Af after covid vaccine : Hi i had my... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Af after covid vaccine

gingerfurball profile image
41 Replies

Hi i had my covid vaccine on tue, felt a bit rough for a couple of days but nothing major, then my heart kicked off early hours of thur morning and it hasn't been right since, I'd been well since August last year after having my 2nd ablation in april, has anyone else had this side affect of the oxford vaccine and did your heart settle back down after a while.

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gingerfurball profile image
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41 Replies
bantam12 profile image

Yes I had the Oxford on 2nd March and have had a very twitchy heartrate since, so annoying and I'm unsure about having the 2nd one in May.

gingerfurball profile image
gingerfurball in reply to bantam12

It's very annoying, im feeling the same about having my second one as well, the worst thing is i spoke to my cardiologist on Monday and was telling him how well I've been and we talked about taking me off my medication once I'd had a a 7 day ecg reading, its so frustrating 😫

Jay10 profile image
Jay10 in reply to bantam12

Same here bantam12, usually affects me during the night but by morning all is settled. Had mine at the end of January so second one due fairly soon.

Leechg profile image

Hi, yes I had flu type symptoms, stabbing head pains and twitchy heart for two to three days after. Not looking forward to second one but will definitely go for it.

Tennisking profile image
Tennisking in reply to Leechg

Exactly the same experience for me, with short runs of arrhythmia. It did settle down and still happy to have the vaccines.

Chris147 profile image
Chris147 in reply to Leechg

Hi was this the Oxford too.

Leechg profile image
Leechg in reply to Chris147

Yes I had the Oxford one.

RoyM profile image

One thing for certain, suffering from Corvid 19 would be much much worse than a period of AF and assuming of course it was the vaccine that was responsible. Stay safe

jondeanp profile image
jondeanp in reply to RoyM

Dying would be much worse than a period of AF, but getting Covid for some may not be worse. My AF episodes have in all but one case required medical intervention. I was in AF for 18 months while waiting for an ablation. I’m concerned about being put in this position again to protect me against a virus that has a very slim chance of making me very ill.

RoyM profile image
RoyM in reply to jondeanp

Everyone s individual choice. There is no evidence to suggest the vaccine causes anything but short lived symptoms. For me the prospect of playing Russian roulette with Corvid 19 v AF no contest I have been in AF permanently for five years. I went into AF long before Corvid was even a word so I can't blame the vaccine. Life is a risk and we all make our choices and live with the consequences of that decision...good luck.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to jondeanp

I am thinking a long similar lines. Having had only 2 very brief episodes under 1 hour in 7 years I am very reluctant to have the Covid jab and hoping a new vaccine (or the Pfizer one) will emerge after the stats have been compiled that is least likely to kick off AF. I will then get in the queue.

in reply to jondeanp

I have read that people who have a strong reaction to infection also have a strong reaction to vaccine. Because peoples immune systems can attack their heart and part of heart issues. Have you had inflammation levels tested? The immune system can attack the heart muscle which accumulates ...something or other...can't remember what its called now...but I do remember that people with higher immune reaction get worse illness and worse reactions and that that's also a factor for heart health...can't remember if it was afib or flutter or congestive heart failure or just general heart issues where I was reading that. As it didn't apply to me I kinda glossed over it and only half registered the basic gist of it. You'd have to look up autoimmune and heart health to get more details on it. My autoimmunenand inflammatory levels have been low since doing wim Hoff for my immune system for arthritis and joints pains and generally half arsedly changing my diet a bit... So I'm hoping it won't affect me strongly either way. If you can help your immune system to calm down maybe that will help...lots of zinc rich foods vitamin c rich ...vitamin d and k2... And maybe look into if the heart issues are autoimmune related because the only thing the vaccine does is to stimulate the immune system ...its not supposed to do anything else like mess with metabolites or blood or nerves or muscles.....I'll see if I can find the thing I was reading again. I've been reading so much and only taking in what seems relevant so sorry to be so vague.

in reply to

Looking back over my history that might have been something I picked up from something which seems to be quite controversial about lectins in beans grains. So might actually be bollox. There's so much conflicting info about everything these days its hard to just sift the wheat from the lectins lol! Anyway he seems to be a bit of a nut. It could just be the stress of it all as well like its a scary disease and so much scare about vaccines going around maybe the worry is just taking its toll along with your immune system being triggered to build its army of anti covid cells. that probably is hard work on the body.

