I had a recent email from Dr Stephen Sinatra (US heart expert) that included a link reminding me again how important grounding could be for us AFers. Before I consider my options to trial this properly, it would be great to know if anyone here had tried it as it doesn't come up in posts very often; if so were your results positive or no change? More information heartmdinstitute.com/altern...
Grounding & Dr Sinatra: I had a recent... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Grounding & Dr Sinatra

Do you mean staying put ?
Sorry, can you clarify what you mean.
what do you mean by grounding. I am in uk and do not recall having ever heard of the phrase.
It’s a process you can do which really helps people who are affected by electrical fields - any electrical item will emit an magno electrical field & these can interfere with normal body functions. Some are much more sensitive than others. If you sit near computers for a good part of your day earthing mats are well worth looking at. My Chiro is a big fan of them.
As long as you can get out into nature in a daily basis - you can easily do a grounding by taking your shoes off & sit it stand with bare feet on ground/concrete/grass or best of all beach for 10 mins a day.
It’s been well researched in UK as much as US.
Thank you.I have heard of electrical fields and their effect on the body and health but had not yet got around to looking into it/them.There is still much to do in lockdown even though i badly miss all the social events and family contact.
Interesting. I’m always amazed at how incredible I feel when I set foot on a beach, shoes off, walking in the waves, pretty instant calmness. Might not have anything to do w electrical fields, but who knows! Being out in nature does seem to help heal stress, unless of course you’re being chased by a bear! 😂👍❤️
No bears in our beach, But funny you should say that as it is exactly what happened to my son on a beach on a island off the Canadian coast whilst taking part in a study of Orca whales, they were camping on an uninhabited island. Both son and bear survived intact with only their dignity bruised. My son was, how to put it, engaged in an important organic process of expelling waste.
Lol! (That’s in reference to bears on the beach!) We have had bears in our back garden, never been chased by them though.
Hope you never have to - that would get the heart racing and how wonderful to see them, from safe distance. I shall forever think of you when in your garden & keeping an eye open for bears!
No wild ones in UK but doctor friend is Canadian & on a recent visit home her son came face to face with a bear in her parent’s garden ...and she managed to capture the image. Again bear was just as surprised and turned tail & swiftly retreated.
The ones in back gardens do tend to skitter quickly! Cool your friend got a photo! We have deer, squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs, possums, owls, foxes, hawks, skunks, turkey vultures and even bobcats now! Crazy and wonderful. I do try to keep an eye out while gardening. Our UK family always “request” the bears when they come to visit. 😂
I would be interested to find out if this would interfere in any way with a pacemaker performance. What do you think?
The grounding or the EMF’s?
The grounding won’t interfere with any PM but there are some items you shouldn’t get close to if you have a PM, which I have and the one you are verbally warned about interfering with is Induction Hobs. Ibhf.org.uk/informationsuppo...
The details of my PM also warn about some types of automatic locking car devices, welding equipment and scanners but modern PM’s are pretty good. I still avoid getting near any of the above though!
That's strange ST 😊 during the spring I have an uncontrollable urge to walk barefoot on wet dewy grass (and I do) maybe it is some hidden natural instinct.
Well, you learn something new every day!Thank you Secondtry.It is very cold and wet here at the moment in the uk but i will try and figure out a way to put this into use before next spring. Thanks again. My son will be very interested in this so I will also pass it on.
It's about earthing to the ground.
We are "earthed / grounded" every day and any time we touch the taps , the radiators, and any other metal built-in appliance. These are required to be grounded to the earth:
"Earthing is used to protect you from an electric shock. It does this by providing a path (a protective conductor) for a fault current to flow to earth. It also causes the protective device (either a circuit-breaker or fuse) to switch off the electric current to the circuit that has the fault."
Sounds like Mumbo Jumbo to me. And, as far as I can see, none of the links cited point to scientifically conducted investigations.
