Svt ablation: Hi everyone, I am due my... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Svt ablation

MydogBrandy profile image
37 Replies

Hi everyone, I am due my ablation in January and getting really scared you will see from previous posts my husband also uses this site for comfort regarding his tablets after his heart attack and angina episodes. We wer3 both in hospital on the same ward, opposite beds two months ago. My condition is svt not af , my question is if hopefully someone can help , is an svt ablation less complicated than an af ablation, what is the recovery period for this type of ablation and does it work the first time? Any help in reassuring me would be very grateful thanks

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MydogBrandy profile image
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37 Replies
BobD profile image

Ablations all have similar recovery periods and the time taken will depend on what the EP finds when he is inside. Our recovering from ablation fact sheet is fine for both.

MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to BobD

Thanks BobD

Just in case you haven’t seen these factsheets.

MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to

Thanks flapjack have printed them off to read, hope it will settle my nerves.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Just to say we all get nervous before having ablations, it's natural to feel that way. Afterwards you'll wonder why you worried.

Wishing you a complete cure in January.


MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thank you so much Ellen let you know how I get on

MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to MydogBrandy

Sorry I said Ellen meant Jean, shows my heads everywhere x

Lorlaw70 profile image

Hi MydogBrandy - January seems to be the month for ablation! I to am having an ablation in January and I am feeling anxious about the whole thing, but this forum is full of positive people giving excellent advise and reassurance. Whenever it gets to much for me I go and read some of the positive feedback which has been given to me.

I hope it is a great success for you and wish you all the very best.

Maybe we could compare notes lol


MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to Lorlaw70

Hi Laura, great to hear from you yes I have been told it’s January but not got exact date yet so will definately come back and let you know how I get on, trying to put it out of my mind over Christmas if I can ! Let’s hope it will give us both a better 2019 and that goes for everyone else too. X

Regards Ursula

Morzine profile image

Me too I’m having mine in January!.....and yes I’m anxious when I think about it, but am being an ostrich and told myself to ignore it till I get’s good there’s Xmas coming up as a diversion......I so want this to happen and my confidence is built on this forum, goodness knows how I’d be feeling now if I hadn’t read all the positives on this site......and it’s even prepared me for failure which I hope won’t happen but it’s good to know there’s a second chance, etc.....

I know that days closer I will be constantly worried I’m not sure how to stop will be so nice to all be back here in February on this site saying all is goung well.....fingers toes and arms and legs crossed eh!

All the best lorlaw70 and mydogbrandy


MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to Morzine

Thanks Sue, if we all cross every thing we should get some luck!!! Hope yours goes well too. Catch up afterwards eh? X

Regards Ursula

Morzine profile image
Morzine in reply to MydogBrandy

Yes I’m the 21st!.....I’m a bit more worried about afterwards when I’m home to be honest as I’m living up a mountain in the alps and full on winter snow , hard to nip anywhere ever since I’ve had this I always never know when I’m supposed to get help.....I think it will be accentuated afterwards if I get those afib that might occur....I’m hoping it goes away after and let’s hope we sail thru this eh!!.....

Keep in touch!


MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to Morzine

Hi, are you in Austria?

Morzine profile image
Morzine in reply to MydogBrandy

No I’m in the french alps, close to Morzine, very snowy now....

MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to Morzine

Oh, that sounds nice, I asked if it was Austria Cos that is where I was born, wanting to get well enough to be able to go and see my relatives, not been for 4 years because of my health

Morzine profile image
Morzine in reply to MydogBrandy

Yes a trip is a good plan to focus on after all this.....what a reward eh!.....Austria’s lovely, how nice. We live up a snowed last night, in fact my husbands skiing as I type..... I do find I’m limited right now as everywhere is an incline of course, I tend to keep to the flat as much as possible. I haven’t tested myself walking up hills, although my cardio said I’d be ok ......this afib makes you so wary of things doesn’t it.....

MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to Morzine

Yes. Agree, I feel like I needed to be treated with kid gloves lol, which is really pathetic but think I have talked myself into thinking if I move very carefully and don’t rush about I will be fine. Envy your beautiful scenery enjoy your snowy Christmas x regards Ursula

Lorlaw70 profile image
Lorlaw70 in reply to Morzine

Hi Sue - January is the month then. Mine is on the 23rd at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. I am hopeful. I have started knitting so everyone is getting a scarf this year lol.

Hopefully we all have positive results!

All the very best


Morzine profile image
Morzine in reply to Lorlaw70

Hi Laura I’m being done in Lyon France.....3 hours away from home.......I’m the 21 st and will be on my wY home the day you are being done......warm wishes to you for a success!

Ha ha I’ve jouned a knitting club here....I’m doing a scarf!!


MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to Lorlaw70

Hey yes think I will start knitting

songbird74 profile image

the waiting was far worse than the procedure which was really a bit of a non event although I did have a general anaesthetic which probably helped!

MydogBrandy profile image

Hi, I’m having a general anaesthetic too, so how were you afterwards?

NessNet profile image

I had EP study and ablation done almost 2 weeks ago. Going in I Didnt know if I had svt or afib however my cardiologist told me beforehand that if a fib was diagnosed during the EP study I would need to come back again for ablation as it would require a general anestetic to perform. I was eventually diagnosed with atrial tachycardia and had ablation done under light sedative. It is only normal to be nervous before the procedure but I can reassure you you will be in great hands and it will be well worth it. For me personally recovery is going really well - I am back to work today (hovewer working from home this week to adjust) and apart from occasional single palpitations that don't progress any further (very weird feeling!) I am feeling good. Best of luck.Ness

Morzine profile image
Morzine in reply to NessNet

That’s encouraging to hear for us waiting to be done

MydogBrandy profile image

Dear Ness, thanks so much for your reassurance, I am having general anaesthetic Cos I am a wimp. I have been told for last 12 years I needed an ablation and been managing my condition on tablets because I have been too scared. It’s only because the svt’s have become more frequent and my husband has just had three heart attacks that I have finally made the decision. I keep telling myself the svts have gone but in saying that I am very careful about looking down or looking up quickly because these seem to be triggers for me.

It would be wonderful to finally be able to look forward to things without worrying that I might end up inA/E.

Good luck with working from home, nothing like being in your jimjams and earning money lol x

torwell profile image
torwell in reply to MydogBrandy

I wish you well with your ablation. I have not had an ablation myself (I have SVT too, managing fairly well on a low dose of bisoprolol) but am chiming in as I noted your comment about "looking up quickly" being a trigger. I have noticed that about myself, too - but dismissed it as I thought I was imagining things - and have not heard anyone else ever mention it. (I feel like I'm flirting with disaster, for example, when I scan top shelves in a shop with my eyes...) Do you feel this way too?

MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to torwell

Yes definately, have to stand far back when looking at top shelves. Have always said it is my eye movement that triggers that is looking up, looking down, sideways etc. They (Doctors) all look at me as if I am stupid when I say this. Even when I put mascara on it happens. Nice to hear someone else has it , sorry didn’t mean that I mean nice to hear that my trigger is also recognised by someone else.

LMor profile image

Hi. I had mine booked for November but I cancelled because I didn’t want to be recovering over Christmas as too much to do lol. It’s now happening the beginning of February. I am so worried too which is not like me but I have other health conditions and my body doesn’t seem to recover as well as it used to. I keep wondering whether I need it but I’ve had two major episodes this year where my heart rate has been over 250 beats a minute for three hours. I was rushed to A & e and adenosine administered. I know how you’re feeling and it seems scary being your heart. If the svt’s are interfering with your life then I would have the op. Good luck

MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to LMor

Thank you will let you know how I get on

lwm1198 profile image

The ablation was a breeze ....cured my a fib! Recovery took some weeks as my body at 70 doesn't spring back like it used to. Tired, and odd sensation that I suspect was healing/scarring. Great info here to reassure you that it is worth it all!

MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to lwm1198

Great to hear, I am seventy soon!!!

rvotvtlady profile image

Hi, unlike many people on here I have had two ablation for vt exercise induced. My first ablation was unsuccessful so I had a second in August. I was worried but the first procedure I hardly remember as I had quite alot of sedation. The second time I had alot less sedation and I was alot more aware and felt some sensations as they were burning but not actual pain. If you are having a general you won't feel a thing. I recovered very quickly from both ablations and had none of the tiredness afterwards. I was back at work after a week but could have returned sooner. My only symptoms after was a slightly achy leg if I overdid it for about a week after. I had no probs with the catheter site either. I was 46 though when I had procedures so I'm relatively young and also extremely fit prior to first procedure, I'm an ex runner now. Not sure yet if this ablation has been successful as I have had a few breathless episodes but will see ep for review soon. Good luck with your procedure, it really is not bad at all. Jill

MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to rvotvtlady

Thanks so much, I’m a lot older than you but fingers crossed, will let you know how I get on

mjames1 profile image

SVT ablation is simpler, shorter and has faster recovery than an afib ablation. It also has a significantly higher success rate, assuming its just SVT and not SVT and afib.


MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to mjames1

Thanks Jim, I am so pleased you have said that. I think about it everyday, all day. Will let you know how I get on.

Morzine profile image

Yes I do think about it every day too but fleetingly.....I try to cut it out.....

MydogBrandy profile image
MydogBrandy in reply to Morzine

Thanks glad I’m not on my own

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