Having gone on holiday and forgotten to take edoxaban, which I normally take at lunch time, for three days I am trying to find out if I can take both Edoxaban and Bisopropol together with breakfast which would avoid that happening again. However I can't find anything out so was wondering if those of you who are on those two drugs could tell me what works for them and whether they do take the two drugs together with no adverse effects. Thank you
Edoxaban and bisopropol: Having gone on... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Edoxaban and bisopropol

I take my Bisoprolol after breakfast and Rivaroxaban after dinner. Others may do different times of day. Xx
I take Apixaban and Bisoprolol at breakfast and then again at around 9.30pm
I take Bisoprolol, Edoxaban and Atorvastatin all together at evening meal. Never had any problems.
I take Bisoprolol, Apixaban and thyroxine all together.
Thyroxine should be taken on an empty stomach and wait an hour.
More important is you have had a thyroidectomy. I take mine at 5am or 6am or 7am - the alarm goes off at 6am Mon - Fri.
I actually take my synthroid 'dissolving under the tongue' which this means it enters the blood stream rather than trough the stomach. I take a little banana 1/2 hr later.
You should not have milk for 2 hours. No soya products.
TSH should be 0.3 - 2.5 (Gary Clayman top USA thyroid Surgeon Advisor has brought down 'normal'. TSH2.0 is ideal and what level I had in 2013.
Thyroxine is body weight gauged. 90 kgs I am tall. I take 125mcg daily but 150mcg
every 14th day. I have it sussed. I changed to Synthroid because it is reliable, has a kiddie lock, has an expiry date, and has a 'condesation capsule inside which absorbs moisture."
Hope this helps. JOY. 73. (NZ)
Thanks I’m aware of the advice, I’ve had thyroid disease for 50 odd years and have tried all the methods and timings of taking it. I take a lot of meds throughout the day and it’s difficult to time all of them but the way I do it now taking it at night with the other 2 suits me best and hasn’t affected my thyroid levels.
But for others NOT good advice particularly for those without a THYROID.
They need the optimum dosage without other meds,
Everyone is concerned about totals instead TSH is the pointer.
I've arrived at optimum dosage but it has taken 2 years and a change in manufacturer. As you have your thyroid I presume it does not matter if you loose dosage.
cheri JOY
I don’t have my thyroid, I had it removed in my teens.
I’m not advising people to do anything I merely answered a question with what I do.
But I recommend that although you have them together that you dont eat around your thyroid thyroxine. Some folks dont understand that this is important.
How often are you tested with your TSH?
cheri JOY
I take bisoprolol and Apixiban in the mornings and Apixiban and atorvastatin in the evenings.
I take 30mg Edoxaban and 1.25mg Bisoprolol with my lunch every day. I was initially given the two tablets in one cup at the hospital when I was diagnosed and told to take them both so hopefully it's fine. I've certainly never had a problem.
Hospitals do it however FOR CONVENIENCE.
I had to learn about thyroxine and the space it needed later.
I had to take an antibiotic with food, I waited and waited.
Finally she brought it. I mentioned that I should have had it with food.
The NURSE said well it's just 2 hours since you had tea. pm.
I was glad to get home. I had a biscuit with it and long drink.
Its because antibiotics can cause ulcers and haemorrhage in the stomach.
Having been a nurse I know what's important.
cheers JOY. 73. (NZ)
Yes you can take them both together.
Always taken my anticoagulants in the morning with other pills and once again at night approximately 1 hour before food.
Edoxaban 60mg & Bisoprolol 2.5mg everyday after breakfast for me - had a chat with GP Pharmacist last week and that’s when was still advised to take them. PS…also Entresto, Atorvastatin, Dapagliflozin & Epleronone at same time - gets all over with together!
I take edoxaban 60 mg and bisoprolol 2.5 mg together at 7 am each morning so I don't forget. I don't eat until around 9 am.
It's better to ask your local pharmacist, but online sources suggest that the two taken together, with or without food, will be entirely safe. The NHS website will help if you need more information and can't get to a pharmacy. Edoxaban, it seems, unlike, rivaroxaban, doesn't need to be taken with food.
I have done ,have you been screened for biosOporal
I take them together at 8am every day
I take Apixaban twice daily and my Bisoprolol 10mg with Simvastatin when I go to bed.
I've been amazed reading through all the comments on this, amazed at all the different things folk have been told about how to take the meds and when and in what order! I take a cocktail of meds every day too for various 'things' and I reckon as we are all different, we each have to find a routine that suits us individually. Me, I just take the handful of meds and a big glass of water and down the hatch it all goes!!
stay well all,
I was on Edoxaban, Flecanaide and Bisoprolol for 2 years. Took one dose of Bisoprolol, Flecainide and Edoxaban in the morning, before my breakfast with water.
Took my second dose of Bisoprolol and Flecainide at night with my statin.
Bisoprolol and Flecainide have now been replaced with 2 doses of Sotolol and again I take the Edoxaban in the morning with the first dose of Sotolol.
I take Edoxaban and Bisoprolol when I wake up in the morning, because that was the instruction when prescribed. I don't think there's a problem with having them without food. Sometimes I wake up feeling a bit fluttery, so I'm glad to swallow the medication a.s.a.p.