Help, has anyone else done this? I was reading and drinking my juice and realised I'd taken Friday's too. Phoned surgery and waiting for Dr to call back. Silly silly me.
Taken Edoxaban twice this morning - Atrial Fibrillati...
Taken Edoxaban twice this morning

Hi Vee, has your doctor replied.
If in doubt can you get to A&E, make sure you take the packaging with you.
Yes I have pill compartments and once I took a Thursday morning dose on a Wednesday night because I picked up the wrong tablet box and wasn't thinking. Came out of it OK just felt groggy the day after.
Try not to worry VeeT, you ain't the first, and you surely will not be the last! Have a look at the leaflet and see if it tells you how long you should wait before taking the next one. If not, try your Pharmacist or even see if there is any information on the manufacturers webpage.
As a precaution, obviously avoid doing anything which could cause a bleed, but wrapping yourself up in a duvet and staying in bed all day might not be entirely necessary!!
We always suggest using a dosette box available from any pharmacy.

Thanks flapjack, leaflet says tell GP immediately if you double the dose. I took mine just a few minutes apart.
Didn't worry so much on warfarin when I made mistakes but no antidote to Edoxaban.

Flapjack I have looked on the website for Vee and can't see a lot of detail, it can be hard to think clearly and look things up when you are worried about something.
Hi Vee , as I understand it there is no reversal agent for edoxaban as yet but you can be given charcoal to absorb the dose is you are worried.
Try not to worry I know it must be hard , I wouldn't like to say what you should do.
Thanks doodle68. Talking to you all is keeping me calm until Dr rings. I didn't know about charcoal.
Hi VeeT, I sympathise so much, I have very nearly done it in absent mindedness, despite pill boxes! I’m sure I’ve seen people post on here who’ve done it too, but I can’t find anything on a quick search. Hopefully the dr will ring back soon. A pharmacist might be able to advise if not? They’re always a helpful port of call in my experience.
Good luck- hope you can be reassured v quickly. Please will you let us know what they advise you? X
Thanks for searching Jane, I'm not calm enough to do that. I'l get neighbour on standby in case I have to go to A & E.
Oh well done getting your neighbour on standby -I hope (and I really expect) you won’t need them, but good to be prepared. It will all be fine - but in the meantime don’t forget to do calming breathing - you don’t want to trigger AF in all this xx
Oh woe! But perhaps better off knowing that you have taken two than wondering if you did or not. Debatable!

Can't believe I did it. Reading and not thinking. Did it automatically without really looking.
Must be a good book!

Very late getting to them and had them in the house for ages but just read Kate Atkinson's Life after Life and finishing God in Ruins. Getting near the end and was in another world.
Have you read her book Behing the Scenes at the Museum? Brilliant! Glad to see you arenok,did the same once with Apixaban.had to miss a days dose and sat in trepidation all day feeling stupid! Best wishes xx
Pharmacist attached to practice rang me. If I'd taken 3 or 4 he'd have sent me to A & E but thought not for an extra 1. I've to get through next 12 - 14 hours without falling or banging my head. He's prescribed pill to stop stomach bleed which I've forgotten name of even though I asked twice. Will pick that up after 12. I've to take Edoxaban tomorrow but not until about 1 pm. He then talked about how much easier it is with warfarin. Thank you all for advice and words of comfort. It means such a lot at times like this x
Oh that’s great news, VeeT! That all makes perfect sense. You must be relieved! Though you’ll be even more relieved once you’ve got through today with no spills
Take care of yourself, Jxx
PS Hope you can still enjoy Kate Atkinson despite this - fabulous books, I agree
Hi Vee that's good, don't do it again will you, my AF doesn't cope well with stress
Got pills from pharmacy, Lansoprazole.
He also said drink plenty of water which I do anyway.
Thanks again everyone x
Great! I was just going to ask what the tabs are, thanks for letting us know
How long do you have to take them? Since being on anticoagulation, I have to take lansoprazole daily -supposedly forever- to prevent gastric bleeds, but that’s only because of previous gastric problems.
Btw don’t panic if you start feeling dizzy - my first few days of lansoprazole I was swimmy-headed and dizzy, apparently that’s common, and it passed.
Hope you’re relaxing now XX
As pharmacist was talking he decided it would be better if I was on Lansoprazole permanently. I don't have gastric problems but will take the month's supply I've been given and then see how I feel . Thanks for warning about side effects.
In garden now relaxing and reading. X
Scary when it happens, but as time passes it becomes experience and the basis for a funny story, and a warning to others! 5 hours and counting!
Just had emergency appointment at surgery as I've developed a lump and bruise on my arm. GP said nothing to worry about but if it gets worse or bruises develop elsewhere or any bleeding , come back. Feeling less confident but as you say 5 hours and counting.
Gah I’m sorry Hope and pray it’s nothing. If it’s any comfort, this morning I developed three bruises on my arm out of nowhere, and of course I haven’t had a double dose. So hopefully it’s just a case of rotten timing but nothing actually to worry about.
Hope Kate Atkinson can continue to capture your attention happily x
Thanks Jane, that's comforting to know. Can't wait for bed tonight and then hopefully nothing else will happen. Start again tomorrow with Edoxaban about 1 pm I've been told by pharmacist although GP said miss tomorrow completely. X
Thanks Jane x Tried twice to put up new post and it keeps disappearing.
Good Morning everyone. Thanks again for all your words of comfort yesterday. It helped me so much. I slept really well which is amazing as I don't usually. Lump under bruise has gone. Rash has disappeared. I won't do that again.
Just wanted to say something else. Got to admit that because I've been feeling so well since being on Edoxaban (take the pill, forget about diet restrictions) I haven't been looking at the forum regularly but as soon as I needed help and advice the forum was the first thing I thought of - after ringing surgery. Feel guilty now that I could have helped someone else out there because of my past experiences. I'll log in more regularly now.
Its a shock when you realise what you have done! Especially with these type of tablets. Xx
Hi Vee is good to hear you are ok today with no ill effects, I nearly committed the same error a number of times with Apixaban until I got my little day named boxes .
The problem is I do some tasks on autopilot so don't remember doing them, it's due to age I suppose and trying to think of too many things at once.