I just thought I'd relate my husband's experience and improvement, for what it's worth, and in the full knowledge that everyone is different.
His first experience of AF was being taken into hospital unable to breathe and a heartrate of over 170. Five days later he was still in hospital and still in AF, and then they found he had a blood clot. He was given the option to stay in hospital or go home so he came home and basically sat on the sofa for a month afraid to move hoping that he didn't go back into sinus until the clot had gone.
When we joined this forum I read that AF gets progressively worse and I felt sick. How much worse was this going to get, how much worse could it get??
He was started on Apixaban and four weeks later had a cardioversion that lasted ten days.
A week later he was put on Amiodarone which put him back into sinus and kept him there. The cardiologist advised him to come off Amiodarone and the other drugs, leaving him only on the anti-coagulant. He was put on the waiting list for an ablation.
So thats his history....and I'll come clean. I work as a holistic therapist and specialise in nutrition, so with my background I put him on a programme of supplements. and lifestyle modifications.
His AF is still there, it always will be, but the episodes are very rare now and he goes back into sinus all by himself, something that the cardiologist said he couldn't do. The times he has gone into AF we have a good idea why......stress (adrenalin) and tiredness seem to be the biggest reasons and it seems to be a delayed effect. The AF can happen a day or two after the stressor.
Basically, what this long post is all about is that AF can improve, not ever be cured, but improved over time. He has postponed his ablation to see how far the improvement can go. The only drug he takes is Apixaban.
The other thing I want to emphasise is that this is just him, and may not apply to anyone else as in my own training it was drummed into me that everyone is unique and presents with a unique set of symptoms. Having said that, it was also drummed into me that most people can improve to their own personal limits, if given the right circumstances.