I have af and been put on bisoprolol since day one they said they didn’t want to put me in a high dose due to my asthma and worried it may affect me but now I’m on max dose 10mg and just today I’ve been getting like pains underneath my rib cages sometimes on both sides that I have associated with my asthma before Sometimes it’s really worrying and I don’t sleep well at all it’s all to do with my af
10mg bisoprolol and feeling tired and... - Atrial Fibrillati...
10mg bisoprolol and feeling tired and exhausted and pains is it normal

I would think that you should get back to your GP for advice. 10mg is not a small dose after all.

Hi I was prescribed 2.5 from the start 4/5 month ago and when I had my last attack of af which was 3/4 week ago that’s when after injecting me with digoxin and then 4 hour later same via tablet and then on my discharge next day upping bisoprolol to 10mg even tho I voiced my concerns about higher dose they said nope you’ll be ok but at mo I don’t quite fee 100%
But then it all could be done to lack of nooooo sleep
A lot of people have these problems with Bisoprolol if you type Bisoprolol in the search box top right you will see lots of posts about it
Hi Coral39 I also have asthma in addition to AF and was prescribed the beta blocker Nebivolol because it is usually better tolerated by asthmatics than Bisoprolol. It is also more expensive which might be why it is less frequently prescribed.
I think you should discuss the pain with your doctor and maybe suggest switching to Nebivolol.
Try not to worry if you can , a good quality of sleep is very important for people with AF.
Ins contact the doctor on Tuesday nothing I can do before as it’s bank holiday etc and plus I only like to see my own doc as she’s away it’s hard
And I didn’t realise sleep was that important for people with af I’m also on 2mg diazepam for my anxiety 2/3 times a day as it’s really bad and they make you tired as well but I still struggle to sleep well constantly thinking something is going to happen to me which I think prevents me from sleeping I told doc other day I’m going mad seeing little things and about my worries because I’m not sleeping and they instantly said anti depressants for my moods I kept telling them I AM NOT depressed I will not have them
I agree with Yatsura. We are not medically trained but when I was taking Bisoprolol a couple of years ago, the leaflet clearly stated then that it should not be taken by anyone suffering from asthma and as far as I know, 10mg is the maximum dose. There are alternatives, but GP's cannot normally prescribe them unless advised by a Cardiologist/EP. Maybe you should ask your GP for a referral as soon as possible.......

I’ve been told by the hospital that it’s been known people go up to 20mg the consultant told me that but I’m thinking that I can barely manage these at this strength now not a chance would I go any higher

