Betablockers and BP medication - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Betablockers and BP medication

Mrspat profile image
20 Replies

Currently on Bisoprolol 10 mg and Digoxin, with no problems. Had a blood test yesterday and nurse also took BP, which was high. I take my BP at home and it was fine that morning and has been for a very long time. I am a repeat offender white coat syndrome sufferer, so no great surprise.

In about 10 days I have to see the doctor for a medication review. BP normal again this morning but I can pretty much guarantee that it will be high again when I see the doctor. I am trying to second guess what might happen - always a bad idea but forewarned is forearmed!

Assuming that she either recommends BP medication straightaway or a 7 day BP monitor, which I might or might not accept: is anyone else here on betablockers and BP medication and, if so, which medications do you take? Do you also take a diuretic and/or statins?

I'm also seeing the cardiologist in about 5 weeks. Feeling that I could potentially be overmedicated, looking for some advice (please no advice about magnesium, potassium or other supplements!) Looking at advice on BP on NHS website, I have marginal room for improvement on weight and possible salt intake but I don't think either of these are significant for me. Exercise, other dietary aspects are fine.



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Mrspat profile image
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20 Replies
souljacs4 profile image

I also suffer from white coat syndrome can I ask what your BP was.

Mrspat profile image
Mrspat in reply to souljacs4

In the surgery it was 160/100. Before I went it was 128/78 and this morning it was 129/69. Average range for me is 125-135/70-75.

souljacs4 profile image
souljacs4 in reply to Mrspat

135/70 is average for me. I thought this was high but GP said it was fine for my age (64)

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply to souljacs4

My EP also said that for those in persistent AF a wider range is "normal" than for someone who is not.

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply to Mrspat

Do you have persistent AF or paroxysmal AF?

Mrspat profile image
Mrspat in reply to PeterWh

A good question. This time last year it was paroxysmal according to cardiologist. Since then I have had no episodes of fast heart rate. I am not always very good about judging the regularity of the best. My AF comes in short runs that self terminate and I am not always aware of them.

Harrycat profile image
Harrycat in reply to PeterWh

What is paroxysmal AF

beardy_chris profile image
beardy_chris in reply to Harrycat

Paroxymal AF is where you get AF in bursts - which may be short or quite long (minutes to days, roughly). With Persistent AF you stay in AF pretty much all of the time (except, for example, following a cardioversion).

Rellim296 profile image

Yes, Mrspat, I'm on 25mgs of atenolol to lower BP and have been on it for many years - back to 2002 I think. I used to take a diuretic - bendroflumeth..... whatever - and candesartan and lisinopril (not all at once) but now have losartan along with the atenolol as lisinopril, which is cheaper, can be accompanied by an annoying little cough. I don't take statins.

I know someone who had very high blood pressure (like 230/110) and dislikes medication (don't we all) and she follows some diet and drinks 7oz of beetroot juice a day and rates it highly as a means of blood pressure control.

Mrspat profile image
Mrspat in reply to Rellim296

Thanks. I had a diuretic for several years before my operation but not now. Mornings were very difficult.....

BobD profile image

Pat if you have a home monitor why not do your own 7 day chart.This does away with WCS errors. I do this under instruction from GP. She told me to take two readings five minutes apart and only record the second reading. I take three a day. morning, lunch and evening. I hand it in to the desk and she rings me a few days later and we chat about what to do re meds. Since I am currently trying to reduce these I will shortly be doing another weeks test. Every time I get to her target she moves it downwards so I can never win. I feel much healthier at 145/85 than I do at 120/70! lol


Mrspat profile image
Mrspat in reply to BobD

What a good idea Bob. I may well suggest this but let the GP think it's her idea!

PeterWh profile image

Do you use a regular pharmacy? Particularly if you do (but also if you don't) you can get a pharmacist medicine review and I found that was very valuable and saved me from potential kidney damage. Also highlighted where blood tests are due and potential medicine conflicts including over the counter ones. Pharmacists have people from multiple GPs and multiple GP practices and also have to keep up to date with updated info and tests re drugs. That is their speciality. GPs don't have the time to do that. Best to get the pharmacist review before GPs.

bebe7637 profile image

I also have white coat syndrome.

I now monitor my BP and take the results with me for my GPs information.

No problems.

Good luck. Bebe.

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to bebe7637

It's a good idea not to ask about BP. They take it once and it's high and they tell you and take it again and it's even higher because you are so alarmed by the first reading.

I've never managed to get my surgery to play ball over home monitoring, even when I take photos.

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply to Rellim296

How about taking your BP every day and then it becomes a normal event and you will end up not looking at the figures too much and then won't be a special trigger when you go to GPs!!!

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to PeterWh

Good idea, except that I'm trying to allow anything medical to take a back seat in my life!

And that white coat syndrome is hard to overcome. At one time my former GP used to have me come in half an hour before my appointment and lie down and he had one of the nurses to take the reading.

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply to Rellim296

Well I have the Microlife automatic one so I just put on the cuff and press the button and it spends its two to four minutes doing the checks while I am reading the newspaper. A few times I have not looked at results properly and missed that it is high or low!!!

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to PeterWh

That sounds like an efficient gadget and I think that's the way to do it! We bought ours from the supermarket for £10 many years ago and it's been good value for money.

Hardjuice profile image

Blood pressure is ideal at 120/80

Come on that's surely for a fit and healthy 30 year old and younger

As we age our pipes get furred up a little and the pump has to turn up and pressure will increase so readings go up

Now I'm a plumber not a cardiologist but that's how would view it

Taking drugs to relax the pipes doesn't fix the furing up

Yea I know it's not medical science just a plumbers banter


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