Magnesium oxygen to stop attacks. - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Magnesium oxygen to stop attacks.

37 Replies

Anyone on here using magnesium to prevent AF events? Anyone use deep breathing techniques to regulate heart?

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37 Replies
Jalia profile image

I have been taking magnesium glycinate for a few years and feel it has reduced the frequency of my episodes.

in reply to Jalia

Brilliant. I took a few magnesium and it seemed to stop it but only if I take 1 and 1\2 times the RDA ..if I just take one it doesn't seem to help and still happens. When I had my blood test everything came back normal but it was the day after I had taken three tabs at night... And my potassium was borderline high. 5.1 some labs say above 5 is high but the lab I was with have 5.2 as high. I will defo keep taking them for now. Although it means when they test for it ecg it doesn't happen. It only happens me at night. I find hyperventilating helps as well taking really deep strong breaths in and out I am not sure why that helps maybe it strengthens the sinus rhythm... Or maybe its a nitric oxide thing. I'm going to try drinking beet juice for NO .. Not sure how else to produce it. None of these ideas are something my doctor has suggested but then my doctor didn't ask my any questions or even listen to my heart just sent me to ECG nurse who just does the machine and blood nurse who just takes the blood work I don't really know what's going on but it seems to be is like my heart stops beating and starts to purr like a cat instead. Or like an old telephone... Brrr brrr brrrrr brr irregularly..its very disturbing.

Barny12 profile image
Barny12 in reply to

Re the nitric oxide: some good info here:

some top foods for N.O. production are dark green leafy veg such as beets, rocket, swiss chard, spinach, kale, spring greens and rhubarb. Great in salads or blended in a green smoothie.

in reply to Barny12

Thank you yes must dust off the blender and juicing machine. Lockdown has meant deliveries have been hard to get (or maybe that's a brexit thing) and so been eating from a corner shop which has very limited fruits and veg. So I am missing a lot this last year. Nuts seeds spices whole grains etc. Its all boxes of things and we've been meat and two vegging it since Xmas. Which is grand like I know people are in much works esituations but I long to get back to having lots of fresh veggies and fish..oh how I miss fish. Next week we are moving to the city where I can get organic fresh veg delivered to the door!! Its going to be amazing!

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to

If you take magnesium you might do better to take it in divided doses throughout the day. Sunbathing will produce nitric oxide in the skin. Even in winter as it is UVA that provokes this.

in reply to Auriculaire

Yes I figured that out with the magnesium if I took the whole lot as one I can feel them as they travel along inside! I'm going to try to find a powder that I can dissolve or sprinkle on food. I did not know that about the sunlight. I get very little of it even in summer. I'm going to start wim hoff and cold showers slowly so hopefully that will brace me for getting a leg or arm out skin doesn't even get light bulb light indoors these days!! Thankful for the info. I took Cayenne pepper last night and my arms and legs didn't feel so bad and I didn't wake up at and point so hopefully that will continue to improve.

BobD profile image

There are many here who take magnesium in one form or another and we regularly promote deep slow bearthing exercises. Why not use the search box to see what others have said.

in reply to BobD

Ah thanks for that tip.

If your ECG hasn’t picked it up, KARDIA can be useful to record AFib, 24/7 and on the go. The basic model can pick up atrial flutter (AFL) but it is more difficult to get the necessary Lead II recording. The new model may have a steeper learning curve apparently, but can pick up AFL. It is important to check compatibility with your phone because KARDIA updates can mean older phones are no longer supported.

Recordings (rhythm strips) can be sent to your GP, or local arrhythmia nurse. DrDave01 who invented KARDIA visits here occasionally to support us.

in reply to

Oh OK I'll look that up. They did say I could get a 24 hour ECG but I'd have to go to the hospital to get it and yranport is offline here no trains or taxis even. So that's not going to happen. I'd feel better seeing the results myself and being able to monitor regularly than having to go in and be told I need lexirpo cos I have anxiety which I don't. They're really piddling me off atm... So anything I can do they say if ya want it done right do it yourself. So true.

in reply to

Brilliant kardia found it !! Thanks so much I'd seen that mentioned and not known what it was. Thanks so much!

