My body is trying to get help - Atrial Fibrillati...

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My body is trying to get help

Goose33483 profile image
18 Replies

Last week I began bleeding from my uterus I had a procedure to have my cervix opened so I could have a biopsy of my uterus. My cardiologist took me off eliquise and flecanade due to the bleeding. This week I’ve been tired, broke out in hives, have a breakout of genital herpes and cramps. I hardly ever have AF but in it almost every night now.

I have ibs that flared up yesterday. I am careful what I eat and no alcohol I’m 69 and pretty fit no results from biopsy yet

Any ideas?

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Goose33483 profile image
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18 Replies

Hello Goose, just got in after being dragged around Tesco’ queues, very few shoppers and got everything we needed!! I responding because at the moment, no body else has and clearly you are concerned. As you probably know, we are not medically trained and the questions you raise seem quite specialised and being a bloke probably doesn’t help either. Hopefully, some of our knowledgeable female forum members will be able to offer some useful advice but I would have thought proper, professional medical advice is the best route for you to take. I hope you get some good answers from your medics and that you will be on the mend very soon. Best wishes......

Bagrat profile image

I have no advice to offer except get back to your cardiologist. It is horrid when issues suddenly pile up like that when things have been on an even keel for a while. Also complicated when the treatment for one thing is contraindicated by another.

Do hope you can get help from your doctors. I would ask why consultant stopped flecainide as I don't think as a lay person it affects bleeding times

irene75359 profile image

I'm can only do a comparison with my own experiences. What is happening to you sounds extremely stressful. I know IBS (both my daughters have it) rears its head when either of them are worried about anything, and also herpes (both types). I have herpes type 1 and always have outbreaks on my nose and lips when I am unwell or stressed. The cramps could well be due to the procedure, I had severe period-pain type cramps after a conical biopsy some years ago. The AFib (and accompanying tiredness) may well have broken through as you are off flecainide. So everything that you normally have well under control has gone haywire.

Hopefully everything will calm down. In the meantime, it it possible for you to go back on your medication? I do hope that you get the results very soon and can move forward. Please come back and tell us how you are - wishing you all the best.

Goose33483 profile image
Goose33483 in reply to irene75359

I am overwhelmed by the kindness and amount of time taken by all of you to reply to my post. My biopsy came back negative and the bleeding due to using Estradiol vaginal Cream too often. I use it to thicken the walls of my vagina.

I see my herpes, hives, AF and IBS are stress related. It seems impossible To eliminate stress during this time of no work and no assistance from the government.

My cardiologist put me back on Eliquis and Flecainide. He also ordered a full panel of blood tests. I’m praying to get enough energy to just walk. I have little to no motivation.

I am interested in the herbal approach. Not sure how to get advice about it. I rub peppermint on my tummy but the attacks of iBS are so severe that probiotics and Imodium are the only relief I get.

I have a thyroid condition too and have been in Synthroid for years. My goodness I thought I was healthy until I’ve written all this down! I don’t even know if all these drugs are healthy to be taken together.

Is there one Dr or educated professional that can put it all together and see the complete picture.? I have my Obgyn, general practitioner, and cardiologist

Helping me but not sure if they can help me get different areas in control. Bless you and thank you from my heart for listening.

in reply to Goose33483

some great positive news Goose....these are difficult times and it’s sometimes difficult to keep motivated. What we are seeing going on around the world is tragic but generally, the figures are going the right way and all we can do is our very best to stay safe.....take care.

irene75359 profile image
irene75359 in reply to Goose33483

That's wonderful news. Hopefully all the other issues you have been suffering with will now calm down. I totally understand the need to see a professional who can look at the 'whole picture'. Unfortunately, I can't help you there, as rare as hen's teeth worldwide!

CDreamer profile image

I suspect the fact you have a hives reaction is a sign that you have a lot of inflammation in your body - which is a normal reaction to herpes - your heart doesn’t lack inflammation = AF.

I have this quite a lot because I am immune suppressed. I take Aciclovir for the herpes and have it on repeat prescription. You need to start to take it within the very first signs of the herpes - certainly within 48 hours so you really need to have a stock in the house. My GP is very understanding of this and has no problem. I recently had shingles and having Aciclovir in the house was a blessing as it meant I could start treatment immediately.

Once you treat the inflammation - an immune response from the virus - then everything else will start to calm down, in my experience, including the AF and the IBS. Normally things settle within 48 hours for me.

When you have so many different conditions you have to have a global approach, specialists are all very good but rarely look at the whole. I have found and take herbal remedies which also help with the inflammation - overseen by a herbalist and checked out with a MD. I find they also bring down inflammation within 24 hours.

Looks like you are in the middle of a chain reaction, do let us know how you go

Hope that some of that helps, if not immediately, for future attacks.

Best wishes CD

Chan_1 profile image
Chan_1 in reply to CDreamer

Hi CDreamer.... I fought the good fight with breast cancer last year. But, I'm guessing the harsh chemo resulted in an unstable immune and now my herpes outbreaks have been back to back. I'm considering suppressive therapy but I'm afraid of long term side effects like liver and kidney damage. The outbreaks have been very unpleasant because they have been inside the anus. I never had them there before, and the doctor explained that I can have an outbreak anywhere along the nerve line. Its just the most horrible place to have outbreaks. Any advice on suppressive therapy is greatly appreciated.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Chan_1

I feel your pain! I also get in my nose & this last time - my eyes / very painful & itchy in equal proportions.

What sort of therapy are you considering as I would have thought with cancer you would want to do the opposite. Herpes is opportunistic so immune suppression gives it a green light so I get a lot more outbreaks since taking immune suppressants than before.

