi, I think it's possibly lack of confidence, plus I found I had osteoporosis and worried that a fall could do major damage. I am probably a big wuss! When I was a kid my friend and I used to hire ponies at her local stables and go off on our own for the day. We rode on the downs near us. I remember falling off and laughing and then getting back without turning a hair. I would have to have a plodder these days!

Kaz747 profile image

I think I’m allergic to IKEA. I have only ever been twice. I hate the size of the place and the one way nature of it. I’m not a shopper at the best of times. That said my daughter bought me a lovely IKEA TV cabinet for my birthday 😀

RaySyl profile image
RaySyl in reply to Kaz747

I wish I was allergic to IKEA. We always spend more than we intend in the place. At the moment IKEA is useful as a Before and After Marker. When I trudged round the place on Tuesday I felt dreadful. I will return a few weeks after I have undergone the Pace and Ablate procedure and see if the operation has 'worked' - whatever that means in the context of matters relating to my heart!

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