I recently posted of my Frankenstein procedure and some asked me to follow up. Here goes...
Alas, it was nice while it lasted. I had a blissful and reflective nine days of NSR with an average of my old 62 resting bpm heart rate.
Failure was always on the cards as my heart was banging around a bit and now I'm on at 78 bpm resting while remaining on 5mg Bisoprolol and 20mg rivaroxaban daily
Pulse is thready and irregular when taken manually.
ECG scheduled for 9 Feb during my post procedure follow up. As such I am asymptomatic and other than a bit of tiredness following exercise and a particularly enjoyable propensity for afternoon naps.
I am still experimenting with vitamin supplements and am still on 300mg fish oil, 450mg mag, 100mg potassium, 300 mg vit C and 200 mg Hawthorn, daily.
Any/all suggestions welcome.
BP is 117/78 and steady. And overall, I feel great.
Oddly, the thought or realization that I have a statistically significant chance of being dead in five years has enhanced my life and I am really enjoying things. I have an overwhelming sense of wellbeing and contentment in contrast to many who suffer from anxiety for exactly the same reason. Must be the Forces mentality of being ex Army. Or maybe I'm really stupid. Dunno.
Still cutting weight and set a new target for myself.
I do moderate exercise and pulse gets up to 146bpm during lite runs and cross trainer. Recovery time is good and pulse rate drops to 75-80 in less than a minute. I asked the gym guy what the record was and he said 'Zero' so not a record I want to match.
I will post again after 9 Feb checkup and ECG.
Stay safe.