Has anyone been prescribed 5mg Eliquis for one dose and 2.5mg for the second dose of the day. I'm not at all sure about this just doesn't sound right to me. Especially as I'm also on aspirin.
mixed dose rates with Eliquis - Atrial Fibrillati...
mixed dose rates with Eliquis

Why are you also on aspirin? Do you have a stent or artificial valve? Asprin is not much use for stroke prevention in AF and I do not think DOACS such as Eliquis are licensed for use where artificial valves are in use here in UK so quite confused.
Sorry, no, I’ve not heard of a mixed dose like that. I’m on eliquis 5mg morning and night. Others can be on 2.5mg, but everything I’ve read indicates the same dosage twice a day.
Maybe you’re on the cutting edge of new prescribing! But it sounds like they haven’t explained the reasoning behind it, and I’d hate not to understand that. So if I were you I’d contact whoever prescribed it, to ask why. And maybe ask my pharmacist if this is usual in their experience? My pharmacist is really helpful over my meds queries.
If you find out, please do let us know the answer
I'm off to see my GP next week to ask for a referral to an EP. I have just been watch the StopAFib conference and it sounds to me like I'm being underdosed.
Sounds like a very good plan to get a referral to an EP
Do let us know how you get on.
It could be that if you are under 60kgs or over 75 the dose is lowered, but possibly if you are over 75 but under 80 as over 80 the dose would definitely be lowered to 2.5mgs morning and night maybe they are halving the one dose to prepare for the full low dose - just guessing, but as everyone says check with your GP or EP.
personally I don't think they really know enough about DOACs. For instance I am 80 female 147lbs and was put on 5mgs bid. Then I realized that men weighing 190lbs are also on same dose, doesn't make sense. At 80yo If I also had kidney problems and only weighed 135lbs I would be on 2 1/2 mgs bid. So I decided to take that lower dosage. When I have an afib episode I take a 5mg (fortunately so far I know when I am in afib). Not sure if I made the right decision but afraid of brain hemorrhages. Part of me wishes I had stayed on my natural alternatives instead.
What were your natural alternatives? I'm just about to contact someone for info on medical herbalist though the first one I consulted when I was first diagnosed was, disappointingly, of no help whatsoever!

vit E/fish oil/nattokinase along with my diet which is vegan (mostly raw). Someone on here recently posted his natural routine and it sounds great.
I've always eaten healthy and no meat or dairy for sometime now - do have eggs from the chickens we keep and oily fish as we seem to need it - sometimes pop the odd few drops of cbd oil but keep forgetting that (and take multivitamins and glucosamine) but I guess something has to get us and I am 75 now! Good luck with your progress! I'm having raw today but not always. I'm going back on the half dose of apixaban now that I'm not taking the flecainide regularly which doesn't seem to stop my AF episodes occurring! it's horrid feeling tired most of the time!
What is nattokinase? And does it prevent your AF? I went through exactly the same experience as you with regard to men vastly larger than me on the same dose which is why I negotiated the half dose. Of course doses are based on the average male so we women are always at a disadvantage!

some info organicfacts.net/nattokinas...
Thanks - I see it seems to be a replacement for anticoagulants - interesting but I thought fermented stuff was a no no for us. As I often eat hummus and falafel and use chickpeas in dishes, I must get a fair amount of it in my diet or doesn't it ferment in digestion?
Hi I am on apixaban take 5mg morning and night I only weigh 53kg so a little concerned re the brain haemorrhage comment,I am still waiting for my appointments see a cardiologist,should I be checking with my GP? I was put on this dose by A&E
Look at the notes that you should always read before taking any prescribed drugs. That's where I discovered about the half dose for those under 60 kg and over 80. I decided to take the lower dose as I weigh 63kg and am 75 (and didn't like the bruising and nose bleeds and the new young GP agreed but I stopped taking it when I thought it was causing the tiredness. (You really need a lot of AF to be a stroke concern). Now I realise it's most probably the flecainide I take when I get episodes that results in the tiredness , I am thinking of returning to taking the 2.5mg twice a day. Lets see how we do. What's ACV please?

Thank you I will check with my GP did not question the dose as was given by a consultant at A&E before this I was not on any medication at 64
Me too really healthy before this and no meds so it has all been quite a shock. Have you looked at the info that comes in the packet as that would be something to present to your doctor. I'm going back on the low dose now I'm not taking the flecainide daily as it doesn't seem to work at preventing episodes so I have to take more to stop them (and get more tired!) Good Luck with the struggle!

My GP took me of the beta blocker as my BP hit the floor,I just wish I knew what caused AF as I find it very unsettling?
Have you seen a cardiologist? I do have the instructions re the Apixaban just not read it!
Good luck
I was the same had to come off beta blockers I was put on a calcium channel blocker. Off to see my GP tomorrow to get a referral to a EP just found out my cardio has been under dosing me for 12 months now with the Eliquis
Interesting to find how different we all are- I was taken off the lowest dose of the beta blocker as it brought my heart rate down too low but only because I consulted the pharmacist after three days of feeling very tired and he must have rung the surgery as a GP saw me straight away (!) and agreed I should stop taking them but failed to suggest a follow up or any alternative either!
Been to my GP and he put me up to the 5mg twice daily. Just finished watching the livestream of Patient/doctor conference and a doctor that was giving a talk and specialised in blood thinners etc. was very adamant about 5mg being the correct dose for AFib unless you fitted two of the 'nono's.
Prescribed 5 mg twice a day but that led to frequent nose bleeds so I had to cut back to 7.5 by breaking 1 of the 5 mg into halves
My cardiologist was informed of my actions but he adhered to the medical guidelines as given to him ignoring my empirical findings.
It is a fact (as far as I know at this moment) there is no commercial means (like blood test) to determine scientifically "is my blood thin enough with Eliquis".
Given there is no scientific proof that no patient would ever need 7.5 mg per day, I listen to my body; to offset additional potential risk that comes with 7.5 mg per day, I take ACV.
What's ACV please?

ACV= apple cider vinegar (it thins my blood & drops my blood pressure)
My blood pressure is fine but interesting to find it works as an anticoagulant too. A friend of ours is very keen on it!
Not sure why they aren't giving you the same dose. You really have to talk to your doc about that. When I was on Eliquis it was 5mg 2x a day. I had an ablation done in April and am no longer on any meds. Seeing the EP is a good idea.