Hi all, I have had AF for approx. 9 months and am due to have my first DC cardioversion in a few weeks. I am taking amiodarone leading up to the procedure and also on bisisoprolol. I have read that fish oil can improve the chance of success. Does anyone have experience of this and/or know of anything else that can help?
improving the chance of successful ca... - Atrial Fibrillati...
improving the chance of successful cardioversion
Never heard of that one but I shouldn't think it would do any harm.
Eat at least one banana daily to keep your potassium levels up.
I'm a veteran of 17 DCCV s....all successful.
Good luck with yours!
hi Sandra, Thanks for your reply. Luckily I am a fan of bananas! Link to fish oil article: afibbers.org/atrial_fibrill...
That's interesting. I'm sure that there are some out there who haven't had much success with cv s who might give this a go.

hi my son had it 2 years ago and so far no more af he was fine x
Interesting re the fish oil improving the success of a cardioversion, I've never heard of that before and thanks for bringing it to our attention. I'll certainly give it a go if I need any more cardioversions. Good luck with yours.
Ask if you will have a bite guard for your mouth... I wasn't given one and ended up with a tongue so badly bitten I couldn't speak normally for a week. But there's nothing else to worry about, you'll be fully sedated and wake up feeling perfectly fine and comfortable :o) Hope it all goes well for you.
I have had 8 CV, 6 out of 8 successful. The two that were not, were due to the type of drugs they had me on. Betapace was one and Cardizem was the other. I currently am not on any antiarrthymic drugs due to negative reactions, only rate control and no afib for now. They will not give me the drug you are taking, My EP says I am too young to take it as a long term routine drug. Never heard of fish oil, but we are all still learning.