I’m 44 and had an ablation with top surgeon in hopes of getting ahead of afib. Prior to ablation I got it about once per month sometimes more. Post surgery was put on flec and metropolol and am already on cymbalta. Seems everyone missed that cymbalta is contradicted with these drugs- and raises the strength of the flec. Doctors are in process of switching and I go back to cardizem tomorrow and drop the other two. I’ve been in constant afib/flutter for about a week. Crying, miserable, and feeling like what I imagine a panic attack is. We all assume it’s the drug interaction but now I’m terrified that the surgery failed too. I felt far better before I had it and started messing with these drugs. I’m hoping someone can tell me this is a bump in the road. Surgeon still says it’s blanking period and what my heart is doing is normal- it does not feel even close to normal.... thanks for listening.
Looking for support 3 weeks post abla... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Looking for support 3 weeks post ablation

It could be any of the things you mentioned, sounds as though only getting the meds right for you, time and rest and recuperation will tell.
Similar happened to me after my 1st ablation but I had a 2nd very soon afterwards which worked.
The one thing you can do to try help support yourself is seeking strategies to calm yourself as anxiety will only exacerbate the Arrythmias.
Best wishes.
Some of the drugs you mention can cause flutter so I would follow drs advice re coming off them and only then, and only after some months, will you know if the ablation has worked or not. The good thing about ablations that are needed after the first one is that they are probably only needed to touch up gaps left- so don't worry at this point and try and relax as CD advised

Three weeks post ablation is so very early! You are still in the blanking (healing) period for 3-6 MONTHS, and your heart has been burned (or frozen) and is very inflamed and cranky. Whether the Cymbalta was the tipping point or not, your heart is behaving in a very normal way post ablation and it does not mean that it was not successful. I was in full blown AFib for a solid 2 weeks after my ablation and they adjusted my meds, did a cardioversion once the meds were on board, and I've been perfect ever since. The best thing you can do is rest gently, protect your heart with the healthiest lifestyle. Learning to manage stress is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. When you feel panicky try a nice meditation for relaxation on YouTube. Meditation changes your brain and can be a huge help. Be well.
Thanks so much for everyone’s kind words. I think some of the time it’s also bad pacs which feel like the one panic attack I had in my life- just awful. I didn’t expect to feel far worse after the surgery than I ever felt before- and will continue to hope that this is just the healing process. At least I’m off the flec and I already feel better with that leaving my system. Thanks again!
Post-ablation can be very rough, it was for me for 2 1/2 months. I had bouts of AF and two visits to the ER, and, what I thought was AF only to be told by my EP that is was a different type of arrhythmia as the heart was healing and was not anything to worry about (apart from the obvious discomfort!). Your feelings and emotions right now are 100% normal but things will calm down. I was not prescribed any AADs after my ablation, except I took a small dose of metoprolol when I had a run of palpitations, although, my EP said the metoprolol was not really doing anything and was more placebo. I still took it until I felt comfortable putting it aside. The AADs are something for immediate review by your EP. It won't seem possible right now but you will get through this rough period and things will settle down. Try to imagine not having AF and tell yourself you did the right thing for yourself and those who care about your health and well-being.