Today I joined the pace and ablate club
Operation went well
Through a vein in the groin
Slight pain with the deeper local anaesthetic
Ablating av node with heat
Felt like heartburn uncomfortable but not too bad
At some point I had no natural heartbeat or pacemaker
He recorded an escape rhythm of 45
Had to lay on a bed for an hour
Then an hour being mobile
Due to a special stitch the surgeon used
( his words )
Going in the groin does involve plastic pants which are basically ripped off
So my micro penis must have been on display
The embarrassment was the hardest part of the process
I’m set at 90 bpm for 3months
With a top end of 130 bpm
At 3 months they will reduce bottom rate
I’m off diltiazem and digoxin from today
Left with Edoxaban
Feel ok bit tired
Went down to Cath lab 1245 left hospital 1730
Hopefully a true account of the ablation part for anyone wanting to know.