BigDunc profile image

I was in AF when I had the vaccine and found the day after my HR was running quite high 150-160 bpm after doing some DIY and had to take a rest for a few hours which is unusual for me. Things settled down later on and I flipped back into Sinus that day and AF symptoms back to normal prior to the jab

Jay10 profile image

I have had an unhappy heart since the vaccine. Usually during the night it wakes me up and I am aware the it has that lumpy feeling.Like you worried that my 2nd jab may make things worse, had my cryo in 2008 btw.

Take care xx

Chris147 profile image
Chris147 in reply to Jay10

Did you have the oxford

Jay10 profile image
Jay10 in reply to Chris147

Hi Chris, yes I did have Oxford. Wasnt a choice at the drs.

gingerfurball profile image
gingerfurball in reply to Jay10

Yes mine wakes me up during the night and i have that lumpy feeling in my chest all the time, been getting out of breath doing my normal stuff as well, im hoping it will settle down.

Jay10 profile image
Jay10 in reply to gingerfurball

Likewise gingerfurball, fingers crossed things calm down and we get a good nights sleep soon. Jackie

Chris147 profile image

So sorry this is happened when I researched it said it can cause arrhythmia. So discussed with GP I am on Pfizer list. Just been having problems with BP seen consultant and reduction of med so hope to get the vaccine soon. Take care.

Tapanac profile image
Tapanac in reply to Chris147

Trouble is, and I’m waiting for my second Pfizer, but now with the talks on TV about supplies, will we get the second Pfizer before efficacy of the first jab expires???

Tapanac profile image

I had the Pfizer on a Saturday. Felt fine not even a sore arm, then afib/tachycardia started on the Monday.

I had at least 3 weeks feeling so ill with it upping/downing bisoprolol trying different pills - then flecainide and touch wood all ok at the moment.

It was the longest time where the hospital couldn’t put me right as I had had 3 cardioversions in December and was waiting for another ablation but Covid put that off.

I know there are lots of thoughts on flecainide but I have found it a miracle drug for me and long may it last

I’m not looking forward to my next vaccine jab.......!!!

Chris147 profile image
Chris147 in reply to Tapanac

Just the kuck if the draw I get it about if you get covid absolutely right

Redders profile image

Hi, yes I had my jab on a Saturday evening and on the following Friday evening I went into af,so six days after my jab. The next morning about 4am I woke up feeling sick and when I got out of bed I fainted. My af lasted for five weeks. Can’t be 100% sure it was the vaccine that caused it though.

Sambaqui profile image

I had the AZ vaccine five weeks ago and went into AF the day after. Have been ever since. Prior to onset I had not been aware of an AF episode for three years.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Sambaqui

Thanks for reporting, hope you back in NSR soon. I guess if you were not you are now taking anti-coags.

Sambaqui profile image
Sambaqui in reply to secondtry

Yes, thanks, I was on an anti-coagulant from earlier. Of course, it's impossible to know for certain that the incidence was due to the vaccine. It seems that for the vast majority of people it does not have this effect. A nurse in A & E said it was quite possibly due to the vaccine since the body responds to it as to an infection. I notice that when I have mentioned it to doctors, however, they make no comment. All the best to you.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Sambaqui

So many different medical views around. I am a bit hesitant over the whole vaccine thing as my body is not used to flu or any other infection I am aware of for years now. This may be a good thing or not in the case of the jab???

Thomas45 profile image

I had AZ Oxford and it had absolutely no effect on my AF.

marcyh profile image

I have not had the vaccine and am scheduled for an ablation next week. I've read and viewed different viewpoints from epidemiologists and vaccine developers around the world. WHO has approved it but it is not FDA approved or EUA approved in North America. (EUA anticipated sometime in April.) It has not been trialed on animals so we are in a sense in a trial as we take it. This has never been done before and it is being done as a universal treatment. I am very concerned. It's complicated as well. How do we know if we are in that 5% (as some estimate) who would even get the virus, or the slimmer chance that our case would be worse than the vaccine? We also do not know long-term effects on our immune system or on our natural killer cells who are designed to be our miracle workers for variants. I do not have the confidence that science has been open-mindedly followed by those who make the decisions for us.

