Hi everyone 1st time posting here.
I'm 35 and had a catheter ablation on 9th May. I was told by the surgeon that he thought he had ablated what was needed and was happy that all went well.
They picked up eptopic beats overnight so I was put back on 2.5mg of bisoprolol. Was told after 4wks to stop this and see how I go.
Well after 5 days coming off it I felt dreadful and passed out.
My own doctor put me straightback on the bisoprolol as he said I was in AFib.
This made me feel better but still wasn't right so I'm now back on the dose I was on prior to my ablation of 3.75mg of bisoprolol.
I'm still getting quite alot of palpitations and have had quite a few panic attacks since.
My concern is that I now seem to be having more symptoms than before I had the ablation.
My idea was to have the ablation and be medication free but I'm back where I started so it all feels pretty pointless and beginning to wish I never had it done.
Has anyone else experienced this or does it get better thankyou.