I have no idea to be honest. Been having it years my doctor just poo poos me and tries to give me lexipro for anxiety. Which I don't have. I don't get this when I am stressed quite the opposite I get it in my sleep and when I'm lying down ready for bed all cosy and de~stressed. I have been looking at York cardiologist but he hasn't mentioned what my palps feel like so this was the closest thing. I mean its not fast like 180 per minute its more like 4 per second fast. I'm sick of being told its fine when I know its doing something. My arms and legs feel like I been sitting on them or had a band around them.. I am losing memory badly. I been hyperventilating breathing deep strong and that has helped as has magnesium.. But it would be nice if they acknowledged that a heartbeat is kinda important. I mean if my foot was twitching like that they'd probably take note! I'm a bit pissed off today as found that my bloods have missing results and she never mentioned things...they're just so incompetent in my local clinic. They've told me the inner ear doesn't exist and all sorts of madness. I need to find a decent doctor.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to

You sure do. You need someone who will listen to you but that can be difficult to find. Good luck. You do know that you can have a telephone appointment with Sanjay Gupta. It might be worth having a one to one with him.

in reply to GrannyE

I did NOT know that!!! Omg that would be perfect! Here you could be waiting for years to see a specialist on the HSE (Irish NHS) oh wow thank you for that. This is like a wonderland ❤💜💙🖤💓I wish I'd known about this website 8 years ago!

Absolutely I just live in a town with one doctors practice ..I'm moving soon yay! So I googled heart flutter and got this lol!! Aaah!!!!

You're no medic. You're no doctor. If you were you'd have told me I'm fine for 8 years. thank you sir. Yes that's what I have I just read a lengthy artical about it. Its exactly like that. the wave is regular but the ventricular beat is irregular ...Jesus I'm so relieved to now know what it is. I'm only 40 I shouldn't have this. The longer you have it the worse it can get. I wish I'd gone to john6 8 years ago instead of my stupid ass doctor. And the artical also explains what you have to do..what the drugs do blood thinners I'm going to start taking cayenne pepper tonight which is a blood thinner. And now that I know I can plan to hopefully keep it at bay. Thanks john.... Big time.

Sally_Scott profile image

I take magnesium and I find it does help.

queseyo profile image

I use deep breathing techniques, some time works...some time it doesn't. 😱

in reply to queseyo

Yeah I found it worked a few times as did the coughing thing.. I used to bang myself hard on the chest and that worked a bit too... Then they all stopped working. Last night I tried Cayenne pepper and didn't have an episode.e because its random its hard to tell if something is working. I suppose time will tell. Its a blood thinner anyway which seems to be what doctors give you to prevent strokes so hopefully its a step in the right direction.

secondtry profile image

A few points I believe are correct: Nitric Oxide is produced automatically if you breathe through your nose (& not your mouth) day & night. If you are testing for Magnesium levels you need to have the Red Cell test not the usual UK GP surgery test which almost always comes back normal. Magnesium compound supplement - Magnesium Taurate popular. Stressed in the day & AF can commonly kick off when you relax in the evening/night - suggest you reduce stress (essential) and in the meantime after a heavy day don't collapse on the sofa or into bed but try to keep going with a few light jobs. Hope something there helps.

in reply to secondtry

Oh thank you I do breathe through my nose but yes ...I was reading last night in TCM afib and flutters are seen as a blood stagnation thing which can be a spelled thing and I had been having pain down my inner leg which turns out to be spleen meridian which relates to worry...and I have been very worried...I lament stressed out but this lockdown and not being able to get to my elderly relatives I've been worrying about them a lot so I massaged my meridian and did a little meditation on feeling my relations are safe and not to worry which definitely helped. I've got a list of foods for spleen and blood stagnant chi etc. So hopefully they'll all contribute something to the picture. Thanks so much for the advice. The last few days being on here I have learned more than 8 years going to the doctor. Its so good to just know what's going on. I think that has helped most of all.

in reply to secondtry

The red cell test... Is that the name of it? I had a medium magnesium score but I had taken lots the night before. So I can only assume that had I not taken that the night before the score would have been low. I'm going to see if somewhere does this at home I doubt my doc would get me one. If I am taking the supplements will that exaggerate the score or is it a bit like testing stored iron. The doc also told me my iron was normal but they didn't even do a ferritin or stored iron test. They tested RBC which if I had stage for anemia would show it but not if I had anemia at the lesser stages. And my mom thought I was looking very anemic by looking under my eyelids ... So I have been trying to eat iron rich foods... But anemia can cause fibs as well.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to

I assume you are in the UK. The Magnesium test your GP will normally take is a 'Serum' one (normal range 0.7-1.0). My Naturopath arranges the 'Red BloodCell' (normal range 2.08-3.0) test through BioLab in London. They send you a blood drawing kit, I pay my GP £25 to take the blood and I then post it to BioLab. Around 2 weeks later I get the results via my Naturopath nb you do have to use an Alternative Practitioner to arrange this as I doubt your GP will co-operate. If I remember rightly you do have to stop taking Mg supplement 48 hours before the test. Hope that all makes sense.

in reply to secondtry

Ah I'm in Ireland but maybe they have it here also. My doctor doesn't like doing the ordinary things so I doubt shed do that. I might have a better chance up in Dublin of finding someone who can do that. For now I'll keep taking it as it seems to be very helpful. Thanks a million for the info!

