Can anyone tell me what the doses are when you are just going to start them.. Never been on any med for blood thinners but since I got a afib 2 times and tachycardia 2-3 times and I am 72 Dr. says I must start. He gave me for the tachycardia a med. called Cardizem 180 mg ER to take instead of the a dose the emergency room , 3 mths ago put me on for tachyicardia, Cardizem 240 mg. ER .. Until 3 months ago I have not ever been on any kind of heart mediciene before. I've Never had high BP so taking meds is very scary to me . Those are the only 2 heart issues I have ever had. Being alone doesn't help, there's no one to even talk to... Any help with this would be appreciated. Dr. gave the med. Eliquis, 5mg to take 2 times a day, and reduced the cardizem dose hosp. pput me on 3 months. ago.. I am scared out of my wits... Wonder why he didn't just make it 5 mg a day to start with?? My BP is always 115/ 62, I am under weight 122lbs 5' 9".. I did not take the Eliquis yet cause i am scared of that 2 times a day stuff, then dr. said when you are older we will lower dose to 5 mg. a day.. Please help if you can with any insight or reasons?
Eliquis Dosages??? : Can anyone tell me... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Eliquis Dosages???

That is standard dose. If you take once a day you will not hv 24 hour coverage.
Oh, you can't imagine how good I feel seeing your reply~ Thank you so much, that makes sense too. Thank you soooo~very much~ It's all so new to me , it just scares me to pieces I don't know what the med's even are..So it is horror for me. again, Merci~
When the doctor said "when you are older, I will lower to 5mg a day", what he meant was that he would change it to 2.5mg taken twice a day.
As to the Cardizem, sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't. It never made any difference to me when I had infrequent afib like you seem to have. Do not be afraid at some point to ask your doctor for a trial off the Diltiazem completely to see if it makes a difference. Drugs are a necessary evil, but if not necessary, they are just evil 😀
You must have a heart of gold to even take the time to share your knowledge ! It's make sense to me.
it's amazing when some one takes the time to help another, all the effort and kindness comes back to you ten fold~ Again, Merci Jim
As Jim says, it would be potentially very dangerous if you only took one Eliquis tablet a day as this could seriously increase your risk of having a stroke. The reason why the doses are sometimes reduced for older and under normal weight patients is more to do with the kidney function than the medication itself. Unwanted chemicals leave the body via the kidneys and if they are not functioning correctly, it could cause chemicals to build up which is not good. Hopefully your doctor has told you that you should have kidney function blood tests every 6 months and more regularly as you get older……

