My doctor told me I have svt I been doing research on it and there is no such thing as "svt" in that I mean there only different kinds im scared I might have afib.... I hope I dont but I cant see a doc until august if anyone have some insight on this please respond it will be appreciated♡
Svt or afib: My doctor told me I have... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Svt or afib

Hi Lulu
You say your doctor, do you mean your GP or a cardiologist, or better still an EP?. In any case usually the only way you can get a definitive diagnosis is for them to have an ECG done whilst your heart is actually misbehaving. At that point they are usually pretty sure what the underlying problem is and then will advise you on the way forward.
If your condition comes and goes, then they can fit you with a halter monitor, one which you will wear for a period, and if you feel the heart racing you press the button and it records your heart trace to enable them to diagnose you more accurately.
Scared is usual, we have all been there, and all been scared and very scared. I can only tell you that now is probably the worst you are going to feel, as you find out more about what you have and as you do more research into your condition, then you are going to start feeling a lot better. Knowledge is power and in thise case very true indeed. I am sure you will be fine, and we are all here if you need any questions answered, nothing is silly here, nothing you cannot ask.
Be well
Hello beancounter I appreciate the reply ! yes luckily I went to the ER when I was having one of these episodes and the hospital lucky specializes in heart disease they said svt I think afib probably cause im a constant worrier :/ your right knowledge IS power and its people like all of you here that make me happy to be a part of this community
-lupita take care
Try not to worry too much... svt is just a general term and a fib, while it's not a walk in the park, is not a death sentence or anything like that, and there are plenty of things the doctors can do to help. A cardiologist or EP is best placed to explain it all and hopefully do a bit of monitoring to pin it down. What has happened to make you think you have A Fib?

Hi eatsalottie ,
They did explain it to me but in all there medical terms but he explained a bit more short and simple maybe cause HE knew they type of svt isnt life threatening but I feels like it is and I think afib cause I get chest pains sometimes :/
Hi Lulu, I wish that they would spell things out a bit better for the poor patients (us)... It can be a big worry, but read up as much as you can on the AFA website and you'll begin to feel better. If you have chest pains do go and see your doctor asap and tell them this, they need to know everything about your condition so they can treat it properly.

Yeah me too I haven't went about it beacuse they are just little pains dont last long and I think it could be anxiety . I should go to the EP and tell him I will. Thx
I believe in making them work for their money - ours has always said, if you have any pains or any worries just come in, so I take them at their word! If you see them hopefully you will be less anxious and the pains might disappear

SVT is supra ventricular tachycardia which means that the electrical signals which are causing the ventricle to race are coming from above the ventricle ie from the atria. It is sometimes a function in Atrial fibrillation where the left atria is in chaotic contraction and throwing off signals at random, Bottom line is it is another cardiac arrhythmia and some people post successful ablation do get occasional bouts of SVT. They are not exclusively interlinked so your doctor may well be right.
What tests have been done and what drugs are you on? As Ian asks are you seeing the right kind of doctor? Arrhythmias are complex and bests treated by an expert who actually understands them- like a cardiac electrician or Eletrophysiologist (EP) as they are known rather than a plumber (normal cardiologists). You wouldn't ask a plumber to re-wire your house now would you?
Bob ,
Your so absolutely right my tests were the moniter on me my entire two whole days they kept me in the ER and the xray on my chest and ultrasound of my heart. Im on meterpolol (as needed) I only take half if my episode last longer than 20 mins lucky since april ive needed it once. I have been seen by two cardiologist and my EP they all agree svt (not life threatening) its just so new to me so I worry about it alot
THANK YOU for your reply helps alot ,
Hello Lulu
I was diagnosed with SVT - supraventricular tachicardia by a cardiologist, 5 yrs ago. It simply means your heart has an extra electric spark, which then makes the heart contract more often. He explained that it can over work your heart but is harmless, sometimes they can do an operation called ablation to remove the 'extra' my case it wasnt possible because it was too close to my natural spark.
Hi prosche ,
yeah thats what I was told to .. and my EP doesn't think I need the surgery im due back to him in October well see if that changes .. and man that sucks cause I know how scary episodes can be we know we wont die from it but it sure feels like it . As long as we stay away ffrom caffeine and junk well be just fine
Good luck thx-lulu