Well..... depends where you live not all countries’ electrical systems are earthed and you are quite correct and that’s exactly what the earthing is all about. Getting a wire and attaching it to something such as a pipe that runs to the ground. The Earthing mat you put under your bed or computer or feet does exactly that facility but we could all go grasp a tap for 10 minutes too!
The problem happens when we cannot discharge EMF’s from our body’s EMF field because we live indoors, with rubber soled shoes, on wooden/plastic or carpeted floors which insulate us from the ground.
This study from Pennsylvania University may not prove grounding to be helpful but is a scientific paper on it’s use and outcomes - in hospital settings with babies who have been absorbing EMF from monitors which indicates that those babies grounded did better than those not.
HearthMath have also done a fair amount of research with emotions and EMF of the body and found that the heart’s EMF extends to about 2 feet beyond the body so it seems to me very feasible that certain EMF’s do affect our heart’s electrical system. Unfortunately whether we use computers or not, we are bathed in EMF’s 24/7 from technology all around us - unless we are 30 miles away from any civilisation.
It’s far from mumbo jumbo - just pure physics and has been extensively researched. It just seems as though some people are much more sensitive to technological EMF’s than others . What I notice is fatigue building whilst at the same time experiencing a fizzing type sensation and everything seeming to speed up. Go outside, bare feet on ground for 10 minutes - I am well and truly grounded.
Oh, and I always use my lap devices on a wooden insulating board because I have noticed that my legs start to ache and stiffen if the device is rested directly on them.
Thank you for your detailed reply. I take no issue with the proposition that EMF (Electromagnetic field) could have a detrimental effect on the body:
But also (from a research paper):
"Several epidemiological studies have linked exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) with health effects, including leukemia and brain cancer, but the research is still inconclusive. In particular, no clear causal mechanism has been identified by which EMFs may promote cancers."
But because EMF is radiation, it directly bombards your body regardless if you are earthed or not, the only defence is a physical shield to block the radiation. The only research that I could find that grounding reduces EMF absorption is groups named "Earthinginstitute.net" or "betterearthing.com.au", and others selling earthing mats and earthing sheets. I will carefully read the infants study that you cited.
Very interesting topic and I will study it some more. I found some references to the effects of EMF on the Vagus nerve, which we know is instrumental in Vagal AF.
Again, thank you for your reply. If I find some convincing research conclusions, I will stand corrected and will link to relevant papers.
All the best,
Quackery. If you are worried about electric fields, why would you be using a computer to read about this.
I agree with CDreamer....just get out and about more. If you can of course.
Thanks for all your replies. I am not sure whether grounding works and if so whether it will help me as an individual but if not it won't be the first lifestyle dead end I have tried and as with due care there are no side effects I will probably give it a go for 3 months.
Hi ST 😊 when I asked my EP about taking magnesium he replied ''I can't say if it helps or not , if it works for you that is all that matters ''
So I would say 'grounding ' although it sound strange won't hurt you so try it to see if it helps you .
Our minds and bodies don't work in isolation they are one and anything that doesn't harm us is worth a try if we think it makes us feel better.
Sometimes I just have to go out and walk in woods, like the walking on dew it becomes an irresistible urge and I always feel better afterwards.
I should have added that what others have said is also true : barefoot on grass, sand or unpainted concrete works wonders and it's FREE so why not try it?
Fifteen to thirty minutes Earthing before bed and you will sleep better. As soon as you Earth your feet your brain switches from "sympathetic" mode to "parasympathetic" mode and you relax.
The mats I sell are just a subsitute for this and allow you to earth yourself indoors.
I use one to rest my feet on in bed.
This might not sound related but I read a few years back that tests were been done to see if WiFi could trigger af just because we can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist think of all the WiFi signals coming through walls etc we cant see them likewise with grounding i slept for a long time on an earthing sheet but I didn't notice any benefits but I wouldn't knock it
I'm of the school that it can't hurt, might help...and what have you got to lose?