I'm on Eliquis for 10 weeks due to pulmonary embolism. Will likely be on it for life. My long time osteoarthritis is making life miserable due to taking away Advil or Aleve. Tylenol does nothing! Can I take MSM? Or anything else??
Eliquis & Osteoarthritis pain - Atrial Fibrillati...
Eliquis & Osteoarthritis pain

panadol only I'm afraid- in same boat with a dislocated knee at present- it's called 'grin and bear it' but I'm not grinning too much today- ice helps11
Thanks. I haven't been grinning much for a few weeks. I have osteoarthritis in my knees, toes, back, shoulders & hands. Any herbs or natural approach work by any chance? Organic MSM has been suggested to me or bone broth? At this point I'm willing to try anything that's safe for me to take with Eliquis!!
I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my hips about a year ago. I've never liked taking any kind of pain meds as they always upset my stomach and are generally not good to be on long term. I started making my own bone broth about 6 months ago and after a couple months the pain was about half of what it was before. Now it's almost gone completely. I also walk 3 - 5 miles 5 to 6 times a week. There are a lot of recipes on line you can try. I like to use grass fed beef bones and cook in slow cooker on high for 20 - 24 hours. You can also use a pressure cooker to cut down on cooking time. I've also used turkey legs and backs,chicken bones and oxtail. Not only does it help with joint lubrication there are a lot of other health benefits. Not a next day cure but really helps in the long run.
Best wishes, Shaun
I also have osteoarthritis in my spine, shoulder (also both hips which have been replaced and are great now). I am on tramadol slow release along with normal tramadol, with paracetamol. This helps keep me upright and mobile although still have pain. I am looking into Cannabis Oil (Holland & Barratt sell it) which friends have been taking for fibromyalgia with great results. Am a bit scared to try it as yet because my Afib is triggered by a number of foods and wine so building up to try it.
Hi, I was going to take it to help my OA but it is unfortunately contra-indicated with anticoagulants. Perhaps one day it will be used as an anticoagulant as well and solve several problems at once!
Question, I have been smoking cannabis along with taking eliquis and have gotten reasonable pain relief. I have not read of any interactions between the two meds. What problems have you discovered ? Thanks, ethereal.
I don't see anyone mentioning yoga. I had terrible arthritis rendering me at times unable to walk without crutches. I started yoga and since then it has been reduce to occurring only in my thumbs and shoulder and is only a minor annoyance in those areas. Subsequently, I started Eliquis and have been on it for a year with no bad effects and no worsening of arthritis. I would be interested to hear if others have had similar results.
I love yoga and have found it helpful in the past but having moved I have yet to find a class. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of October last year (the day before I moved from Devon to Wales!) so had to come off HRT and go on to Letrozole, I can't take anti-inflammatories because of AF and consequently I feel as if I have aged 20 years in the last 5 months - seriously!
I will get back to yoga though as soon as I can, I really think it is so beneficial.
I use Glucosamine Gold from Nature's Best. It contains glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, quercitin, ginger and rosehip all of which are reputed to help with arthritis. If there was a serious contrainidication with warfarin etc, it would say, as this company are very careful. They also have a customer helpline, so you could contact them to discuss it.
I also take turmeric which decreases inflammation, and so can decrease pain. It is also worth looking at a diet which decreases inflammation eg without 'processed foods'