Arrhythmia - Taurine - Magnesium Orot... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Arrhythmia - Taurine - Magnesium Orotate

sabineulcoq profile image
29 Replies

Hi all, I am new here! I have arrhythmia and have started taking magnesium. It has help a lot! I haven't had an episode since. I am taking Magnesium Orotate 500mg at night. I would like to add some Taurine at night and add another 500mg Magnesium Orotate in the morning. Any comments? Thank you!

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sabineulcoq profile image
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29 Replies
aika profile image

HI There, I myself am trying 600 mg/ day magnesium and 1,500 mg/day taurine. am still having bouts with arrythmias, but seems a little better. have been doing this for close to a month now. Let's try to keep in touch and report back to one another to see how we progress.

sabineulcoq profile image
sabineulcoq in reply to aika

Hello Aika,

Thanks for your comments :)

Would you mind telling me when you take taurine? I was told it's best to start slow and work up and to take it at night. What do you think?

And what type of magnesium do you take?

PS: I'd love to keep in touch to see how we are progressing

fallingtopieces profile image
fallingtopieces in reply to sabineulcoq

I take 1000mg of taurine and 800mg of magnesium citrate(amongst other supplements) every evening with water just before dinner. I’ve done this for 5 years.

I too swear by the magnesium keeping my arrhythmia at bay.


Slattery profile image
Slattery in reply to fallingtopieces

Pat, I am taking taurine 125 mg 3 x per day. What mg are you taking to get to 1000 mg per day and what is the brand name.

Redhead1949 profile image
Redhead1949 in reply to fallingtopieces

Dear Pat, Could you please let me know what other supplements you take, what dosage, when you take them. I used to take supplements, but doctors changed me over to Warfarin blood thinner and it seems to interfere with everything I want to try! I can't afford to go to a 'natural' doctor as my insurance won't cover them. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much. bonnie

afafaf profile image
afafaf in reply to fallingtopieces

Are you not on any medication other than magnesium? I just joined this forum because I was prescribed metoloprolol last night by a cardiologist for a-fib.

aika profile image
aika in reply to sabineulcoq

I take 500mg taurine 3x per day: 1st in the morning with magnesium, then afternoon a few hrs. after lunch, then a few hours after dinner. I do not know when timing is best, but I am trying to build up slowly at first. I noticed "fallingtopieces" takes her's in the evening. I could try this and follow both of you.

As for magnesium. I was first on mag citrate, then I discovered Dr. Sinatra's supplement which has a combination of citrate, glycinate, orotate, and taurinate and thought I would try this. The product s called "Magnesium-Broad Spectrum Complex.

Thank you and let's keep on sharing our thoughts on our similar quest.

Arveno profile image

Except of Magnesium and Taurat are you using som. medicines and anticoagulants? My husband is using Sotalol recently decreasing from 80 mg to 40 g 2x day ans Apixaban 2x /day. Taurin at lunch time and Q10 at evening. Except of some other things. As he eats rather lot of walnuts containing Mg and K.

sabineulcoq profile image

Hi all,

I take 120mg Verapamil in the morning. I take cod liver oil with some vit d too. I eat healthy food and have stopped eating meat as it was a trigger for me specially bacon.

I took 150mg taurine last night with my mag orotate. Slept well!

Brad43 profile image

Hello, all. I've been monitoring for several weeks, and this is my first post. I've had AF for 55 years, starting when I was 19, and now I'm 74. I've tried Cartia, Sotalol, Amiodarone, and am now on Flecainide. They all seemed to work for a while.

About 2 weeks ago I was reading this forum and read some comments about magnesium. It was mentioned how important it is for AF. I had never heard that before. I had been in an episode for about an hour as I was reading. My son has some magnesium powder that he takes, so I asked him to make me a cup of it. He did, and as I was finishing drinking it, I went back to normal rhythm. Huge coincidence probably, but it made me hopeful. I've been taking magnesium every day since then. I had one episode about a week later, it lasted about an hour. They usually had lasted at least 2 hours before. There have also been 3 times it got arrhythmic for a few seconds, or maybe a minute, then converted. That had seldom happened before. It's too early to tell for sure, I'll let you all know how it turns out in the long run. It's a bit optimistic to think that 55 years of AF will go away because I started taking a supplement, but that's what I'm hoping anyway.