Hi. In fact in the UK the maximum dose of Bisoprolol for AF sufferers is a horrendous 20mg per day. I was, some years ago briefly taking 17.5mg but because I couldn't stand up properly it was reduced to 12.5. My later successful ablations stopped all that, 4 years now.
Yes I was told that the max is 20mg but not a chance would I ever go that far I can’t handle this now but can’t do nothing TIL Tuesday now and again I’d worry about the swap over if meds I wouldn’t want the palatations to start and everything else it knocks the life outta me
Afib can be very annoying and uncomfortable, but it’s very important to try to stay relaxed and not to worry. Anxiety defineatly does not help it. I have been living with this nuisance over 20 years and you’re right it always knocked me down. I was useless those hours, which sometimes were long 24 to 72 hrs. Laying around most of that time and just waiting for it to leave, which it always finally did. Meds bisoprolol and propafenone did help some. Had two ablations,last one year ago. Pacemaker few months ago. So now with the meds and all this other help finally feeling pretty good, no episodes, just afew funny jumps in pulse every once in awhile. Side effects, like insomnia, lethargy and constipation to put up with. Hard to decide do the benefit of drugs outweigh the side effects. As they say Afib does not kill you, as long as you take anticoagulate. Good luck!
Hi I am also on blood thinners but my bisoprolol seems to still be lowering my heart rate I’m not so tired ish I feel tired due to not sleeping last few weeks due to af I’m constantly worried over last few weeks been in and out of hospital but they are going to talk about ablation when I see a cardiologist in few weeks either that or a shock we don’t know which is best for me yet
Hi Coral39 - I have recently changed from Bisoprolol to Nebivolol because of Biso making me breathless. I have been on it for 4 years but in the last 6 months I have had chest problems because of mild COPD and have had some breathing problems. I asked in January at my yearly cardiac outpatient appointment to change to Nebivolol and gave the reasons but the registrar looked up his book of drugs and prescribed carvedilol which when I looked it up was totally unsuitable - I did get the prescription and in bold on the back of the packet it said warning - do not take if you have a history of asthma or breathing problems!!! I eventually told my GP a couple of months ago and she said no problem and prescribed it for me - doodle is right that it is more expensive - I have been much better since taking it. I was only on 5mg of Biso so 10mg is pretty strong. I also thought that my GP could not prescribe for me, that's why I had not asked GP before. Hope you get it sorted soon.
Hi I worry about every little thing as I have anxiety to I would worry about coming off the bisoprolol and starting something new as I’ve been on theses since it started my af and that’s been 4/5 months the only reason I’m on such a higher dose is it was worked up from 2.5 and when I was last admitted to hospital with af which was 3 weeks ago that’s when they upped bisoprolol and also injected me with digoxin then also 4 hours later digoxin via a tablet but at that point thought it be suitable on my discharge to up my bisoprolol but I constantly kept telling them my fears about being on the higher dose also do you have af ?
And I’d worry about coming off bisoprolol and my palpitations anxiety and af come back at me in the process with a vengeance as when I have an attack of af it tears me apart I can’t handle it
Hi - Yes I have permanent AF and heart failure. I started on 2.5 of biso 4 years ago and after 6 months it was increased to 5mg. 18 months later they increased it to 7.5mg but I could not tolerate that does, felt very tired, blurred vision and brain fog as I call it, so went back to 5mg. I also take Diltiazem for the AF and Rivaroxaban. I take Ramirpil for the HF. I would get the Biso changed as soon as possible, try not to get to anxious as this will not help, hard I know. I really can not understand a cardiologist putting you on 10 mg of biso when you have asthma. I in fact find that the Nebivolol controls my HR better than the Biso.
YES exactly how I felt but no pain they have just weaned me off it as ablation was a success I feel like normal human being again ,good luck
I’m waiting for an appointment for them to see if ablation or a shock to get heart back normal
I gotta wait for that and then tell me which is gonna be best as I have to stay on blood thinners for 6 weeks before the shock but I was on them for a week and had to stop as I had rather. Bad nose bleed clots were coming outta my mouth from my nose right in front of doc and also a period at same time I was a mess so I was told to stop rivaroxaban for 2 days then restart to let things calm down I’m now back on them and have had so many ecgs done gotta have one repeated end of this month before my appointment I’ve not had yet and also I have a scan of heart booked for 1st June
Bisoprolol should not be prescribed to asthmatics. Get changed to nebivolol ASAP!!
I was told at beginning that when this all started I was only put on a weak dose which was 2.5mg and I was told at that point they didn’t want to put me on anything stronger due to my asthma now when the consultant in hospital when I was admitted few weeks ago he said I have to go up to max and I kept telling them I didn’t want to with risk of my asthma being made worse but I was assured it be ok
But I explained to my own doc at that point my worries and she said they can change them if need be now I’m starting to think I must go see my doc but can’t do nothing but suffer now TIL Tuesday
2.5 mg bisoprolol almost killed me. Fortunately my GP recognized the issue and phoned the consultant whilst I was there and changed my prescription. you may want to consider stopping the bisoprolol now but obviously I can't advise if that's best for you or not.
I was on 2.5mg and I could hardly walk - I reduced it to 1.25 mg and I’m back to normal!!! Obviously check with cardiologist before changing dosage- but I think we all have different tolerances and we know our own body!!! Talk with doctor - bisop makes us feel exhausted
I constantly feel exhausted all time I battle with it but I don’t sleep much at moment anyway so it could be a combination of both making me sleepy and exhausted I was ok ish on 2.5mg except for the palpitations and af came back else I would not of been put on higher dose and I wouldn’t be feeling like this
I've had a few AF breakthroughs in the last month - 3 hospital admissions. Bisoprolol was increased to 7.5mgm & Flecainide to 100mgm twice daily. Feel terrible, stomach pains & 'chest' pains, fatigue & generally out of sorts.
Just been docs in hospital they said I should come down off the bisoprolol and I said not a chance am I doing that on my own she was going to admit me and get me montired and seen by a cardio person but she said being a bank hol I wouldn’t be seen for few days so she going to write to my doc to get me seen and I said if I’m to come off the tablets they will have to admit me and monitor me closely as I can’t do or deal with the side effects on my own doing it at home it’s to stressful for me if I was to do it at home she did say I will get my energy levels back but now it’s just a case of waiting yet my days and heart rate are all ok no concern for worry today yet funny thing was when they did an ecg it said I had atrial fibrillation and pacemaker next to it I said I don’t think so lol
Read all the posts, I have PAF couldn’t tolerate Bisoprolol so was given Flecainide daily 2 x 100 per day also take Ibersartan for BP and Warfarin (couldn’t tolerate any of the other anticoagulants) Every person is different so explain to your EP or consultant. I haven’t had an episode for nearly 2 years but follow all the advice given on this site for prevention and keep my fingers crossed. Best of luck. Jo.
Hi. For my sins, my dosage of Bisoprolol was increased a few months ago to 15mg a day. I too struggle with the effects - primarily the lack of any energy. As I have a cocktail of other stuff including Amlodipine and Enalapril, it's hard to know the degree to which the bisoprolol is specifically responsible but certainly the feeling of industrial strength tiredness is not uncommon. If you have concerns though, talk it through with your GP in the first instance. I know it's easy to say, but try not to fret.
I have anxiety to that mixed with af isn’t good they rub off on each other I am waiting to speak to my doctor on Tuesday as she has a full surgery so can only get a phone call but I find it terribly tiring exhausting even going up the stairs I can barely sleep I have major black bags all around my eyes I feel as tho I’m going mad as 99% of time am afraid to go sleep in case something happens I’m also on blood thinners to
It sounds like we could be twins at the moment. 😊 Really, the tiredness is not a surprise - I even struggled to go from room to room at times before my body adjusted Now I'm merely knackered not feeling like a zombie. I utterly understand that somebody saying it doesn't make it so, but please try not to let your anxiety get the better of you. Try to lose yourself in a book or something daft on TV to take your mind off it. Sleep will come later, even if it's a little broken at first.
I too find it very difficult to adjust to the medication & diagnosis. Feel terrible physically & the slightest twinge anywhere terrifies me in case it's the AF kicking off. It is hard to cope with the anxiety as you feel no-one else understands. I'm new to the group and have found it very helpful. Have a cardiology appointment on Thursday & hopefully will get meds changed. Waiting for an EP appointment but scared of the prospect of ablation.
I do not have asthma but the lowest dose of 1.25mg of bisoprolol was too much for me bringing my heart rate down to the 50 and below so I am not at all surprised that you are feeling tired on 10mg. As others have said this is a high dose. I know that we are all different and I have a friend who is on 10mg daily but not for AF. Try to get your doctor to listen to your experience and hopefully come up with something more suitable for you. I am still hoping that I will get my doctors to come up with something more suitable for me though fortunately I have paroxysmal AF and short pretty infrequent episodes. Good luck with your GP!

