Thank you to all who encouraged and supported me. I got home from hospital c8.45pm but the day was not without incident. As promised, an update.In order to be there for the requested 7.30am, an alarm of 5.15am was needed. Just under an hour's journey on -2° roads is it exactly calming. But we arrived and I checked in, disrobed, the usual and was sent to sit with others in the waiting lounge.
Unfortunately, there was a lack of communication and I wasn't told that, for reasons I don't fully understand, I'd still be waiting there 5 and a half hours after check-in. As one already nervous, you can imagine.
I didn't get my book out as I thought the next call would be me. As it was, all those who arrived with me went and so did 4 who arrived as the morning went on. By 4 hours, the staff could see I was agitated and began to try to reassure me. Eventually the surgeon came out and talked me down - I was seriously feeling like running tbh. He was excellent and I trusted him implicitly. About 45 minutes after that, I went in.
There was another, more understandable, delayed of c30m and the surgeon explained that a problem next door necessitated his presence. No problem with that.
We had agreed in our earlier talk that sedation would be such that I wouldn't remember the procedure and I don't. After the local, that was it and I'm grateful for it. There was apparently a serious drop in BP but they sorted it and I awoke on the ward, very cold, shaking (no food or drink for 21 hours by that stage) and feeling sick and very shivery. Later, when they removed the femoral sheath, I had a significant bleed - my biggest fear as my team operate without stopping thinners (for perfectly valid medical reasons) I had the fist in groin and G clamp and am rather nervous about removing the final strapping so won't touch it yet.
Staff of all grades have been resoundingly wonderful. My only issue was the initial lack of communication. So I'm now on the other side, waiting to see the result.
Thanks again all. Much appreciated.