Well if in 8 years they couldn't manage to help at all or diagnose anything at all or even read my blood results correctly to me I cant see what use they are unless I am in grave danger or break a leg which of course they are expert in. You do know doctors are just humans and they also have to look at the information and make a diagnosis. Since the information is available its quite possible for any human to learn about it themselves and conclude themselves what's going on. Cayenne doesnt taste very nice I agree, but all the scientific studies on it show it does have an affect on blood thinning which is the firs tprotecol to protect from stroke which a doctor will give someone with afib or flutters. I'm sure scraping and burning parts of a persons heart out is marvelous and all but if I can avoid having someone damage my heart to stop this then I'll do everything possible to help myself not get to that drastic point. And if that means drinking something vile I don't mind. I don't actually find it that vile anyway. I had some last night and my arms and legs and hands etc felt a lot better. Its a vasodilator so the sluggish cold hands and feet thing benefits hugely from that effect. And as I've seen so many people go down the slippery slope of medication after medication and seen others change their lifestyle and recover from things like diabetes kidney disease etc I know I would rather find recovery from this than just pop a pill to manage symptoms which seems to be all doctors offer. I'd rather actually figure out what is causing my body to be less than happy and adjust in whatever ways I can do mitigate the circumstances causing discomfort. And of course all these things are a little bit vile. Beet juice? yuck! Cold showers? Pure hell!! Changing ones patterns of behaviour? Oh how vile indeed. But if it leads to a healthier situation that my heart can function better and become stronger then that's a goal worth enduring a little vileness. That research was just a little joke on my part I'm not actually worried that I have foot and mouth disease... Its highly unlikely. Far more likely are other causes. And any research however old it is is of value to me. The most recent does not make it the best. And other research I've read shows many herbs and foods have a positive affect ...but it does depend...some help with thickening of the atrial wall some help with metabolite balance in the cells of proteins in the heart etc... So it would be very useful if a doctor would be capable of telling me the cause of my flutters but since they don't even acknowledge their existence they're not likely to investigate further. It took 7 years to even get a ECG and a blood test! If I had money I'd go privately and get whatever rests might be helpful in establishing the cause and situation but I do not. So antidepressants are their idea. I'm not depressed. I have no intention of taking antidepressant a for a heart flutter. I've no intention of taking asthma medication for dizziness ...another of their illogical ideas...when I suggested an inner ear problem the doctor told me straight to my face that there is no such thing as an inner ear. And I shouldn't look at the internet. Well I'm sorry, but the inner ear exists and I don't have asthma and I don't have depression... And the only time I took what they gave me it was flouraquinalone a banned drug for use except as a last resort or a chemo drug. It caused me a month of horrific side effects and took me a year to recover( and can cause the walls of the heart to erode and suddenly collapse months after taking it as it break down collegen in the're tendons can just snap and break I had multiple problems with my muscles after it for months and this heart issue didn't arise until after that so they could have actually caused this issue!!! But that drug is undetectable never breaks down even in water treatment plants and can stay in the body destroying mitochondria for years ...the heart have the most concentrated mitochondria of all tissue is very susceptible to damage from that drug) and when I went back to tell them of the side effects the male doctor threw me out of his office and slammed the door in my face. So no. I have no respect for people who have not earned my respect and have denegraded any and all assumptions of respect I may have once had. You're not a doctor and yet you were able to tell me about heart flutter which I'd never heard of and after researching it fits exactly my symptoms. So for me you are worthy of some respect. And of course we all have to say that a proper doctor is the " right thing" to do and in theory I agree... If a decent doctor with some curiosity or concern for me were to manifest I would certainly listen to what they had to tell me. So far you have shown more knowledge and concern for me than any doctor. The best I can do is educate myself on the matter, note my own symptoms, and try to figure out what's going on. Which is what a doctor would do if they we're inclined but they seem not to be. And since they're not they aren't going to give me blood thinners for the depression they think I have from barely even looking at what can I do. Sit here and wait for a stroke and then say I told you so doc? No I'm going to take the blood thinners I have available to me and that's Cayenne pepper. I'm not taking anything else such as the ones that might be risky if you didn't have the right diagnosis... Its a safe food item that people eat on a daily basis and therefore is the safest most sensible action I can take right now. Along with taking magnesium which is safe vitamin c which is safe and helpful. I'm not going to start eating red yeast rice statins or anything potentially dangerous. And until I can establish the cause ..which could be a lot of different things it seems.. I'm not going to do anything that might be risky. But I'm not going to do nothing either. And if I can eat or drink or change my lifestyle in a way that I find this symtoms get better then I really don't need to know the cause.Unless it continues to get worse in which case at that point hopefully the doctors will be able to do something. In an ideal world your comment would make sense. But in this world we all have to do what we can with our own best judgement. And mine says try to assess what's going on ..try to learn about the condition that seems to accurately describe my situation, and try to mitigate the risks by using things I can afford and are available and have the least possible risk and potential benefit...monitor the situation and if something causes an improvement in symptoms great keep doing it, if something (like coffee) seems to worsen it desist from doing that. I may not have a diagnosis that doesn't mean I don't have it ..the most recent research out there suspects than more people have it than are currently aware of it, and that its quite common anyway in terms of those who are diagnosed also seems unlikely to be something else... What else might it be? A hearing problem that hallucinates that my heart is fluttering? A delusion? My stomach having a spasm and my fingers hallucinating that my pulse is also spasming? I mean ochams razor suggests that the most common illness is the most likely not some obscure condition that emulates a heart flutter. I mean I can't even conceive of something else is might be!! I'm fairly aware of my own body know how to take my pulse and know the difference between my heart and my stomach know the difference between my vascular system and my nerves ...if it looks like a chicken bucks like a chicken and lays eggs like a chicken its probably not a duck. Even if I'm not a chicken farmer I can still make a judgement.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to

