I have - in the words of my GP - a stinking chest infection, been coughing for over 4 weeks now and currently on my second antibiotics (those that know me will know for me to even consider an antibiotic I must be bad!).
After a whole 10 days without as much as Heart wobble - I was looking forward to summer arriving and getting out more etc when of course the AF kicked in. Episode after unrelenting episode. Night was the worst as I would wake up coughing - which would trigger the AF - which would trigger the Myasthenia and I couldn’t use the CPAP so it was touch and go a few times as to whether call paramedics. The worry for my husband then caused him to go into AF so what a pair we were at 3am!
After 3 days on penicillin (absolutely no improvement) things deteriated as vomiting and diarrhea set in and I had difficulty absorbing anything, including meds - which led to what I can only describe as a few hours of extreme symptoms - similar to a herxheimer reaction. I felt very, very ill and weak.
Thankfully I remembered that hydration was everything and kept sipping my hot water and then remembered electrolytes so out came the old faithful - chicken bone broth. After a few cups I managed a little yogurt and my Pyridostigamine so things started to improve. The following morning I spoke to my GP who changed my antibiotic and thankfully I have been improving since - still not clear - but getting there.
My observation - what I think may have happened - I believe that the penicillin killed off a massive amount gut bacteria causing the herx reaction - flooding my body with toxins - which it immediately wanted to expel. Replacing fluids and minerals from natural sources really helped as AF then resolved and as I continued the chicken broth and had little else for the next 2 days, I have gradually improved and now even a severe bout of coughing isn’t triggering AF.
It will probably take me months to get my gut right again - but I now feeling SO much better.
Note to self - Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition!
Loved the wedding, even though I’m not really a royal watcher, I loved everything Harry & Meghan did and how they did it.
Have a lovely day AFers - enjoy this lovely sunshine. I’m going to try get out into the garden today and maybe plant up a few seedlings - just for an hour.
Best wishes ☀️☀️