Got a colonoscopy on Friday as mentioned in another post and the dreaded prep is tomorrow. I’ve had many of these procedures before (had bowel cancer) but always had picolax. This time I’ve been given moviprep for the so called preparation. On reading the side effects it mentions arrhythmias can occur. Does anyone have experience of this stuff please as I’ve totally changed my diet, stopped alcohol etc to try and prevent afib and reduce arrhythmias. Thanks in advance
Moviprep: Got a colonoscopy on Friday... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Me too - vile stuff but no heart problems at all.
Make that 3 having moviprep and no problems at all. Good luck with the colonoscopy. xxx
Thanks very much
I've had something other than moviprep where I had to drink 64 ounces of the stuff, twice! And then fast until the following day. No arrhythmias.
Hubbie went through it a few months ago - didn’t cause heart problems.
I have taken this and my heart was fine. I can't take lots of liquid ongoing and was sick while taking it but even then it did not bring on my afib. One tip I would recommend is drink it through a straw and try not to engage your taste buds. If you get it to the back of your mouth through a straw and swallow it quickly then it cuts down how much you taste it. I found it a big help. Best wishes.
Hi Profound
I have no experience with your prep meds, but just out of interest I recently had a Gascoscopy, which I imagine is similar to your procedure. The day before my exam I went into PAF but the Specialist was still prepared to carry on with the procedure. I did adjust my warfarin so my INR was 1.8, whereas I target 2.0-2.5
I requested that I was wired up for an ECG and that it was monitored all the time I was under. I told them I wanted to know whether my arrhythmia changed as the instrument went down my throat and onward to the great abyss. We hear frequently on this forum that one of the common AF triggers is digestion (it's one of mine also), so I wanted to know if they touched any spot where my pulse changed - it didn't, which put pays to that theory.
Good luck for Friday
I think they add stuff to it so your electrolytes don't get too low (or whatever they do!) I suspect it's the loss of electrolytes as well as fluid that upsets the heart rhythm when you have 'normal' diarrhoea.
No problems for me after 2 colonoscopies using this stuff (yuk).
Thanks Maggi. I like to think I can tolerate any taste but this stuff is as you say YUK. Oh well I’ve just started drinking it and well done to you for staying with it
Had 2 colonscopies last year, both with moviprep. It's boring. I drank plenty of additional water and it did whaat it's prescribed to do.
Nothing to worry about. I have permanent AF which I can't feel. Didn't have any side effects from moviprep.
I used it for my colonoscopy with no heart issues at all.
Thanks all. Yes I can guarantee that the stuff works and so far heart wise it’s been ok
i had the same stuff which was bloody awful to drink but it didnt set off my AF
Thanks Luisa on the second dose now and the taste just gets worse
Agree with all above, had it twice now and it never caused any problems. The preparation is vile to drink but does the job well!!