Despite the obvious misgivings about going such a long way, had a wonderful few weeks with family in Melbourne, returning last Monday. Had two bouts of AF whilst there -12 hours and 4 hours - but otherwise ok. No triggers as usual, just out of the blue. The second one caused the most consternation as it was less than 24 hours before we were due to fly home - the relief when I woke up in sinus rhythm was pretty enormous but I was still a bit anxious, probably needlessly, flying home.
Anyway, I saw the EP on Friday and my 2nd ablation is now 9 May. He's charming, relaxed and confident and took me though the procedure and answered all my questions, including my concerns about my left bundle branch block. This time I'll be having a general instead of sedation and instead of ''block freezing' he'll be looking for any stray gaps which he can seal off - well that's my ham fisted description!
Of course, if he doesn't find any that's an entirely different problem because it means the AF is coming from somewhere else, but he thought it unlikely.
Just a bit more information to add to the site's database - best wishes to everyone as ever.