You def need another doctor. In the meantime it appears that you are willing to try modifying your diet which is what I have done. I am going gluten free, but not buying all that expensive gluten free junk food stuffed with sugar and all sorts of unpronounceable chemicals. Have been listening to Dr.Osbourne on his webinars (which he interrupts to try to sell you his products which I do not buy) but he seems to talk a lot of sense and I certainly feel better for doing it. By experimentation I have found I am gluten sensitive which is very different from celiac. As I understand it, If you are gluten sensitive then gluten keys into your cells (if you have those particular genes) and they start the chain of events to get rid of the gluten but produce inflammation. Long term Inflammation can trigger approx 100 diseases.

It is quite true that you are what you eat and many believe that food is medicine.

I also put a few drops of good quality essential oil of lavender on my skin, as well as breathing it in, which has a calming effect and reduces blood pressure. (Be careful there are some essential oils which you cannot put on your skin without diluting with a carrier oil first) For a few months now I have had OK bp readings (I have a monitor at home) and have not had to take my bp meds. Can recommend ‘The Fragrant Pharmacy’. Was advised on this forum to get it.

Also deep slow breathing helps as does stroking the vagus nerve.

There have been a number of occasions when had I listened to my GP or consultants, including private ones, I would have died so have had to read up and self diagnose. Have then taken my self diagnoses to medics who have agreed with me and 3 have had the grace to apologise for not picking my conditions up themselves. No one is as interested in your health as yourself! Be careful though cos the web has a lot of false information, or information with just a grain of truth, and thousands who want to sell you things.

Good luck on your journey.

This site is wonderfully supportive and full of information.

RajaRua profile image

I use Viridian Magnesium powder and find it good. Also I have 'Better You' Magnesium spray which I spray on my chest if I get AFib and akso if I think i may be heading that way.

in reply to RajaRua

Oh I have that!!! Never thought of using it directly on my chest thanks for that! The cold shock of it will probably help too! Lol!

RajaRua profile image
RajaRua in reply to

I usually spray about 8 sprays on my chest if I can't sleep or am having palpitations. Having epsom salt baths is also a good idea as it suffuses your body in magnesium, Try to soak for 15mins or so🙂

Bikerjerry profile image

Definitely helps and deep breathing helps also!!

in reply to Bikerjerry

OK so its not my imagination that the breathing helps this is good. Thanks everyone I feel a lot better just knowing whats going on and what is useful.

