I MAY, PERHAPS, NOT SURE .............. have a 'pace and ablate' procedure soon, perhaps! .... I know there is about a six week interval between the pacemaker being inserted and the ablation of the AV node, so is the pacemaker on and working during this time, or not working until the ablate part?
Pace and ablate interval: I MAY... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pace and ablate interval

As I understand it, it takes about 6 weeks for the wires to embed themselves solidly into the heart muscle. For that reason, it's not a good idea to ablate the AV node (which will mean you are 100% paced) until that has happened and it has been checked. Depending on the settings on your pacemaker, it may add beats if your heart is too slow (bradycardia) but I don't think it'll do anything if your heart is too fast.
I have posted here for approx. 2 years whilst researching everything. I recently agreed to a pace & ablate procedure and this was arranged (pacemaker) within 2 weeks. It is early days yet inserted 25/10/18 but I can definitely say it is working. I cannot believe the difference already, the severe shortness of breath has vanished .
I know you have been thinking about this for a long time. What makes you hesitate?
I am hesitant because I have never heard a really satisfactory explanation as to what it will feel like when I have a bout of AF after having the PM, and if I go into permanent AF, which apparently 75% do. what will happen then? My EP says things like 'everyone is different ' and 'do you have breathing problems when in AF?'. What? In between my bouts of AF now, I feel perfectly well, so I am very reluctant to have the PM. However, when I am in A&E and I can't move or breathe, then it is a different story and I always say 'I can't stand it any longer'. I was given a date for the procedure in September, but completely went to pieces and had to cancel it. Then a few days later had a horrible AF episode again.
I am seeing EP again next Friday, so will have to face the decision again. Thanks for remembering how I feel.
Hi Melleray
I had pace and ablate 6 years ago and it was the best thing for me. I have now gone into permanent a fib but because of the pacemaker controlling my heart it is not a problem. My a fib is extremely fast but if you took my pulse it would read 60 bpm. I too worried before hand about being totally dependant, and yes, I did worry for the first few weeks afterwards but I am so glad I did it.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for your reply. I had the pace and ablate in Feb 19, and after some quite horrible teething problems it has settled down to a manageable situation. It was the right thing to do for me as I could not have gone on with the AF crippling me every few weeks and always ending up in A&E. Hope all continues well for you.
Have you tried all the possible life-style changes, such as no processed foods, losing weight and taking magnesium?
Yes, everything I'm afraid. Thank you anyway
Hi Melleray, I have PAF along with SSS. I’ve had a 2 lead pacemaker since 2012. I’m a 64 yr old male. The heart meds were not all that effective and the side effects were totally not welcome. I decided for the AV node ablation last June. The worse thing about the procedures were the stress and anxiety which I created with my own mind. I just had to do what I had to do. I had to put myself in the hands of the experts and let them do their thing. I had to trust them. And it really wasn’t all that bad. Real doable.
I’m still in the stage where I’m discovering if the Ablation was 100% successful. I have an appointment on Tuesday at the pacemaker clinic. Sometimes things need to be adjusted or course corrected, but a sense of stoicism is always helpful. Modern medical technology is pretty amazing!
Thank you - it's good to hear you are doing okay. Do you feel better?
I’m feeling ok, but that is relative I suppose. There is always the stress thing to deal with but that’s life. In the present moment, all is well. I have a pacemaker/arrhythmia clinic appointment in a couple of days so I’m hoping for some answers as to what is happening with my heart rate and whether they will recommend meds again or another attempt at ablation. My regular EP is away so perhaps I won’t get any definite answers.
Hi, I’m feeling a lot better since my last pacemaker checkup. There were 2 tech nurses checking this time and I think they really got precise with the settings. I seldom feel palpitations even though I’m still having some Afib. I do get some runs of pvcs. BP was a little bit high so I decided to take some bisoprolol for it and it helps with the Afib too. I only take 5mg per day so it’s not too hard to handle. I’ve also been taking magnesium taurate, 250 mg per day. So with all that I’m feeling better.
I have another pacer/cardio checkup in 20 days so I should learn more at that time.
My pacemaker was switched on but only at a low beat around 40 as it’s not involved just yet
But they can monitor the status of you lead Position at check time around six weeks
Once av node is ablated at that point it’s set at 90bom bottom to 130 bpm top until a few months then they make adjustments
Possibly 70 to 150 Although I’m not there yet to confirm that part