Back to surgery: Just checking in to... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Back to surgery

94 Replies

Just checking in to say I will be checking out briefly next tue 10/29... maybe checking out is a poor choice of words. Im at week 7 post knee replacement only to find out at my first followup appointment this week that the xrays showed my new knee had slipped somehow and is at an angle making my leg bow. So back to surgery for a completely new implant that will require it to be cemented in. I was so relieved that I got thru all the pain and drama with no a fib. So I would appreciate your prayers that my body will tolerate a second surgery and a fib isnt invited to the event. I feel especially sorry for my hubby as he has been an angel taking care of me thru this and here we go again. I guess this is a taste of “ for better or for worse, in sickness and in health” part of marriage. Im going to try and not let anxiety and fear take over. I am trusting my heart to behave💜

11/4/19: got thru surgery 10/29, home 10/30, so far so good. No a fib💜. Pain seems less than first time but too early to say for sure!

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94 Replies
pottypete1 profile image

Your story makes a short burst of AF pale into insignificance.

Take care and I hope they get it right this time.


in reply to pottypete1

Thankyou! I dont know, a fib would stir up alot of dormant anxiety for me too. I havent had any in maybe 18 mo or so, my longest time so far. I kind of think I can deal with the pain better than the heart crazy activity, lol.

pottypete1 profile image
pottypete1 in reply to

Yes I can relate to that.

I have had 7 ablations as you know and also a few operations in the past few years and I think I was less anxious about them than I get when I am in AF.


in reply to pottypete1


Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to pottypete1

Goodness Pete I didn't know you could even have 7! Were they for different rhythm problems ( flutter, Paf) or The same condition?


pottypete1 profile image
pottypete1 in reply to Lilypocket

One for Atrial Flutter, Five for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation and One for Atrial Tachycardia.

Last one August 2017 and since then only a very few episodes of AF so although it was all an ordeal it was worth it in my opinion.


Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to pottypete1


Where do you live? I think it's amazing that they kept trying and so pleased things are calmer for you! I live in France.

pottypete1 profile image
pottypete1 in reply to Lilypocket

I live in the South of England not too far from Southampton

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to pottypete1

Not far then! I don't want to highjack this post and wish all the best to Hoski - knees are a nightmare.

I'd like to talk more to you Pete about ablations - I'm considering my first one so I'm a total beginner!

pottypete1 profile image
pottypete1 in reply to Lilypocket

Hidden wrote 2 days ago about AF for new members replying to the post titled "Afibnewbie". Have a look at his reply.

His advice is very good in these matters and in his reply to this post he has given a link to the AFA info sheet pages.

I think this will help you.

An ablation is not a cure, as with all procedures recommended including medication they are all designed to minimise the effects of the condition and non are trumpeted as a cure.

If you have been offered an ablation do all the research you can into the skill of the EP you are seeing and the centre where that person works before agreeing to anything.

There are some very good and very skilled EP consultant and very good hospitals. It is important to find the right one for you.

I have had 4 different EPs over the past 12 years and they were all good and very skilled. It is important that they also have the latest equipment such as 3D mapping too.


Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to pottypete1

Hi I typed in Afibnewbie with no results. Can you give me the link to Flapjack's post? Thanks!

pottypete1 profile image
pottypete1 in reply to Lilypocket

dmjtanner profile image

Hoski, so sorry to hear you have to do this all over again. I am sending you prayers and good energy right now. Your outlook is amazing! Keep up the positivity. You can do this!

in reply to dmjtanner

Thankyou! I was on a big pity party monday on way home from doc visit. I woke up the next day thinking I have to go into this from a position of strength not defeat. I appreciate all the great support here. I think we are all a group of overcomers💜

TamlaMotown profile image

Aw Hoski how unfair. I'll be praying that AF stays well away. You're a strong lady!! Hope everything goes well. I'll be thinking of you 🍀

in reply to TamlaMotown

Thankyou! That means alot, got my warriors covering my back💜

10gingercats profile image

I do not' do'. prayers but thinking of you and your good husband. May all go well for you.

in reply to 10gingercats

Thankyou so much💜

Jalia profile image

How awful for you Hoski. You just don't expect this to happen.