You may be interested in Dr Wi’s book - Eat to beat Disease - very useful chapter on angiogenesis (Growth of blood vessels which fuel cancers) & foods which can suppress it.

All I can say is getting the balance right is a constant battle.

I take anti-viral drug Aciclovir & my GP is happy for me to have on repeat prescription for the herpes - but you must take with the very first sign of an outbreak - ideally within the first few hours. It takes the worst of the symptoms away but I still get chronic fatigue the day or two prior to an outbreak & nothing I can do to minimise that except rest & pacing myself.

Best wishes CD

Blavet profile image

Hi Goose. Sorry you’re having such a rough time. Flecanide wouldn’t usually be stopped before surgery unless your were having a study done on your heart. I’d speak to your GP about starting it again. You can take paracetamol or co-codamol for pain too. Hope you feel better soon.

meadfoot profile image

So sorry to hear you have been going through the mill, what a lot you have had to cope with. Wonderful that your biopsy has come back clear, I can feel the relief in your words.

With regard to your other issues I guess it's a case of working through them one by one until you get resolutions. With regard to your heart, well the stress of all you have been through will have thrown you of track big style.

I hope that now your biggest issue,your biopsy, has been sorted then hopefully your heart will start to settle somewhat, with regard to herbal remedies I would be sure to check with your medic so that your don't have any contra indications between conventional meds and herbal remedies.

Take care and if you are in the uk I hope you can enjoy this glorious weather.

philologus profile image

I would echo what meadfoot says: enjoy this glorious weather - but enjoy it with bare feet!

You say that you are interested in doing it the "natural" way if possible so can I suggest that you look on the website of Laura Koniver MD?

She is an "intuition physician" and her website is at

There you will read about the effects of Earthing yourself - just standing or sitting on the grass, sand, etc. It's all FREE too!

The main benefit from doing this is that Earthing reduces inflammation and that seems to be at the root of some of your issues, but there are many other benefits too.

It also balances the electricity in your body so everything starts to benefit.

Probably because I didn't explain things properly I have been ridiculed on here for saying this but.... our bodies work by electricity. (That's why we have ECG's etc)

From Wiki:-

Electrocardiography is the process of producing an electrocardiogram. It is a graph of voltage versus time of the electrical activity of the heart using electrodes placed on the skin. These electrodes detect the small electrical changes that are a consequence of cardiac muscle depolarization followed by repolarization during each cardiac cycle.

Our blood cells have a positive charge on the inside and they have a negative charge all round the outside surface. With red blood cells this means that the cells naturally repel each other and this prevents "clumping" and the formation of clots. The stronger the negative charge the better they repel and the better the flow of blood. A sort of natural blood-thinning; which is important because capillaries are so narrow that only one cell can squeeze through at a time. Red blood cells don't have a nucleus and this allows them to be flexible enough to get through.

I have been Earthing myself as much as I can for the last six months or more and can honestly say that I have benefitted immeasurably and so have the many other people I've introduced to this very natural way of imroving our health.

It's free and there are no risks (other than getting your feet dirty). There's nothing to lose - so why not give it a try. Half-an-hour just before bedtime is the best way to start as you will almost certainly find that you sleep better. Take a chair (and a cuppa?) outside and sit or stand with your bare feet on the grass or concrete, etc.

If you struggle to get outside then you can use an earthing mat instead.

Goose33483 profile image
Goose33483 in reply to philologus

Thank you sooo very much. I appre☹️ciate the time and knowledge you have kindly shared with me. I’m printing out your note and will reread and begin tonight.

I hope I can help someone soon just to pay it forward. I am going to look up the Laura Dr now. I believe and know our bodies heal themselves with help from ourselves, the universe and well placed individuals. I have belief that all Will be well.

Thank you. Much appreciated!


Hives and tiredness could indicate food sensitivies. I would try an elimination diet before looking for any pharmaceutical solutions. Some people find their pulse or blood pressure either spikes really high, or drops really low when they eat something they are allergic or sensitive too. Hives have long been a hallmark of eating foods that don't agree with you. I would start by dropping the 7 most common triggers for a few weeks and then add them back one at a time. They are cow's milk, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, fish/shellfish. I would also add yeast to that list as my wife tested off the charts allergic to both brewere and bakers yeast.

Our son was put on an elimination diet when he was in his 20's. It turned out that dairy and wheat were his triggers. That was followed up by formal allergy testing (skin test followed by blood work). It confirmed IgE allergies to dairy and wheat. Further testing revealed an inability to digest any form of fructose. He hasn't had the hives, BP drops, fatigue, etc. since he changed his diet.

Too bad doctors don't realize food can be either medicine or poison, depending on your personal biochemistry. And, too bad they are not taught that nutrition should be the first thing they try before precribing drugs.

Goose33483 profile image
Goose33483 in reply to

Thank you! I know for a fact you are spot on. I’ve suffered for years with candida (yeast overgrowth in the body) I know the correct diet and healed myself by eating Whole Foods and only water. In my older age and recently I would drink alcohol. It’s my # 1 trigger and the hardest to quit. (Especially in this stressful time). I’m on day four no booze and that may seem like not a lot of progress but for me it’s monumental! I didn’t think about fish! I eat a lot of it and it’s going to be a tough one. I’ll do a trial and error. My frig looks like a rabbit lives here!!!! I am a bit overweight but it all is in my tummy. Oh my gosh i hate it! If I could look normal again it would be awesome! Thank u so much.

I really appreciate you. Best, Goose.

philologus profile image

You'll be pleased to hear that Earthing can help with weight loss too. :-)

Goose33483 profile image
Goose33483 in reply to philologus


philologus profile image

I just realised that I should have declared an interest in the link to the ebay listing.

It is my listing. This particular one has now sold but I've put another one on. This is the type mat I use myself.

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