After for months a doc I saw that I don’t norm see took one look at the ecg I had done before seeing her and said it looks like I have paroxysmal af nobody has said that not even the consultant I will ask when I have this scan on 1st June
That's what I've got so we are paroxysmal AF buddies! I finally got the news that, following going to see an electrophysiologist who posts here, a month or so ago (privately), my doctors have been persuaded from his advice, to let me have flecanide if and when I get the odd episode of AF which don't occur very often and the last one stopped within two hours on its own. I do hope it works for me when needed. I'm feeling a lot better already since having the news! Hope you get the right meds yourself soon as pos! Is it an echocardiogram you are going to have? I had one last October that showed my heart was fine and ECGs taken at the hospital since my original diagnosis were fine. After all paroxysmal means occasional so most of the time our hearts are performing just fine! Good Luck!

Yes it’s a heart scan and on 80% of ecgs it picks up some kinda of af I’m waiting for a call from my doc at some point today so I can discuss how I’ve been feeling

But I’m not gonna be happy TIL it’s all been propaly confirmed etc yes I have af but why and what kind

Well yesterday as my heart rate is quite low in mornings my doc rung and said to take 2.5in mornings instead of 5mg but still stick to 5mgat might reason being my heart rate goes so low as 46 in morning and takes me half a day to feel awake enough to be normal then by end of afternoon I’m tired again
Well, I was told to stop taking the 1.25mg a day when my heart beat went not quite as low as that and I was feeling so tired. I'm feeling a lot better since I stopped taking the medication all the time and will just take flecanide when required and hope it wont be needed at all! My last episode a week ago only lasted two hours and stopped on its own. We are all different and I do hope you get something more suitable for you soon. You might mention to your doc that you understand there is a 1.25 dose which if you really need it, you might try.

I have been on them before so I know they are available