Hi All
Me again with probably silly question and I know the answer but
Had my second ablation 19th August
last Monday night I had a reading on my watch that I was in AF
Tuesday morning I had one more reading and since then all my readings have said NSR but with a readings between 86 and 100bpm
my resting rate before this has always been circa 60bpm and now all this week it’s up at circa 87bpm .
I’ve had no readings on my watch of AF since Tuesday but I’ve never been in NSR with such a high resting rate before .
it’s only 7 weeks since ablation so is this normal in the blanking period to have a change in BPM that last a week .
My normal dose of bisop was 2.5mg per day . This week I’ve taken 6.25mg and it makes no difference to the rate .
All comments welcome and appreciated