Close call: I think the entire world... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Close call

63 Replies

I think the entire world knows how much this old nurse doesnt like to take drugs. Im happy to report out of the last 4+ years, Ive not had any a fib visits in the last 22 months( but who’s counting😉). Ive been on pip most of the 22 mo but last aug I went back on Flecainide daily ( at my request) to see me thru 2 knee replacements last fall. I made it thru those ok. So these last 2 mo( with cardiologist baited breath) , Ive tried to wean off flecainide. I got down to half dose but last night my ticker was getting cranked up, the old familiar pre-a fib neck discomfort was there... I thought “ oh crap”. So I popped 100mg of flec and 25mg of metoprolol, added them back into my medication box and have decided to take the dam pills every day and shut up about it😩 Today my heart is back to its happy self.

So I am publically saying I will take my heart meds twice daily, quit playing around and be thankful I escaped the bullet last night💜 Im sure my heart doc will have less eye rolls when I walk away too...

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63 Replies
Buffafly profile image

I sympathize but not a lot because I can't take those meds at all 😊

in reply to Buffafly

Yes I really believe I should b more thankful that I can and so far dont notice any side effects. Thankyou💜

BobD profile image

It is damned annoying when you get that close but I think you did the right thing. Since my last "treatment" I've been back on the pills myself and not happy but we are alive and kicking, if not as hard as usual.

in reply to BobD

Yes you are right. My hubby is happier when I take my meds and quit playing cardiologist.

Tudee profile image
Tudee in reply to

Yes Hoski but how many more will admit that they will “self medicate” from their supplies when faced with a protracted bout of fast A.F, and accompanying panic or possibly a visit to A&E,

I feel another survey coming on Jerry. Dee

in reply to Tudee

😩😇🧐. Asking for a friend...🤣🤣🤣

Frances123 profile image
Frances123 in reply to BobD

Do you take Flecainide Bob and can I ask how long you were pill free apart from warfarin I mean. I only ask as at next checkup (as long as everything is ok) they are going to start reducing my Flecainide. I’ve only ever been on lowest dose 50mg bd. Thanks.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Frances123

I took propafanone Frances and was drug free (apart from warfarin) for about 11 years.

cuore profile image
cuore in reply to BobD

After my third ablation (May 27,2019) I have been taking Propafanone 300mg x2. During this time, I have been AF free. That's eight months now. How long were you on Propafanone? You do say you were drug free for 11 years. At nine months, I intend to ask for a review.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to cuore

For Af about three years. Now for tachycardia.

cuore profile image
cuore in reply to BobD

Sorry, I forgot to ask the dosage and whether it was ever reduced. Three years is a long haul for me if I am kept on it for a long time also. So, I guess I'm asking how does one know when to come off the drug and to reduce dosage (obviously it is in the hands of the EP)?

Granted time is definitely a factor such as having no AF episodes in a targeted time period. Would age also be considered? I guess how one feels could be added. Exclude side effects because they could be handled by switching to another anti-arrhythmic drug.

This is the reality of aging --- drugs ( hypertension, anti-arrhythmic, anti - coagulant). But, the cup is half full; I feel great.

Bagrat profile image

I got down to 2 x 50 of flec and must admit the temptation to shave a bit off each pill is ever present. What is it with us nurses??

in reply to Bagrat

I dont know, its universal though!!! We old nurses are difficult patients, lol. I get by with 50 mg twice daily and metoprolol 12.5 mg twice daily. My heart was going a little too slow on 25 mg.

TamlaMotown profile image

😰 phew that was a bit too close for comfort pleased you managed to dodge the bullet 👍

in reply to TamlaMotown

Yes I figured God was sending me neon lights!!!

Frances123 profile image

Loved your post. What dosage were you on when you started to wean yourself? I’m on 50mg bd and have been for 14 years. Had a cryoablation 4.3 months ago and at next check in July they are going to start reducing dosage With the view to stopping altogether I guess. Will be nice to tick one drug off list but will stay with them if I had too. X

in reply to Frances123

I was only on 50mg twice daily, then cut them in half for 3 wk then quit about 2 days before my heart started to panic. That morning my apple watch showed my heart rate had jumped up to 150 for a few minutes but no a fib. But that nite at bedtime, my heart was 100 at rest( normally 60) and the neck discomfort started in, same as when I used to have a fib episodes. So I know a storm was heading my way.

Tantaanna profile image

After three years of pip, then on after ablation

It gave me ill effects- and with metoprolol really made me jittery

also lengthened my R ? Wave on electrocardiograph - advised not to take

in reply to Tantaanna

Wow thats a little scary!

Desanthony profile image

Glad you are OK your post did make me laugh though. Just had my 3rd successful Cv today so hoping it will last as long as the first one which was a year. Am still on list for ablation but having second and third thoughts. My knee is doing well now but have to keep exercising to stop it from stiffening up. I am thankful that neither my other hip or knee show signs of needing a replacement. ~At least now my joints should see me out. I am also very pleased to say that my PSA is still undetectable after prostate cancer treatment 3 years ago so really just got to get my AFib under control now and I will be going around like a 70 year old again! I am 77 this year so won't be able to turn the clock back too far LOL.

in reply to Desanthony

I think if people can choose what gender they are, we should get to choose our age!!! ( no disrespect intended to anyone) I will soon b 67 but maybe I will choose 8.... life was more fun at 8

Slim2018 profile image
Slim2018 in reply to

My mate is now deducting VAT from his very well. I am no longer 64, I am now 51....

in reply to Slim2018


Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to

Right good idea deduct VAT!

in reply to Desanthony

What is VAT?

