It’s now 2 weeks since the implant and I am feeling really, really well - probably the best I have ever felt in the last 10 years.
The wound was incredibly neat - 8 clips to hold it together removed after 7 days - it has healed clean and even at this early stage difficult to see. You can just about see the outline of the device.
I rang the clinic about the occasional very strong thumps setting off my diaphragm and taking my breath away and the physiologist suggested that it was probably one of the wires which goes sub-clavicle being so close to the nerve that it was triggering the diaphragm and that it could be adjusted if it was too troublesome and it was a common problem. We decided that I would wait until the 6 week appointment.
I felt SO well in the first few days that I probably overdid things and I had a few days when I was pretty sure that I was in AF for about 48 hours although of course it didn’t show on the Kardia - which my husband cannot get his head around because his does show but he has a 2 lead which is not set to do anything for AF. During the episodes I felt the usual thumping but didn’t have any other symptoms other than the frequent peeing.
My Mg has been much more stable in the last 3 months but now even better and the face droop has almost disappeared unless I am very tired and no Ptosis - so much so I have been forgetting to take my tablets and then +4 hours feeling a bit tired and then look in my pill box and realise I have’nt had any Pyridostigamine for 6-8 hours - unheard of!
The other really, strange but good thing is that all m constant muscle pain has gone! Incredible! I noticed within 48 hours - my body feels loose and relaxed whcih I haven’t had for 20 years! The only explanation I can think of is that my body is now clearing all the waste more efficiently.
It’s now hard to stop myself reaching with my left arm or doing too much, I still get tired but it feels a more healthy tired if that makes sense. I just feel life force returning and energy and enthusiasm with it.
Feeling SO grateful!
Thank you to all who supported me with my shall I/shall I nots and the best wishes, it SO helps.