Has anybody on this forum had an ablation for svt? My EP wants me to have one as I have side effects with all the med I've tried. How did it go for you?
SVT: Has anybody on this forum had an... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Yes, I had an ablation for SVT. No problems, but hard to say how it went, because during the procedure it was discovered that I had AF. Two pathways were found and dealt with and I have not had SVT since. However I started on flecainide and that may have some effect! A second ablation three years later has almost cleared all problems. I no longer take flecainide and have a small bit of AF about once in 6 weeks. It clears up usually in an hour or two on its own and I feel much better off than I used to and very grateful to be as I am.
Yes i have. 6weeks ago. The procedure went well but I also had AF so difficult to know if its worked yet Once im off my meds ill know. Thatll be the test. But i was told an ablation to stop svt has a higher success rate than one to stop AF
I'm in the same situation. Waiting for an appointment with EP at the moment, but the cardiologist recommended ablation. However I don't know whether the SVT is caused by my giant cell arteritis, the steroids used to control it or just "one of those things". Cardiologist was in a hurry and didn't explain things very well, so I am hoping the EP is more forthcoming. I am currently on bispropolol, but suffering terribly from dry eyes.
I had the opposite to Rellim296.
I had an ablation for PAF and a month later all hell broke loose. As well as bouts of AF, I was getting SVT of 200bpm which would last for hours on end. SVT had been the original diagnosis although, only PAF was confirmed.
My second Ablation was to rectify remaining PAF and they did some further scarring to prevent SVT.
I am pleased to say that I have been SVT and PAF free since although, like others, I am prone to a 6 second bout of Tachycardia or Ectopics every month or so.
So yes, it does work.
Thanks for your replies. I have Afib also but I have only had 2 or 3 episodes. I take atenolol for the svt but only eliquis for the afib. I have a pacemaker for slow beats but I am afraid that if I have an ablation for the svt it might make the afib worse. I will probably have it though because I have side effects.