Teacherrap profile image
Teacherrap in reply to marcyh

Yessssss thank you!

Mike-tyson profile image

Had the Pfizer vaccine and also felt rough and tired for a couple of days but it did not affect my heart rate 😊

checkmypulse profile image

I can't directly answer as I had Pfizer but for info I noticed no heart rate issues but felt tired for a day or so and had a slight continuous headache for a week.

Tako2009 profile image

Oh I do sympathise just what you didn’t want when so many hopes are pinned on the vaccine to get us out of lockdown. A lot of responses about the AZ jab - I think this may be because that’s what most of us are being given - it may be worth seeing if a different vaccine would suit you better? My experience- I had the AZ jab back in February- I suffered mild flu like symptoms for a couple of days after but apart from ectopics no AF episodes and I know others have had similar experience. On the other hand, back in November I had Covid-l9. We all have to weigh up the risks and benefits for ourselves but please don’t think the virus is low risk - I was very ill - it kicked off my AF big style - from rare episodes managed with Flecainide before, I found myself with really bad, constant episodes for a week, then took till Christmas before my heart settled down again. And all of this with a very high temperature, awful aches and pains especially in my chest, breathing issues. I came within a day of being admitted to hospital and can honestly say it was the worst ever feeling. So for me it’s the vaccine no question. I never want to be that ill again!! I really hope you can find a way through this that will keep you safe - just don’t underestimate the impact of the virus.

gorpo59 profile image

Yes, 24 hours after AZ vaccination I went into AF for about 5 hours until used flecainide to convert back to NSR in an hour or so. Won't stop me having 2nd vaccination and I spoke to doctor who confirmed my view that the body is being invaded, it's going to react, and if you have a predisposition to AF it's more likely to bring it on. No trouble since and that was 4 weeks ago. Looking forward to the next one.

Coco51 profile image

Had Oxford jab, felt like flu for a couple of days. Not pleasant, but no noticeable effect on AF.

readandwrite profile image

Just catching up on my weekly read of what's new on the forum. I had the Astra zeneca jab on 7th Feb. I am a 74 year old woman who has had PAF for quite a few years now, it has been well controlled by Medication only, Sotalol 40mg. twice daily plus Apixaban. No after effects from the jab at all until 5am. on 27th Feb. when I woke up with a real good spell of Afib. I had not had an episode since August 2020 when it lasted less than 24 hours. Since then I have had to be admitted to hospital on 2nd March via ambulance due to distressing symptoms which made me feel very ill. After the usual tests I was sent home 5 hours later with the news that my Afib was very likely to be persistent and that it was now going to be my "new Normal" and that I was on the correct medication for the condition. To say my heart literally sank into my boots was an understatement. !. I have been able to see a cardiologist last week as I have self funded my checkups every 6 months for the last 3 years. My sotalol daily dose has been doubled to 160mg and I am having a 24hour ecg tomorrow plus echocardiogram next week. I mentioned to the cardiologist about the comment apart from ...."A shame as you were doing so well...." !!!!. I will say it is a small comfort to know that other people on this thread seem to be experiencing the same problems. I wake at roughly 4 - 5am, heart thumping, jumping about etc, then the nausea and bathroom etc. I've given up checking the Kardia device as I know I am not in a normal rhythm. I have now been in persistent Afib for almost 3 weeks and the thought of having to feel this unwell for the rest of my life doesnt sit well at all. The parting shot from the cardiologist as I exited was, "I have patients much worse than you"!!!! Difficult choice to make about having the 2nd dose of the Jab but if I am never going to get back into a normal rhythm I have nothing to lose. Take care everyone.!

TracyAdmin profile image

You may find our video helpful to view

Jay10 profile image
Jay10 in reply to TracyAdmin

Hello Tracy, is it worth us reporting on the Yellow Card scheme about this reaction

kkatz profile image

I went into Afib the day after my oxford jab after only 2 attacks in 2 years.only medication Adizem still in Afib 8 weeks later.A chest x-ray shows infection .Left side around the heart.I had no idea?So it could be the chest infection but why Afib suddenly the day after the Jab.

EctopicAnnie profile image

Still suffering heart issues 8weeks after 1st AZ vaccine

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