I'm fairly sure it is general knowledge and I would hardly call it self medicating. I'm not injecting pure capsicum into my veins here. I'm making diet and lifestyle changes that are commonly known to be beneficially to heart health and yes I think 21000 people on here are probably doing the same. Its no more risky than taking a hot bath!! Which nobody would accused somone of "self medicating" if they did that. My heart is telling me something not right...if cayenne turns out not to sit well with me my body will let me know. Its only been two times I've taken it so I can't say anything much about it except both times it was helpful and if it continues being helpful then that's helpful. I'm not about to Superdose something or go running for a six mile sprint or something crazy ...I'm just doing simple changes that are proven to benefit heart health. Olive oil...cayenne pepper...beet juices and fresh leafy greens...I'm taking magnesium as a supplement because I've got no access to any high magnesium foods at the moment but if I had I would hope to get what I need from including those foods. Same with vitamin c and d I just haven't access with lockdown to usual foods. So that hasn't been good. And I'd rather self medicate with a vitamin c and a cup of Cayenne pepper tea than just keep doing the same things I've been doing and expect different results. Just as I would do if I had sprained my ankle and hadn't got a diagnosis for it I would do first aid and believe me I've been in remote situations where I've had to set my own bones and stitch my own sutures so I do trust myself. I'm not popping capsicum like a crazy pill popper I literally had a small amount in some honey and lemon. Had a Greta nights sleep no problems just as happened the last time I took it and please god it will be so the next time I take it tonight and so on. And if there's a way I can monitor my bloods thinness then I'll look into that but at the amounts I'm taking its probably going to have less of a vasoldilation effect than a hot shower and less of a blood thinning affect than half a low dose tab of warfarin. So its definitely not risky don't worry. I'm sure a lot of people on here take it unless they're on warfarin. and obviously a lot of the people on here have already gone past the point where they've started taking that so you can't take cayenne if you're on warfarin. You probably could still have what I'm having which is no more than a mild curry might contain. Unless they tell you never to eat a curry on warfarin I don't know. And hopefully will never know. I don't want to end up in a situation where this gets worse because I didn't make the changes nessiary to improve my health. Its as simple as that. If I don't change my health won't change and I plan to do whatever it takes for my heart to be as healthy as it can be as long as it can be ...I'm only forty like! I shouldn't be 8 years down this road already. It should have been investigated and I'd have known and have been able to do things to help myself. The longer it goes on the worse it gets. I'm not waiting another 8 years to find Dr right who I might never find and I'm going to make use of everything available to me to mitigate the risks for myself. But thanks for your concern. Just the things doctors are medicating with are far more risky than what I'm doing for myself and doing nothing isn't going to help either. Take care.

Karendeena profile image

Hi there, I have just started taking magnesium so to soon to say really. I have paroxysmal afib but my heart rate flutters on and off for several days when I take an episode. Hoping this will help.

in reply to Karendeena

I hope so too. I don't know what I have tbh. But I just found out sanjay Gupta does online consults so I may be able to get a diagnosis from the man himself. Its been working for me but the one a day I was taking didn't help if I don't take three a day it comes back you're supposed to take two and I was only taking one for ages. Didn't realise they were different to my last pack. Hope it make a a difference for you too.

Gladstone001 profile image

Hi gonnamakeit,I take Magnesium Glycinate as part of a cocktail of supplements and have been AF, AT and ectopic free for 268 days! Please see my story:


in reply to Gladstone001

Oh yay! I've been free for two days... but I seem to still be having the atrial flutters. I can now feel the difference between when the atrial flutters and the ventricular ...I dunno tachachardia...I don't know the terms but I can feel now the four beats if my pulse! And at times mg heart is still beating fine but the start of it wobbles...if the wobble gets really bad or goes on a long time then the whole heart is disturbed. But I haven't had the whole heart thing for two days. Still have the flutter last night but I didn't have any ceyene tea last night. So tonight I will do both and see how that goes. My arms and legs and energy feel a lot better and even my memory is not so blank. I'd say uve been taking magnesium for over a week now. Before I would just stand and stare and have no idea of anything...just blank... It could take me two hours to make some toast just getting distracted and going blank. So that is hugely brilliant. I will take a look at your story tonight. This is the road I want to go down..... Not end up in hospital. Thanks for sharing!

in reply to

Day three and counting. Had a larger amount of cayenne like half a teaspoon slept like a log and no weirdness. Yay long may this "thing" whatever it may be stay at bay because it is not fun!

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