I’ve been kind of keeping a mental note of different foods I’m eating to see if I could find a trigger. Well, I’m 99% sure I’ve found it.
My last episode was 2 weeks ago. I remember that the only thing id eaten out of the ordinary was a bag of midget gem sweets. The af episode was the longest to date and I was hospitalised for a few days.
Well, yesterday, against not the norm, I had a bag of sweets (candy) It’s not something I usually do. I said to myself then (really not thinking it had a link) if I have af after this I know my trigger. Half laughing to myself because really not believing this could be the trigger.
Within 2 hours WHAM. Heart rate started soaring and was so erratic. The ecg on my Apple Watch was crazy. Wasn’t showing af immediately just a crazy pulse and pattern. Within a further 30 mins AF!!!
So I’m happy I’ve found my trigger. I took an extra 5mg of bisoporol. My HR is staying quite low (for af) definitely under 100 so far.
Anyone got any suggestions on how I can get out of af? I’m drinking lots of water to try and flush the sugar out of my system.
Note to self, no more sugar rushes!!! I wouldn’t mind but I rarely touch sweets