My apology Flapjack. I think I missed this reply yesterday. I was just reading it and finding out about the kidneys etc.. such important information. A day late, but Merci to you Mr. Flapjack, you certainly know a lot!
Really like your phrasing - Drugs are a necessary evil, but if not necessary, they are just evil
I sure will ask about the holding the Cardizem to see if there is any difference~ that's brilliant! You sure know a lot about these med.'s and I am so grateful that you shared. Yes, I had to laugh about the "if not necessary , they are just evil!" Again, merci, Jim~ And that is the1st time I have laughed in 5 days :)) !
That's good to have the 5mg dose halved when you're older. I see your weight, Scardycat is quite low. If you read Eliquis leaflet you will see that the dose can be reduced to 2.5mg if you are over 80 ,under 9st 6lbs or kidney problems. You have to meet two of the criteria. Since 2021 I've had a bit of a problem with bleeding with colonscopy and recently heavy nosebleeds. I weigh 8st 9lbs, 13 months away from 80th and 5' 5" I wanted to reduce dose to 2.5mg but both gp and pharmacist said no as kidney function was very good. I can ask again in 2024! I have been advised on here to ask my cardiologist! Good luck with your journey!.
Gosh, I missed several responses yesterday, and I want to say thank you for the low down on weights etc. and checking with Cardiologist about later reducing med. and keep checking my kidney function. Lost my father to failed Kidneys, and my Grandfather on my mothers side it sure is good to keep checking. That was just great info. for which I thank you for veryyyy much. :))
Thank you for the kind words, this is a very helpful place. I am in the US, so just happen to be awake at this late hour in the UK, where the majority of the members live
Your in the UK? Yes, the hours are very different than here.
Yes, most members live in the UK.
Same age here, have been on Cardizem for 12 years (I also have low BP) and take Eliquis twice a day, same dose, no issues. Eliquis is very important…afib can be miserable but a stroke can be fatal.
As previously said Eliquis 5g X2 per day is normal. Eliquis has a life of 12 hours so twice a day covers you for 24 hrs. I have been on this anti coagulant ( it doesn't thin the blood simply changes the clotting process) for 7 years no issues at all. If you do cut yourself it just takes a little longer to stop. Good luck Roy
Hi and welcome - I am assuming because of the use of language that you are in the US?
The Arrythmia Alliance - who sponsor and mediate this forum have a very informative website - both a UK and US specific site which also have telephone help lines if you ever want to talk to anyone with specialist knowledge.
In the meantime this is a link to a leaflet specifically to the Fact Sheet AFA produce on Anticoagulants - including Apixaban - (Eliquis). We Brits tend to use the generic names for drugs rather than the trade names.
This link will take you to the US specific site
Lots of information and easy to watch videos.
It’s very usual and normal to feel very scared about being diagnosed with a heart condition but know that Tachycardia and AF although very uncomfortable are not considered immediately life threatening however they do increase your risk of stroke - which is why you have been advised to take Eliquis - which is a medicine that helps prevent clots forming in your heart which could lead to you having a stroke. The timing of the dosage is very important - too little and you will not have the protection - too much and the risk of bleeds when you fall or knock yourself becomes greater so getting the balance correct is important - hence 2.5mg twice daily.
Hope that helps and don’t hesitate to ask any question you may have. I have had AF (on and off) for about 16 years now. Have been taking Apixaban for the last 10 years and have no identifiable side effects. I have broken bones, taken tumbles, had operations and cut myself and although one needs to put pressure on any cut for longer than one might otherwise have done, the protection Apixaban assures me helps.
Best wishes
Yes, in am in the US.... Good heavens I can't thank you enough for all the information you shared with me and even the two sites/Links you included just amazing, it's like I have found myself many Angels here!! All the information sure helps. Dr. here I have won't take time to tell you anymore that you need to take this, and I'll see you in 6 months !!! Thank you sooo much! Boy will I sleep tonight, thanks to all you Angel's :)))
I was told by an EP that unless the AF went on for 12 hours or so with a fast heart rate, I was not at risk of stroke so I stopped taking anticoagulants which came with nasty side effects ( as all drugs seem to do) with no ill effects and the doctors haven’t pressed me to take them. Of course, I take flecainide so only have very rare episodes of AF which never last more than a few hours with an additional flecainide. But we are all different so good luck finding what works for you.
It really depends upon your CHADS risk score and being over 65 and female automatically gives a score of 2. Of course it’s also patient choice - all I can offer is you are not always aware of every episode.
I have a Kardia and always feel when my heart is behaving slightly differently and check it. Sometimes it is just a faster HR than I’m used to but fine. I am a 79 year old female, have never been overweight and have a healthy diet with no dairy or meat but we are all different and I am very aware that what works for me may not be suitable for others.
we are all different but no matter how well & fit you are the stroke risk for anyone with AF is there. I take no other meds for AF but anticoagulants and after a TIA which came out of the blue, when I thought AF after I had been clear of AF for over 12 months I couldn’t get back on them fast enough - I’ll take them over a stroke anyway.
My personal choice.
Hi Vonnegut My HR tends to fluctuates quite a bit throughout the day. From say 72 to as high as 90. Is this your personal experience? I realize that everyones HR fluctuates throughout the day but to what degree I wonder... Ty!!!
No, mine varies but as I am unable to do much exercise or much else it is rarely very high. The last of the zoom Tai Chi sessions that I took part in recently which I had to leave because I felt so dreadful, brought my heart rate into the high 70s and it was still in the low 70s after resting for a while - unusual for me though I have noticed that my heart rate seems to be faster since I went on the dose of Flecainide I take now.
Russian roulette springs to mind but methinks you ain’t gonna listen to me or anyone else who doesn’t agree with you…good luck

