Since my 5th ablation was cancelled last week due to another patient's emergency procedure I have had a bit of a time of it. The cardiac admissions clerk tells me that I am not now at the back of the long queue but unfortunately they still cannot find a way to give me a new date and fit me in right now due to lack of GA cover. Clearly it is difficult to fit me in with all the necessary specialists that will be needed.
As I had been in AF for a week and was cardioverted on the day my ablation was cancelled I had hoped that this would, as it has in the past, give me a few weeks free of AF.
No such luck. Each day I have been having numerous ectopics and then.........
Following being at a Theme Park with 3 of my grandchildren on the hottest day of the year so far (I didn't go on the rides) I went back into AF. This time I took extra Flecainide and Bisoprolol and got it back into NSR within a couple of hours which was a real relief.
However, last night the same happened again. I had the same success with extra drugs but unfortunately the after effect of a bad bout of AF (however short) plus the extra drugs leaves me very nauseous and feeling really bad.
Without any direct communication lines to the Cardiologist it is so hard to know what is the best thing to do as I feel that the episodes are getting closer and closer to each other and my real fear is to get stuck in AF for an extended period of time.
I am relieved to have been able to get back my NSR myself, something with which I am normally successful but I cannot stop the anxiety each time I am in AF wondering if I might have to go and seek advice at A&E and the possibility of them looking at my recent records and saying something like "well you had a cardioversion 2 weeks ago we feel you should just wait until we can fit you in for your ablation.
Mind games coupled with a herd of horses continually running over my chest has finally got to me after 25 years. I sometime find it hard to believe that I have coped for so many years yet now for some reason I do not seem to have the same resolve. I wish I was like one of my grandsons who recently was awarded a certificate by his headmaster for "resilience"
Oh well that has got it off my chest for now hope I haven't bored those who were willing to read my post,