For years I have taken Omega 3 Fish Oils, Vitamin E 800 I.U., Garlic caps, COQ10,
Ginger caps, Turmeric, Milk Thistle, Cinnamon, Quercetin, Magnesium chelate, Echinacea, Grape Seed, and several other items. These suppplements have been of great benefit to me. The doctors can't agree on what is clearly OK, and the pharmacist(s) say I should ask the drug company. They in turn send me back to the doctors and pharmacist. I did a lot of online research myself and even here there is contradiction to be found like the NIH,, National Library of Med., and many of the well known online doctors. plus other sources.
Has anyone here have any good information on this subject or any recommendations? Thank you for reading this and taking time to respond. This should be of benefit to all.