Wishing you well for the 29th. Do let us know how you get on.

J xx

in reply to Jalia

Thankyou, I will update you all once I find my way out of the opioid fog of pain meds, lol.

in reply to

Hoski you are in my thoughts and prayers 🙏🙏x

in reply to


jeanjeannie50 profile image

Bless you Hoski, will be thinking of you next week and hoping all goes well.

Big healing hug coming your way.

Jean xx

in reply to jeanjeannie50

I will take all the hugs I can get! Thankyou💜

Finvola profile image

This is probably the last thing you needed but I admire your positive spirit - essential for best results.

Very best wishes for next week.

in reply to Finvola

Thankyou! Yes, I agree, I was so proud of myself doing my exercises, etc. Round 2 hopefully will b easier

Buffafly profile image

😢 💜 Poor you! So sorry, hope next time is successful.

in reply to Buffafly


You did it once and you can do it again! All the best interesting to know if you dream under a GA....🤪

in reply to

Thankyou! You are very bad, very very bad!!! But Im smiling, almost laughing... needed that.

in reply to


in reply to


PhyllisK profile image

🤞🙏 Very best wishes and a huge cyber hug.

in reply to PhyllisK

Thankyou so much💜

Geonome profile image


That's definitely a downer. I will pray for you.


in reply to Geonome

Thankyou, I cant get too many prayers💜. I told the doc the surgery is hard physically but harder mentally.

Geonome profile image
Geonome in reply to

Yes, I'm sure it is harder mentally than physically. Especially after you have had a failed replacement.

I've seen many successful knee replacements, so praying the next one you have will work.

in reply to Geonome


Seawalk profile image

Best wishes and hugs. You are in my thoughts and prayers🙏

in reply to Seawalk

Thankyou, that means alot to me💜

Hiya Hoski,

So very sorry to read of your latest drama. Hope all goes well for you .... don't worry about your heart -its been there once it'll cope again and no AF.

May the force be with you.


in reply to

I like your confidence, thankyou for the kind thoughts💜

Ianp66 profile image

Good luck and and fingers crossed for you it goes OK

in reply to Ianp66


All the best for a quick recovery ! Anti inflammatory diet will speed it up !


in reply to

Yes I agree

Tapanac profile image
Tapanac in reply to

Anti-inflammatory diet???? What is that please as need that I think??

in reply to Tapanac

The mediterranean diet is a popular anti- inflammatory diet. No processed foods, minimal sugars, milk products. Eat salmon or fatty fish twice weekly, lots of veggies.

Tapanac profile image
Tapanac in reply to

Aaaah thank you. I will try that asap

Visitingcat profile image

Hope it goes great for you this time, best wishes to you : )

in reply to Visitingcat


Rosemaryb1349 profile image

Will be thinking about you for the 29th. Prayers for a good outcome. X

in reply to Rosemaryb1349

Thankyou so much💜

Bagrat profile image

Onwards and upwards sounds very trite. Hope all goes to plan. I can see no reason why AF should visit when it didn't last time. Thinking of you

in reply to Bagrat

Thankyou, Im ready to get it right!

secondtry profile image

Very best wishes

in reply to secondtry

Thankyou! I can relate to your name “ Secondtry”!

Mouchkin profile image

I will certainly pray and hang onto “all things work together for good” . Hope this proves to be the case for you.

in reply to Mouchkin

Yes, I agree. Thankyou!

Fastbeat profile image

Wishing you well for your repeat knee surgery.

in reply to Fastbeat

Thankyou so much💜

wilsond profile image

Will be thinking of you and wishing you all the best. Soon be all sorted now for the better xxx

in reply to wilsond

Yes! Thankyou!

Gosh Hoski! No wonder you were not finding the recovery process straightforward. I so hope the new surgery goes well & you will be comfortable within a few weeks after.

My knees are both of the cemented variety and both work very well. The only thing I can’t do is kneel as that is uncomfortable, otherwise I don’t even think about them unless asked how I am. ( Right was done 2016 & left knee May 2018).

All the best

Pat x

in reply to

Thankyou! I can b happy not kneeling, lol. Ready to get it done!

