It's been 4 days. I had difficult ablasion surgery where the went in 5 different caths on the right side. I was out for 8 hours. I'm home now 4 days later and walked 200 yards to go shopping. I'm home now and the right side of my pelvis is swollen and soft with no pain and no discoloration of the skin. Should I be concerned. What should I do?
Concerned Ablasion post surgery - Atrial Fibrillati...
Concerned Ablasion post surgery

Hi Shaun, welcome to the forum.
Suggest ring the EP's arrhythmia nurse first thing for that one. If you are not happy about this tonight ring 111. We aren't doctors, we can't diagnose or advise about treatment.
Are you on an anticoagulant? Far too soon to be going shopping.

I'm taking a beta blocker and amiodorone

Should I go to the Dr? I'm not bleeding at insertion site?
You sound worried. You need to ring NHS 111 or go to A&E
Please seek medical attention, Shaun. You can’t seek medical solutions on here. I wish you well.
Get it checked out Shaun.
Ring the ward first - they know you and are brilliant or try your consultants Secretary. Think you may have done a bit too much too soon but you definitely need to get it checked out.
I Agree with all of the above!
Thank you all. I went to get ultrasound done and I'm fine. Thankyou
I am fine now thanks
Good to hear it Shaun, thanks for the update.
Any plans re anticoagulants?
Not interfering but it's always helpful to hear why cardios advise against AC in AF.
Take it easy, too much effort at this stage can undo the good work of an ablation. No more than lifting that pint of shandy as BobD might say, but wouldn't. Probably.