I am on a joint Eye-ENT waiting list for a tear duct operation, which the surgeon told me is likely to be "very bloody". We discussed my anticoagulation at the clinic and she wrote to my GP afterwards, requesting that she advise me about stopping Rivaroxaban before surgery.
Quite out of the blue, I have received a letter from the surgeon saying that they had taken advice from their cardiologist (who I have never seen) and that I should stop Rivaroxaban "blood thinners" three days before surgery and recommence the day after. I am cared for by a cardiologist at a different hospital where I had heart surgery 5 years ago and, to the best of my knowledge, there has been no contact between the two cardiologists.
No mention has been made of any bridging medication e.g. heparin. Also there is no mention of pre-operative assessment. Does this seem like standard advice/procedure or should I query with GP, eye surgeon or cardiologist(s)? I have (apparently) permanent AF but the rate is well controlled.