Maura5 profile image

Good luck Hoski, praying all goes smoothly x

in reply to Maura5

Thankyou so much💜

Cally53 profile image

Oh no, so sorry to hear that. I'm nearly 3 months post TKN and thankfully mine is behaving itself. Hopefully this time your op will be successful and you can get on with your recovery. Keep positive and I'm sure the AF will not rear itself either.

Will be thinking of you.

in reply to Cally53

Thankyou! Glad to hear your knee is good, hoping I can say that in a few months💜

Tapanac profile image

Oh dear wishing you well and hope for a complete recovery very soon. I've mentioned to the Afib that it's not invited to your party......

in reply to Tapanac

Thankyou! I agree a fib is not on my guest list!!!

Yes Ive heard that too. My sisterinlaw has had both knees replaced probably close to 10 yr ago. She is older than me and runs around like a teenager! I will settle for painfree walking at this point😂

Jupiter33 profile image

Best wishes for next week Hoski. Hope all goes well and your AF remains dormant.


in reply to Jupiter33

Thankyou so much! I love all the great support here. Im feeling more positive every day💜

Yes, I will take checking out off my to do list!!! Thankyou💜

Becksagogo profile image

Good luck to you. X

in reply to Becksagogo


C66t profile image

Blast it anyway Hoski, best wishes for op on Tue. Next. Hugs prayers and love that all will go to plan..💕

in reply to C66t

Thankyou, I appreciate that! Wish it was time to do it, Ive got too much time to think about it😂

Tikaneko profile image

All the very best, I do hope all goes well for you. We will be on pocket duty for you. (With you in your pocket)

in reply to Tikaneko

Thankyou so much! Pocket duty sounds great💜

irene75359 profile image

Just read this, such bad luck with your knee. Wishing you all the best and hoping your heart behaves x

in reply to irene75359


Desanthony profile image

Oh no! Hope it all goes well. Let us know how you get on. Will keep you in our prayers. x

in reply to Desanthony

Thankyou! Can you believe this!! Now I know why my progress was so slow. Hope your recovery is going well.

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to

I was actually doing better a few weeks ago. Not too bad though still finding it difficult to get good bend from my knee. Physio says it will come and not to be too worried at this stage. Had to take a couple of days off as had to go for a gastro test at a hospital about an hour away on Wednesday then went straight from there to Oxfordshire - about 3 hour drive and stay a couple of nights to attend an old neighbour's funeral on Thursday afternoon. So only done my exercises about once a day so feeling quite stiff now. Was doing well and managing to painfully cycle for about 3 mins - very slowly on static bicycle in the gym - so slowly the machine generally switched off and my wife had to get on the bike next to me to activate that timer so that the timer stayed on! My wife hates cycling so she is a gem for doing that. Hopefully now get back into the swing of things. Next physio is Wednesday so hope I am at least at the same place I was last time I went and haven't gone backwards.

All the best to you and hope everything goes OK.


in reply to Desanthony

Thanks, and best wishes to you also.

myrnalynn52 profile image

I am so sorry, I had one done jun26 and also sailed through with no AFib or SVT, Little high blood pressure but was out and on the mend in 21/2 days, I am getting number 2 done on halloween , hoping for the same result and prayers that heart behaves and surgery a breeze. I hope all goes well for you and a speedy recovery, prayers to you

in reply to myrnalynn52

Thankyou so much! Here is to normal heart rhythm and successful surgeries for us both!💜

myrnalynn52 profile image
myrnalynn52 in reply to

I second that

in reply to myrnalynn52


myrnalynn52 profile image

I hope all went well with your surgery and you are healing as quickly as possible. I am glad they cemented yours on this time do you do not have another repeat. All the Best

myrnalynn52 profile image

I also had mine done on 10/31/19 and home 11/01/19 heat rate dropped to 35 in Or had to give me a something a little low blood pressure after but heart stayed in NSR

I am finding that my right l

Knee I had done 06/26/19 is still weak and causing me a bit of a hip ache on that side , I am using that side to get me around and up and down more . I guess not fully healed

So finding I am not breezing through this one as easily , Each day gets better

in reply to myrnalynn52

Not an easy road. I was doing much better than last time re pain, but today therapy really worked me hard, My knee is not a happy knee tonight, lol. Best wishes for your recovery💜

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