I was scheduled for an ablation a week from now, and I asked to postpone it while I see what happens with this. I had been led to believe that recovery from an ablation only takes a day or two, and there are seldom any side effects. Things I've read here seem to indicate otherwise, at least sometimes. After all these years, it shouldn't hurt to wait a little longer if I decide to go for it. But I do have to say I'm a bit disgusted that none of my cardiologists or EPs have ever mentioned magnesium, when everyone in this forum seems to know about it.

I'll check in here again in a couple of weeks or so to let you know how it's going by then. I'm very grateful that this forum exists. I spent most of my life feeling like I was alone in my suffering. Not that I'm glad any of you are suffering, but at least now I can compare my experiences with those of others, and learn about things that might help, e.g. magnesium.

Polski profile image
Polski in reply to Brad43

The problem is that our bodies always make sure that there is enough magnesium in our blood, if it can, so they take the magnesium out of 'storage' and put it in our blood stream, as needed. Consequently when doctors take a blood test for magnesium there is nearly always 'enough' (If not, then they top up through a drip). They cannot measure the body's total supply. Consequently it is very difficult for them to know when we have enough in our body as a whole, and when we are short. It is not something they can measure and work with, so they don't normally consider it.

Unfortunately, they are not trained to know when vitamins and minerals will help, which is one reason why this forum is soooo useful!

Barry24 profile image
Barry24 in reply to Brad43

Hi Brad,

You are doing great. I had three ablations and if l could turn the clock back l would do it in a heartbeat, nothing but problems since.

Best Wishes


MJ17 profile image
MJ17 in reply to Barry24

Ugh! What kind of problems? I just had an ablation.... much harder than I thought and now having migraines. Wish I could undo this....

Barry24 profile image
Barry24 in reply to MJ17

Stomach issues 16 months after Cryoablation, bloating, stomach pain etc

MJ17 profile image
MJ17 in reply to Brad43

Brad I just had a cardiac ablation and the recover was so much more difficult than my doctor led me to believe. Do not rush into it. I had never heard of Magnesium helping with my Afib. The whole thing is so discouraging. I sure hope I don't regret this ablation. I am finally feeling better but suffering migraines ever since the procedure... best of luck!

secondtry profile image

Hi Sabine, my hi profile London Naturopath put me straight on to Check out the ingredients, Mg, Taurine and other stuff good for the heart. I have been taking it for 3 years - enough said.

sabineulcoq profile image

Thank secondtry, I just checked the link to your product, the ingredients seem very interesting and promising!

I must say I have been quite hesitant to add vast amounts of taurine... but I see that most people take it in much higher doses than I do.

Brad43, I wish you luck, I do hope magnesium helps you! It really has helped me no end!

JuliaJa profile image

I take 2,000 of Taurine a day, 1,000 at 5pm and 1,000 at 11pm. The reason I take it then, is because that's when my heart usually acts up. It has helped. Plus, I take 200 mg of magnesium four times a day. I've found that stress and eating a heavy meal can cause AFib, so I've worked on this.

aika profile image

Does anybody have thoughts on also taking the supplement L-Carnitine along with taurine and magnesium.

CatAnn profile image

YES!!! Take Taurine and also L-Arginine and L-Carnitine!! I also take CoQ - all 4 times a day and went from 12,000 PVC's and hundreds of PAC's a day to zilch or a handful a day! Docs and nansayers won't listen to this though but do google searches on stopping heart palpitations...I've posted many research papers here and in numerous other sites and posts and not ONE person was interested. Oh, well.... I was on meds tha really messed me up and now I can live free and happy again. Best,

