Hi crowd, greetings from a hot and sweaty Bangkok.
The last 2 1/2 years since my abltion in 2017 were pretty ok. Always had my ectopics but that was not so bad. Did sport, swimming, walking, did ride my HD, got energy back, all pretty fine.
Over the last couple of weeks my ectopics increased, saw the cardiologist, did holter, nothing significant, blood test showed that cholesterol went down. All happy.
And yesterday evening, well, it started out with the usual ectopics, some flutter feeling and I knew something is coming. As I live just 10 min away from the hospital I thought lets visit the lads and see what is on. Doc did an ECG and all was fine, said lets monitor 20 min and then you can go home. Well and then the monster hit home. HR between 80 and 140 all over the place, a spike to 210 and the usual urge to pee.
Doc said, stay here and lets see, hoocked me up to the monitor and for the nex few hours I could self monitor my Afib dancing around. By 9 am. I got sleepy and was almost in dreamland when I realized this calm feeling after the storm Back in NSR.
By lunch time I was home with the usual "run over by a truck" feeling. Even before my ablation it never lasted that long.
I hope it was a one-off, see the cardiologist on Monday to talk about ajusting medicine currently on 50 mg metoprolol, 2x80mg Diovan and Pradaxa. He wants me on concorn2.5 but alone the side effects sound scary. Reckon I will be reasoning to change his mind.
I know I need to lose weight, at least 30 kg. Well keep cracking on.
Damn did not realize I wrote that much, sorry for that fellas.
Wish you all a great weeken, I am now off for a few pints.... naa that was a joke
Cheers, John