I will be getting a second ablation on January 2nd. My first ablation was a Cryo cold ablation, the second will be using radio frequency. If you have been through a radio frequency ablation after having a Cyro cold ablation , how did the work for you?
Radio frequency ablation on second ab... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Radio frequency ablation on second ablation

Just a quick explanation. Cryo balloon ablations use a small balloon which is inserted into the pulmonary viens and a freezing gas pumped in to freeze the surface to produce the necessary scar tissue.
It is quick and easy for the EP to perform and in many cases either stops the AF or reduces frequency . The down side of cryo balloon is that if there are other areas which are firing off then these can not be dealt with, hence the need for an RF ablation to mop up those parts that the balloon can't reach. This is quite a common thing to happen as whilst there can be multiple RF ablations cryo tends to be a once only procedure .
I hope that helps.
Fine Slattery, wasn’t too much of a problem for me. I assume you are aware of the reasons why a follow up RF ablation is not unusual after a cryoablation?
The only slight problem for me was a reaction relating to the general anaesthetic which caused some dizziness and nausea. The advantage was being unaware of anything until I woke up. In every other respect, the recovery was much the same. Good luck, but there again, checking the date, you will know all this already.....😉
The difference may be time, cryo ablation is usually a lot quicker as it freezes all in one go whereas the RF is done by wire and relies upon the skill of the EP and the accuracy of the imaging & 3D mapping as it makes the burns. As you are having RF after cryo - it will just be a touch up of all the spots the cryo balloon missed so shouldn’t be as long a full RF ablation. You will not be aware of the difference as everything else, apart from what is on the end of the catheter, will be the same.
Hi, I had an RF ablation in August 2020 following a Cryo in 2017. Had a bit more discomfort after RF when taking a deep breath followed by a couple of AF and tachycardia bouts a week later which follow up appointment said was expected. Since then its been great and wishing you all a normal and Happy New Year.
I had a combined cryo and RF ablation 10 years ago. The cryo did 3 of the 4 PVs. The last was too large for the balloon, so was done with RF. There were also some other areas such as the ligament of marshall which needed doing which could only be done with RF. I have been AF free for most of the 10 years.