Redhead1949 profile image
Redhead1949 in reply to CatAnn

Dear CatAnn, Thank you for your info. You said you posted some research papers here. I would be interested in reading them. I appreciate all the work you did. I used to take supplements all the time even when taking an aspirin a day for AFib. But back in May, went to the ER & their heart doctor told me I was now in permanent AFib & needed to get off the aspirin and take Warfarin. Since then, I do not take any supplements as so many of them interfere with Warfarin. Do you know if magnesium, taurine, CoQ10, L-Arginine or L-Carnitine conflict with Warfarin? Write when you can, and thank you. Bonnie

marinoperna profile image
marinoperna in reply to CatAnn

Where did you post your research? I'd certainly read it if i knew where to find it!

aika profile image

Thank you CatAnn for the advice. Please advise the amount of mg you take for supplements. Look forward to hearing from you too.

fallingtopieces profile image

I’m not advising anyone to take what I take, all I can tell you is I’ve been taking these for 5 years and Not only am I still alive, I’m well and 🤞🏻 not had another AF episode. My frequent nightly tachy episodes have stopped too ( 🙏🏼 I hope that putting this in writing doesn’t jinx it for me)

I did a huge amount of research before I decided what I’d take, mainly on American websites including ‘Afibbers’.

I’m on no medication other than a nightly 75 mg aspirin which I decided to take myself more than 15 years ago. I don’t drink much, just one double gin and tonic twice a week. Having said that, I shared a bottle of wine every night on my two week holiday and was perfectly fine.

Once a fortnight I make up 14 daily doses of the list below, in little plastic shot glasses and keep those in a Tupperware container ready to take.

Yes, I know,it’s a lot 🙄 and it costs ~£75 a month. I buy it all from Amazon in assorted brands. The first on the list is the most expensive.

Bio-quinine active q10, 2x100mg

Taurine 1x 1000mg

Vit C 1x 1000 or 1500 mg

Magnesium citrate 4x 200mg(sometimes 5x200)

Vit B complex x1

Hawthorne x1

Bio cultures(probiotic ) x1

Omega 3 x 1 (high doses of EPA and Dha)

Nattokinase x1(Doctors Best)

Potassium 1x 200mg

Vit D 1x 5000iu

Celery seed complex x2

Turmeric capsules x2

Montmorency Cherry x2

I added the last 3 as anti inflammatories to help my arthritic big toe joint (not gout)and hip. I began the celery first and my inflamed toe joint went down overnight. (I’m on my feet >6 hours a day at work)

[Brad43 mentions having taken powdered magnesium and his AF abated: I did something similar a few years ago when I had tachycardia one night. 2 teaspoons of mag powder dissolved in warm water stopped it within a minute.]

This could all be coincidence but I don’t think so.


Kingsley09 profile image
Kingsley09 in reply to fallingtopieces

Hi I’ve brought a supplement that has magnesium citrate and taurate it says each tablet has 187 mg magnesium and take two a day in total and not to exceed the dose but I see you are taking a lot more and I’ve read some people on this site are also taking higher doses is that because if you suffer with afib your body needs a lot more as I don’t want to over dose and cause myself anymore health problems than I already have would appreciate any advice you may have

fallingtopieces profile image
fallingtopieces in reply to Kingsley09

You won’t be able to overdose as you will excrete any excess magnesium but If you have kidney troubles you should see your gp first.

Most people are deficient in magnesium these days and that can be the cause of arrhythmias for some people.

You will know if you’re taking too much magnesium citrate as you will have to rush to the toilet.


Kingsley09 profile image
Kingsley09 in reply to fallingtopieces

Thanks for your answer I was in afib this morning not to badly felt ok but my heart was thumping I have a bp machine which does your bp and also if your in Fib so I took two of my magnesium tablets I’d already taken one earlier but I decided to take another two which according to what it said on the box I was taking to much and within 45 min I am now more in a fib I take other medication for pain relief pregabalin and apixaban plus verapramil and low dose antibiotics every day and I think they are depleting my magnesium levels so thanks for you message also I don’t have a problem with my kidneys

aika profile image

Thank you "FallingtoPieces" and everyone involved in this topic.

CatAnn profile image

I have a post about how I stopped my 10,000 palpitations a might want to check it out. TY

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