Hi all, me again sorry...Day 5 after ablation......I went to bed last night and shortly after I had a chest pain that moved up to my throat thrn into my neck, as it moved it stopped hurting the chest, , thrn stopped the throat and I end up with it in my neck.....this pain travelled if that makes sense.....I thought it was a heart attack?? But it was all over in a few minutes.....
I went to loo and did burp a bit.....so it could have been gas????......I checked BP and pulse all normal and felt normal except for the panic of “what the hells happening?”....
It’s thrown me a lot as apart from migraines, anotherthis morning, my heart has been very quiet and I’ve fekt normal......
I’m ringing my local cardio tomoz for my appointment and will tell him, but wondered if anyone else had this post ablation? It’s weird living here if I was in U.K. I’d have rung the doc, but I’m up a mountain , roads full of snow there’s no out of hours doc here it’s just emergency, but everything was normal after a few minutes.....