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to

Value Added Tax on some (pretty much the majority of) goods and services for sale in the UK. There are some things which are exempt this tax - childrens' shoes and clothes basic foodstuffs and if you are registered disabled you can claim the VAT back off disability aids and companies can claim VAT off things they buy for their business and such like currently at 20%.

in reply to Desanthony


morpheo profile image
morpheo in reply to

Bane of small businesses in the UK. Is it a biscuit, is it a cake? One has VAT one hasn't.

7164 profile image


Could you tell me about the neck warnings please

in reply to 7164

I get a weird tight feeling that starts in my neck and goes to my jaw. ( both sides)It kind of feels like Ive clenched my teeth shut a long time and the jaw gets tired. And the minute the a fib stops, it goes away. Not everyone gets the same weird feelings.

msw88 profile image
msw88 in reply to

I k ow that neck feeling...... unfortunately!

in reply to msw88

Not fun

msw88 profile image
msw88 in reply to

No it’s not! Hate it

in reply to msw88

Me too

LaceyLady profile image

I understand that you have to be really slow weaning off, so that could be the problem. But you have to do what’s needed.

in reply to LaceyLady

The first time, heart doc said take a week. This time I stretched it out over 3 wk. 50 mg is such a small dose, dont think its a factor.

Slim2018 profile image

I am seeing my cardiologist on Thursday and already in my mind I am rehearsing the “ could I go down from 100 mg Flecainide twice a day to 50 mg a day twice or even how about 100 mg once a day at bedtime”....

in reply to Slim2018

Flec needs to b twice a day. Go ahead and ask, its reasonable. He/she will say yay or nay. Only down side is taking a chance on a fib returning and is 50 mg enough to chase it off.

Slim2018 profile image
Slim2018 in reply to

Wise words

in reply to Slim2018

I excell on advising everyone else on what to do. I just don’t follow my own good advice too often😂

in reply to Slim2018

I see my EP on 18th, but not even going to ask if I can reduce my 100 Flecainide twice a day down to 50, too scared to try it!


in reply to

I totally get it💜

Equish profile image
Equish in reply to

I’m on 100 msg of flecainide twice a day and bisoprolol 1.25 daily. This has settled things down lovely. Just new to the Afib which started in beg December. My question I think is why reduce it. What long term effects does it have. I would be very scared not to take it. Also have been referred for ablation. I’m struggling with should I have ablation given that so many don’t work or take lifelong flecainide

in reply to Equish

I’m with you on ablation. At 76, will happily take Flecainide for as long as it works!

Equish profile image
Equish in reply to

I totally agree Hilda. I’m 63 and just wonder what the long term side effects would be from a slightly younger age

in reply to Equish

I have always gotten by great with no daily meds, just taking flecainide when I get a fib and it has always stopped. I asked heart doc to go on daily thru my couple months of knee surgery because I was afraid the pain of the surgery might stir up my a fib. Now, 3 mo after surgery, no a fib, I thought I could come off it. My heart disagrees. I tolerate flecainide fine, there is no real good reason not to take it so Im going to guit thinking Im bullet proof and take it and b happy it works for me. I think most old nurses think we can beat the system😂

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Slim2018

I'm seeing mine on Friday and will ask the same question Slim, let us know how you get on. I suggest mine will roll the eyes and repeat the mantra if you are OK do nothing different........maybe right but it doesn't take into account the risk of future issues.

LaceyLady profile image

I didn’t have a great night last night, kept waking because HR rate went down to 52 😳 only take 1.25 Bisoprolol & 50 x2 Flecainaide

in reply to LaceyLady

It was not our night was it!!!

in reply to LaceyLady

My heart rate is in the 40s while I sleep, but arrhythmia nurse says no problem at all.

Bagrat profile image

Did it for my 70th and have just carried on!!

Alessa69 profile image
Alessa69 in reply to Bagrat

It looks fabulous 💖

Bagrat profile image
Bagrat in reply to Alessa69

It draws attention away from the rest of me!!!

sweetiepye profile image

Why do you think you do that ? I also do it. and I'm not sure why. I know I don't know enough to be second guessing my Doctors , but I do. And they know it as I always tell on myself. Pam

in reply to sweetiepye

I think deep down that my body will heal itself if I eat right and exercise. So far it seems to b but Im now realizing these meds can b my friends, not the enemy.

Ianc2 profile image

Hi Hoski

Does your apple watch record your heart rate during the night?

in reply to Ianc2

Yes I wear it 24/7.

secondtry profile image

Thanks for posting, I read somewhere if on 200mgs/day its the first 100mgs reduction that has to be done very slowly BUT i am not suggesting you try that!!!

in reply to secondtry

Im going to be a good patient and quit playing doctor while Im ahead of the game....

Coco51 profile image

I so identify with all you write! But you did the right thing. I cut my Flecainide down by half ready to give it up, and 3 weeks later the AF started again short bursts at first and then a few hours starting every afternoon! So I tried an extra PIP - no good. Then went back to the full 100mg twice a day. Much better! Only infrequent short bursts now.

Still convinced, like you, if I could find a magic food or supplement then I could stop the Flecainide...sometime. 😉❤

in reply to Coco51

Im not getting any younger, Im going to quit playing around while Im ahead! Im sure my doc will b happy about it too, lol

Coco51 profile image
Coco51 in reply to


I find the human body fascinating. I think it tries go send up warnings sometimes. Thinking back on previous a fib episodes, the day they kicked in, I was feeling tired for no apparent reason also. Appetite not great, subtle things.

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