We all have to find what works for us as individuals! Off to a poetry reading now having dropped in to see a friend who is recovering from a stroke!
You are right. Have a nice time visiting your friend, and your poetry reading Bet your friend love to hear some of the poetry. Hope your visit finds her mending nicely!
You be sure to take care of you, too
I wrote to you after visiting the friend who had had the stroke who is a poet before we went to hear readings by a younger poet reading poetry written by his parents who have both died who I knew, and his own. At 79, I’m an old lady too!
I used to work with folk who never recovered from a stroke

Sorry you feel that way, but's it's okay, all is well...
you sound like a very nice lady and it’s good to know that you are pleased with the responses to your post. Hopefully now you are less of a “scaredy-cat”.

Oh yes FlapJack, I can only begin to tell you how much better I feel and how much less of a scardycat I am Because of all of YOU I am starting med.s in the morning as dr. told me to do BUT`~ with out of you and your quality hearts to help me, I doubt I would have. Thank you from the bottom of my heart or the top of my heart, which ever works the best :)) <3
Yes, I will keep up. Thank you for the time you took to answer a spooked ol' lady!! The info. sure does help. :))
See above- I’m another old lady at 79!
I'm 79 on June 19th!
Hope you have a lovely day. We had a great day on my birthday which coincided with a wonderful Holocaust Memorial Day event in Stroud where our wonderful Red Band played and there were readers and singers and we were invited to tea and cake with the band afterwards with my daughter and son and his partner and their two young sons. Sadly, it turned out I caught covid as the next day our daughter rang to tell us she had tested positive so we tested and mine was positive but it was very mild with no temperature so it made made little difference, except staying in until I tested negative 15 days later! It took ten days for my husband to test positive but he tested negative the same day I did and had no temperature etc.
We're all "spooked" real bad in the beginning. But as a good friend (who has afib for years) told me, "It's not the end of the world." I thought it was, but he was right.
Medication doses are highly personalized. It doesn't matter what someone else's dose is: yours is the one that matters. Comparing doses is not a good idea. Any concerns about your dose should be directed to your physician or medical team.
I agree with those saying it’s the standard dose. I was scared at first too, but if they think u might be a stroke risk, u should take it. I’ve been on it for a few years, no issues at all.
I hate to take pills, period, but now it seems I take several each day.. I especially did not want to take any kind of blood thinner but EP said it was a must. I am 85 and been on Eliquis over two years. I take 2.5 twice daily. Have not experienced any noticeable side effects. Guess I am on them for life. They are expensive !!!!
5mg twice a day.
Hi scardycat, I am now 74 and have taken eliquis/apixaban for 6 years 5mg twice a day without any problems .
Shouldn't someone under 60kgs be taking 2.5mg twice a day regardless of age ?
When I was nursing the drug eliquis was given to lots of patients who required a blood thinning medication on the ward. Some were given 5 mgs once a day and some twice a day. I have AF and I take edoxaban 60 mgs once daily. Really important to take if you have AF. Discuss with whoever prescribed the medication for you.
Oh, thank you! I sure will. I phone my Dr. tomorrow. Any info. is soooo appreciated as I find myself alone, and I have never been alone in my life even over night so getting use to all of this new "stuff" going on I am absolutely clueless. I'm 72, but I emotionally I fell like a 5 yr. old child! again, Merci for all of your input/info. and taking the time to help another. You have the stuff Good Nurses of ago had. Not so today. What a shame. Truly Frightening!
5 mg twice a day for over 10 years. Absolutely no problems. I do not want to spend my last years velcroed into a chair because I had a stroke due to afib. Glad to have Eliquis. In two years when I get to the age of 80, my Rx may be changed to 2.5 mg twice a day.