Is there a reason everyone taking magnesium is taking expensive versions of magnesium when you cd take Andrews Salts or Boots' equivalent?
Andrews contains some citric acid (makes nice fizzy and being acidic should help with absorption of magnesium) and a little sugar (Mary Poppins effect).
Looking at the box, the magnesium is as magnesium sulphate. Anything wrong with this in terms of best absorption/something I haven't considered?
(From the box:
"Further information:
Effervescent powder containing the active ingredients Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 22.6% w/w, Citric Acid 19.5% w/w and Magnesium Sulphate 17.4% w/w. Also contains 2.1g of sucrose per 5ml spoonful").
Unless someone can update us on this, these are the daily requirements for magnesium: "500 mg for infants, children and most women, and 800 mg for adolescents, men, convalescents and expectant mothers. These quantities give a bare margin over the amounts lost daily in the urine, faeces and perspiration". (Adelle Davis, "Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit", revised edition, Unwin 1979).
I am guessing you all know this already but I'm putting it here for argument's sake:
Apart from dietary sources of magnesium, (nuts, soybeans, cooked green leafy vegetables (yes I know...)), we apparently need magnesium supplementation anyway because our soil is deficient in it.
I can see from the chapter I'm skimming over in the Davis book that its effects include a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, heart function (and all muscle function naturally), and preventing calcium being deposited in the wrong places such as arteries. (Included only a few relevant ones here for brevity).
So I can see why people take it. I did anyway (haphazardly) well before AF diagnosis, but not very systematically.
I did try Epson Salts (not very palatable, and could do with some citric acid/acidity to help it go down better... Can't remember if tried it in orange juice). Lighted on Andrews because it is much more palatable and convenient. (Guilty admission I just like it). It's great fizz but not too much, not a 'hard' fizz.
(I don't just mean one brand, and I don't have any affiliations with the company that produce it).
What I like about magnesium is, you will excrete what you don't need, (Magnesium does not go through you 'like a dose of salts' if you need the magnesium, you just absorb it). So you don't have to worry about taking too much.
Anyway, if this is so cheap, palatable and effective why are people taking other forms of magnesium? Is there something I don't know/haven't considered that you could put me right on?